Eye of Sin

Chapter 17 Hit a Wall

Chapter 17 Hit a Wall
Such ideals and career plans, in Ning Shuyi's view, are somewhat naive, but she does not intend to teach others as a life mentor here, but she is a little curious: "You want to take the master's degree in law, so Undergraduate study is not law, right?
Now that you have such a clear plan for your ideal career, why didn't you directly choose the law major? "

"Isn't that my mother!" Yu Mengpeng grabbed the napkin angrily, smashed the napkin into small pieces, and threw it on the table, "I have to say that girls study law too hard. I study finance and accounting, and I say that girls are good at studying finance and will manage money in the future!
But she didn't think about it, do I have that money in my family for me to take care of? !
Just because she was so arbitrary, she influenced my college entrance examination aspirations and messed up my future plans! "

"What's your follow-up plan? Is it the postgraduate entrance examination?" Ning Shuyi asked.

Yu Mengpeng sighed: "Not only the postgraduate entrance examination, but also the preparations and plans I made for the postgraduate entrance examination! It's all my hard work!
Sister, you don't know, I really worked hard and worked hard at the beginning!When I first went to university, I thought it was impossible. I should study law instead of accounting, so I tried to inquire about changing departments, but found that it was too difficult and impossible.

Afterwards, I began to think about the postgraduate entrance examination. In order to be able to take the postgraduate entrance examination of law smoothly, I also deliberately took a double degree in law at school. Just because the school set it up internally doesn't mean I really have a degree in law!
In order to help myself improve, I also deliberately made friends with some classmates from the law school. I just hope that when I go back to my interdisciplinary postgraduate entrance examination, there are many professional things that I don’t understand. Someone who understands can help me. , so that the eyes will not be smeared, and you will go too many wrong ways.

If it wasn't for my mother who made trouble for me back then, I wouldn't have had to spend so much effort and thought!

As a result, I had done so much preparation, and when it came time to take the postgraduate entrance examination, people just said that I was not that material, and all my hard work was wiped away!How sad it is for me! "

"Since you are so persistent, why didn't you take the exam before graduation? The registration fee is not very expensive, why did you give up because your family didn't support it?" Ning Shuyi asked with some doubts.

When she asked about this matter, Yu Mengpeng's expression became a little embarrassed, she stopped the fidgety tearing of the paper, pursed her lips, and said a little embarrassingly: "I was indeed a senior when I was a senior. I took the test once, but I didn't pass the test and failed.

Just because I failed the exam that time, my mother said that I was not that kind of material at all. I said that people are skilled in the postgraduate entrance examination. I didn’t take a day’s tutoring class. It’s normal to fail the exam. Didn't she fail the exam after the two-year remedial class, so she will continue for the third year.

My mother said that neither of us is that kind of material. My sister wants to take the exam. If my uncle doesn't stop me, she will not be in charge. Let me die as soon as possible. Get all the certificates of accountants.

But I don't want to do this, so why do you have to force me! "

It's hard for Ning Shuyi to comment on this, so I can only comfort her casually, and ask her some things related to Wang Yuluo. Nagging with their ears in their hands, the three got up and prepared to leave.

Ning Shuyi glanced at the half-drinked fruit tea in front of her, and then at Yu Mengpeng's untouched cup left on the table, but it became muddy due to her stirring up, and she didn't make a sound.

Huo Yan didn't rush to leave immediately, but silently stretched out his hand to gather together the shreds of paper that Yu Mengpeng had torn on the table when he was upset just now, got up and took it to the trash can beside him and threw it away.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I was busy chatting just now, and I didn't notice that I tore up so many pieces of paper!" Seeing that Yu Mengpeng asked someone to help him clean up the mess, she felt a little embarrassed, especially because she had been peeking at the person for a long time Huo Yan blushed involuntarily, "Little brother, in fact, you don't need to clean up. The waiters will come up later, and they will clean up!"

Huo Yan glanced at her, but didn't say anything, as if Yu Mengpeng didn't say those words to himself just now.

The three of them left the dessert shop, and the sky outside was already getting dark. Ning Shuyi offered to take Yu Mengpeng home, but Yu Mengpeng didn't refuse. The road is also very quiet.

Ning Shuyi peeked at her from the rearview mirror a few times, wondering if the girl had just been frustrated by Huo Yan's silence.

As it turned out, she was thinking too much.

Arriving at the entrance of the community where Yu Mengpeng's house lived, Huo Yan parked the car on the side of the road, as if Mengpeng got off the car, but Yu Mengpeng didn't seem to be in a hurry, and said a few more polite words in the back row. There was nothing to say, so he took out the phone.

"Can I add your WeChat?" She was a little embarrassed, and with a bit of shyness, she mustered up the courage to reach out her mobile phone to Huo Yan who was in the front driver's seat.

Huo Yan's body turned to the other side with an almost imperceptible range, as if there was some virus on the phone, and he answered firmly: "No, I'm married."

As soon as these words came out, not only Yu Mengpeng was stunned, but Ning Shuyi was also slightly astonished.

Yu Mengpeng was extremely embarrassed, it was not right to retract the outstretched mobile phone, and it was not right to continue to hold it there, he quickly stammered to find a suitable reason for his behavior just now: "Little brother... no, uncle policeman, I don't mean anything else, I just think that you are also people who are fighting on the front line of the legal system, so if you add a WeChat account, if you have any questions about legal practice that you don't understand, I can also consult..."

"Look for a lawyer, or add her." Huo Yan raised his chin to Ning Shuyi, the co-pilot, "She knows more than me."

Seeing this, Ning Shuyi quickly took out her phone and scanned Yu Mengpeng's QR code: "Yes, if there is anything I can help you with, just ask, but sometimes I'm busy and the reply may not be timely."

With Ning Shuyi's move, Yu Mengpeng finally regained the face she had lost just now, and she immediately accepted it as soon as she saw it, and put the phone back with a happy look: "That's great! , thank you sister! I just wanted to add either of you!"

 Thank you for the 10000 starting point reward of Vegetarian Piggy!
  Thanks for the reward of 10000 starting coins from Bapi!
  Thank you Niuniu Mi for the 10000 starting point coins!
  Thanks to my master Amon for the reward of 2200 starting coins!
  Thanks to Vegetarian Pig x15, Bapi, Niuniumi, 20100410bb for the monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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