Eye of Sin

Chapter 153 Abnormal State

Speaking of the tragic experience of their real family members after the loss of their children, both Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan thought that Chang Junchao would have relatively strong mood swings.

However, he was just like a pool of stagnant water, and even the little emotional ups and downs when he talked about his hatred for Deng Qingrong before were gone.

"I don't have any hope anymore. I thought I was a loser who was not welcomed and accepted by anyone, but it turned out not to be like that."

He said in a tone so flat that he couldn't hear a trace of emotional fluctuations: "My family tried their best to find me, but unfortunately, they are gone, and no one in this world expects anything from me anymore.

If this is the case, then I have nothing to worry about. I even feel that if Deng Qingrong is still alive, not only will she continue to harm her own daughter, making her as miserable as me, and letting her live like this will also feel sorry for my dead family members. "

"If the thief didn't break in, what did you plan to do?" Huo Yan asked.

Chang Junchao shook his head: "I didn't think about it that much. Originally, what I thought in my mind was that Deng Qingrong must die. As for where I would go and how to live after she died, I didn't think about it at all. I just felt that no matter what, it was impossible to be worse than before.

I originally wanted to seal her in cement, and then I ran far away to a place where no one knew me, a small place, and took the 50 yuan, whether it was to rent a house or buy a house, and live alone.

But I also thought that I don't have a false identity, I usually work honestly, and I don't know the kind of person who can give me a false identity. I have only seen that kind of plot on TV.

So I was also very confused, not knowing where I could go and how I could live my life.

After killing Deng Qingrong and the unlucky thief who stumbled in, I was locked up in the house alone for four or five days.

In those few days, I didn’t dare to turn on the lights, and I didn’t dare to make any sound. I was afraid that the neighbors would find someone in the house. I couldn’t sleep all night by myself. Sometimes I fell asleep, and I would wake up in ten or twenty minutes at most.

I dare not go far for fear of being discovered.

I'm hiding, I don't know what the meaning of hiding like this is, how long will I hide, and what am I going to do in the future..."

He hung his head tired and frustrated, and let out a slow breath: "I'm screwed up. I feel that life is meaningless, and I don't want to die like that.

On the one hand, I feel that I will go all out to kill and pay for my life, and on the other hand, I feel that Deng Qingrong ruined my life, my family members died because of her, and she deserved to die at my hands. Why should I pay for her life..."

He stopped talking again and took a deep breath: "So it's good to be like this now. I don't know what to do next. I have no direction. You caught me and made the choice for me.

No matter how I say it, I have untied a knot in my heart before I died, knowing that my family did not abandon me because they disliked me, they cared about me, and paid so much to find me!
And I also avenged them, Deng Qingrong harmed my family, harmed me for the rest of my life, and I served her for the rest of my life...

It's not a loss for her to die at my hands. "

Regarding the crimes he committed, Chang Junchao can be said to have no reservations, confessed the whole thing, and his attitude of pleading guilty was very good, which made his interrogation work very smoothly.

Finally, after dealing with all these, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan walked out of the interrogation room and went back to the office to continue to deal with the follow-up paperwork. They were busy until night.

Ning Shuyi's mood is very complicated. Although it is cruel to kill people and seal them in the bathtub with cement, considering Chang Junchao's personal experience, it makes people feel a little bit embarrassed.

It was the same with Huo Yan, his mood was also very depressed, he handled the work at hand silently, never said a word from the beginning to the end, even when Ning Shuyi talked to him, he only responded with words like "um" or "okay".

Ning Shuyi also felt his strangeness, and couldn't help but pay more attention to him during the breaks between work.

When the two of them finally came to an end with the work at hand, Ning Shuyi sat at the table and took a long breath, feeling a sense of contradiction that was both light and heavy.

A vicious homicide case with few clues can be solved in just a few days. This speed can definitely be praised by the team.

When a case comes to light, it always makes people breathe a sigh of relief.

But all that Chang Junchao has experienced, and the process of him stepping up to this dead end step by step, make people feel panicked in their hearts.

When she was alone, Huo Yan stood up suddenly and walked out without saying a word.

Ning Shuyi had already noticed that something was wrong with him, and his mood was very low. Considering the instructions given to her by Team Dong, she silently followed all of this.

Now seeing Huo Yan walking out without saying a word, she hurriedly got up and chased him out.

"Where are you going?" She quickly caught up with Huo Yan and asked with concern.

Huo Yan didn't respond at first, as if he didn't hear it, he just walked out, and when he got downstairs, he found that Ning Shuyi was still following him, and he was slightly surprised: "Why are you following me?"

"You leave without saying a word, I must know what you are going to do, right?" Ning Shuyi replied.

"Find a place to run." Huo Yan looked at Ning Shuyi with no expression on his face, with an attitude that she was sure that she would turn around and walk away after hearing this, and extended the invitation without sincerity, "Do you want to go together?"

"Okay! I told you to help me improve my physical fitness before, so you are going to go for a run, how can I be lazy!" Ning Shuyi was taken aback, and he could see that Huo Yan was trying to persuade himself.

Subjectively, she also wanted to turn around and go back, but Huo Yan's current state was not right, and she felt uneasy. It might be safer to follow by herself, so she could only bite the bullet and talk big.

Huo Yan didn't expect that Ning Shuyi didn't back down, so he couldn't say anything more, so he motioned for her to get in the car together, and the two drove away from the police station, and drove all the way to the vicinity of a university.

This is a sports academy in W City, not too far from the Public Security Bureau. The campus is managed in an open manner, and people are not restricted from entering and leaving. During the period after dinner on weekdays, there will be many residents living around here, who regard the campus as a good place for walking and exercising.

But it's getting late now. It's almost nine o'clock in the evening, and the residents have already dispersed. There are still many sports students exercising on the sports field.

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