Eye of Sin

Chapter 16 Career Planning

Chapter 16 Career Planning
"So, the one who joined after my sister is in the limelight, and is like being admired by other people in the club, so there must be something unhappy here! After all, if you stole the limelight from others, it's just I have to have a hard time with her.

My sister was in a bad mood a while ago, saying that someone posted some rumors on the Internet to smear her. The words were quite ugly. She suspected that it was someone in the cosplay club who didn't deal with her. I couldn't get evidence to prove it, and I was upset for a while. " Yu Mengpeng said.

"Then, do you know who exactly is wrong with her in her club?"

Yu Mengpeng looked helpless, shook his head and said: "I don't know, I asked my sister, she was annoyed by my question, and it's useless to tell me, I'm not in her circle As I said, I can't solve any problems, so I will ask around!
I don't know how much this matter has affected my sister. No one can figure out her thoughts, and she doesn't tell anyone. If you ask me what is abnormal about her recently, I just think of this one. . "

"Does Wang Yuluo have any hobbies in nightclubs?" Since Yu Mengpeng didn't know about this matter, Ning Shuyi confirmed another matter with her.

Regarding the answer to this question, Yu Mengpeng was quite sure, and immediately shook her head: "She has been to nightclubs, but she has no such hobby. Once an old classmate of hers insisted on asking her out. She went with me, saying that she was to be her companion.

The two of us stayed there for more than an hour at most and then went home. It was quite loud and lively, but my sister is not a person who likes a noisy environment.

After that, I didn't go with her again. She seemed to be asked out by her old classmate a few times, but I guess they didn't stay for too long.

My mom would know if she'd come home late after drinking or something at a nightclub!Don't look at my sister locking the door on her own floor, not letting her go up, and not telling her anything, but she is amazing!

My uncle's family is a neighbor, and they may not all know each other, but my mother knows them all!My sister occasionally goes back in the middle of the night or something, and the old lady downstairs next day will talk to my mother when she sees her! "

Aunt Wang Yuluo's "neighborhood information network" is not surprising. Ning Shuyi sounds very calm. After all, Ning's mother in her family also has this kind of ability.

A person who doesn't like going to nightclubs can still be asked to go to nightclubs by old classmates several times.This information made Ning Shuyi feel a little interesting.

But there was one other person mentioned that interested her.

"Your sister, an old classmate, has a very close relationship with her, right? Otherwise, why would you lose face!" She took advantage of the opportunity to call Yu Mengpeng.

"Then I don't know. I went there with my sister. It was the first time that her classmate asked her out. I feel that my sister and that girl are not particularly close, but that girl is very warm to my sister. Like fawning, talking is coaxing my sister, carrying my sister to come.

Later, she went out with that girl a few times, but I didn't follow her, so I don't know how they got along.

Oh, I remember my sister called her 'Wenwen', she is not tall, thin, with a pretty face, but not very natural, it feels like she has been moved.

She calls my sister 'Xiao Ye', I think she should be my sister's classmate when she was young, junior high school or something, if you want to ask, you can ask her junior high school classmates, maybe you can ask. "

Ning Shuyi remembered that when she was confirming Wang Yuluo's personal information, the system did record that she had a former name called "Wang Ye", and the time when she changed her name was estimated to be when she was in junior high school.

"If it is a classmate after high school, no one will know that my sister was not called Wang Yuluo, but Wang Ye!" Yu Mengpeng continued, "When she was in junior high school, my uncle was busy, so what would parents do in school?" It was my mother who drove it for her. Later, some people said that she was a wild child with no one in the family, and deliberately wrote her name as 'Wang Ye'.

My sister cried and made noises when she came home, and she didn’t even want to go to school. My uncle heard that if she changed her name after the senior high school entrance examination, everything would be troublesome in the future college entrance examination, so I asked someone to change her name as soon as possible. .

After she changed her name, she didn't let her family call her 'Xiao Ye', they all had to be called Yu Luo. After high school, no one knew that my sister was called Wang Ye! "

"Your thinking is very clear, and your logic is very good!" Ning Shuyi praised her with a smile after hearing her finished speaking, "Communication with you can save us a lot of work."

Facing her compliment, Yu Mengpeng just smiled wryly, with complex emotions flashing in his eyes, he threw the straw that was stirring the drink into the cup, shook his head, and sighed.

"Even outsiders can see the advantages of me, but my mother can't see it!" She guessed that she had been holding a sigh of relief in her heart, but now she was suddenly praised by a stranger who met for the first time, and she immediately suppressed it in the bottom of her heart The emotions were ignited, "If she can think highly of me, maybe she won't even allow me to take the postgraduate entrance examination!"

"You want to take an unpopular major, so is your mother so opposed?" Yu Mengpeng couldn't help complaining about this several times, and Ning Shuyi felt curious. After all, for most parents, children To have that kind of enthusiasm, to want to go on to a higher degree, is a good thing in itself, if not cheered by it, at least not strongly opposed.

Unless the parents feel that the major the child wants to apply for is too unpopular, after studying hard, the employment prospects are very bumpy, which is commonly known as "low cost performance".

"I want to study law across disciplines!" Yu Mengpeng talked about this, and his eyes immediately became brighter, "I have been very timid since I was a child, and I also fainted, so I am destined to not study medicine. Being a teacher is too boring for me, I don't like it, so I can only take the law exam!"

What she said made Ning Shuyi confused: "There are so many majors you can study, why can't you study medicine and don't want to take the teacher's degree, you have to study law?"

"Because I think that the most respectable job for a girl is either a doctor, a teacher, or a lawyer. Those are all jobs that are respected and have face when you say it out!

I either couldn't do the first two, or I didn't like it, so of course I only had the choice of studying law!

I've already thought about it. I'll take the postgraduate entrance examination for law. After graduation, I'll go to the postgraduate examination and become a lawyer or something. Isn't that very beautiful! "

(End of this chapter)

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