Eye of Sin

Chapter 18 Ordinary and Confident

Chapter 18 Ordinary and Confident

Ning Shuyi smiled, of course she would not pierce the girl's small thoughts, said goodbye to her kindly, watched her get off the car and entered the community, and then turned her gaze back to the people around her, seeing Huo Yan focused on driving and didn't intend to ask, so he didn't take the initiative to ask.

She was a little curious about Huo Yan's marital status. Team Dong must be very clear about it. After all, who in the team's file did he not know.

But for other people, this matter belongs to the scope of information that they will not know unless they inquire. Huo Yan is not the kind of character who is so easy-going that people can chat with him about these topics.

In terms of age, Huo Yan is slightly older than her. This age is placed in other units, let alone getting married. If you are in a hurry, the child will probably go to kindergarten.

Even in the criminal police team where "monks" are everywhere and the age of marriage is generally delayed, getting married is nothing more than a normal thing.

The reason why she was so surprised was nothing more than the state that Huo Yan showed, a person who didn't have a trace of human fireworks in his body, it didn't look like he had already devoted himself to the marriage life of the red dust!
Probably just now Yu Mengpeng thought the same way, that's why he mustered up the courage to ask him for contact information.

Back at the bureau, Ning Shuyi still had a lot of procedures and paperwork to deal with, which Huo Yan was not good at, so she took the initiative to take over and handed over to him the matter of confirming the personal information of Wang Yuluo's ex-boyfriend Li Qiao .

It is not difficult to confirm Li Qiao's information. After all, when communicating with Yu Mengpeng before, he has already obtained a lot of information in bits and pieces. In terms of work content, he sorted out some information in an orderly manner.

Li Qiao is 26 years old, registered in other provinces, and has no bad records. His driver's license should have been obtained during college, but he does not have any motor vehicle registration information under his name.

He was a year older than Wang Yuluo. After graduating from university, he worked in marketing and sales in a private company. The size of the company was average, and the salary was average.

However, this ordinary young man was found by Huo Yan in a marriage seeking information he posted, and the description of himself on it revealed full confidence in every word and every word.

From the time point of view, this marriage post should be after Li Qiao and Wang Yuluo broke up as Yu Mengpeng said.

In the post, Mr. Li Qiaolin Lin listed many of his "honors", which are basically the honorary titles obtained by participating in various activities in the school during college. Even the outstanding students who were evaluated in high school were written on it. His personality and work status are full of praise.

When it comes to the part about the requirements for the woman, it is even more interesting. If others look at it, they will think that this is a man who has struggled for 20 or [-] years and is talking nonsense there.

However, after gaining a grasp of Wang Yuluo's various conditions, Ning Shuyi could see at a glance that Li Qiao's request for the woman in this marriage post was simply written by Wang Yuluo.

It seemed that this person had made up his mind at the time to win. After losing a rich and beautiful girlfriend, he was determined to find another successor who was exactly the same.

If Yu Mengpeng's news is accurate, and Li Qiao is behind the account called "Write Poems for You", it is obvious that this successor has not been found.

This can also be seen from the comment section under his marriage proposal - all of them are just for jokes.

At the beginning, facing the sarcasm and sarcasm in the comment area, Li Qiao would respond to the other party, arguing with the other party angrily, but there are too many people who laughed at him, even if he has the skill of Zhuge Liang to fight against the Confucianism, He also couldn't stand it anymore, and later he simply stopped replying to any rumors, and no matter how much he was teased, he never appeared again.

"It seems that Wang Yuluo's ex-boyfriend's self-esteem has been greatly hit by the cynicism of these netizens. He finally realized his true position, so he went back and tried to save it!" Ning Shuyi finished watching Huo Yan Showing her the post, sighed, then asked, "Is there anything else?"

Huo Yan shook his head: "That's all I can find for now."

Ning Shuyi thought for a while, then turned his head and waved at a big man who was packing his personal belongings and getting ready to leave work at the other end of the office, signaling him to come over.

The big man she called over was Kang Ge, an Internet expert in the criminal police team. He was borrowed by the Internet Surveillance Team because of his good skills before, and he almost didn't want to return it.

"Old Kang, do me a favor, help us find this person, and I'll ask Yan Xue to treat you to dinner later." Ning Shuyi pointed to Li Qiao's personal information on the screen, and said to Kang Ge who came to him, and took His best friend and Kang Ge's partner made a joke with him.

"Small idea!" Kang Ge laughed, agreed readily, and patted the laptop in his bag, "I'll check it for you when I get home, I can't let Yan Xue get away with this meal!"

Kang Ge accepted Ning Shuyi's entrustment, and greeted Huo Yan who was sitting by the side. He has always been a talkative character, and even Ji Yuan, Kang Ge Du dared to take the initiative to come forward and stroke the tiger's beard, let alone Huo Yan.

"How is it? Are you getting used to it for a while?" He smiled at Huo Yan friendly, "Is it convenient to live in the unit dormitory? Is there anything you are not used to? If you need help, just tell your buddies, you are welcome! "

Huo Yan is obviously not used to being so familiar with him, as if he has known him for a long time, his attitude is still very indifferent, but his posture seems a little tense.

"I'm fine. I don't choose where to live. I don't need any help. Thank you." His response to Kang Ge was concise and to the point.

Ning Shuyi turned to look at him in surprise, but didn't say anything in front of Kang Ge.

Kang Ge obviously didn't care about Huo Yan's response, and he got off work and left the office after saying hello to the two of them.

"You live in the unit's dormitory?" Ning Shuyi waited for Kang Ge to leave before asking Huo Yan in surprise, "Didn't you say you were married? Why did you live in the dormitory?"

There is a dormitory in the bureau, but the conditions are really not that good, at most it is equal to the standard of the duty room, maybe it is not as good as the duty room.

I heard that it is hot in summer and cold in winter. Generally speaking, it is a short-term short-term short-term if there is any difficulty. I can make do with it for ten days and a half months, and then I will move out when I find a place. No one can really live.

With that condition, it’s not convenient for single people to stay for a long time, let alone married people, no matter how great the love is, they can’t bear the kind of corners where the wall is peeled off, and the washroom and toilet have to go to the end of the corridor Living environment!
"I'm not married." Huo Yan was stunned for a moment, realizing that Ning Shuyi had misunderstood what he said to Mengpeng before, "If I didn't say that just now, that woman would have to pester her."

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(End of this chapter)

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