Eye of Sin

Chapter 164

Judging from the situation at the scene, the deceased's belongings were only a messenger bag, which contained a lot of personal items such as keys, mobile phones, and some miscellaneous cosmetics.

In this way, the possibility of making money is also reduced to a minimum.

Looking at it from another angle, in today's living conditions, "death for money" might be the lowest cost-effective criminal activity, with high risks and low rewards, far inferior to those who hide on the other end of the mobile phone signal. Threatening others to cooperate with the investigation by uttering an unauthentic mandarin, otherwise freezing the account would be more effective.

Then, the most likely thing is a vendetta.

It's just that this 22-year-old girl, what kind of social relationship does she have, enough to make a mess to kill her?

Ning Shuyi looked at the photo of Wu Meifang on the computer screen and fell into deep thought.

In the middle of the night, the results of Wu Meifang's autopsy came out. There were seven stab wounds on her body, and a little bruise could be seen on her cheeks. They were near-death injuries. Judging from the location and shape of the distribution, she should have been killed It is left when a person covers their mouth vigorously.

One of the seven stab wounds was fatal. After the stab wound, no one would have been able to save the girl's life if it hadn't been rescued immediately on the spot. The remaining six stab wounds were more like a "safety" .

Corresponding to Wu Meifang's cheeks around her mouth and a small amount of bruises on her shoulders, the forensic opinion is that someone covered her mouth in the same posture as hugging her from behind in the chaotic crowd. At the same time, he quickly stabbed the fatal knife.

Wu Meifang barely had time to utter a scream, and quickly lost her ability to resist, and was hit six more times.

During this period, the other party should have been threatening her all the time, so that she didn't fall to the ground early, but did not release Wu Meifang until the murderer mixed in the crowd and fled the scene before the crowd dispersed.

Because there were so many people and it was very chaotic at that time, the colored powder was dyed cornstarch, which can add to the fun when the atmosphere is up, but it is really embarrassing after the end.

Many people were blown by the wind because of the fun, and their bodies, heads, and faces were covered in colorful powder. The music stopped, people dispersed, and they left one after another to find a place to clean up their mess.

Therefore, even if someone fell to the ground, without hearing the screams, I am afraid that many people will assume that someone accidentally tripped and fell to the ground, there is no serious problem, so they did not stop to ask, or try to help .

However, Wu Meifang was wearing black clothes that day. Even though the blood had soaked through the clothes, it could not be seen from the appearance, which also did not arouse the vigilance of others visually.

The modus operandi of this murder was simple, brutal, and crisp. It can be summed up in three words—"I want her to die."

It's a pity that the colleagues in the park management team have also been there. In that park, there are basically only a few gates with surveillance cameras, but except for a few gates, the fence around the park has many gaps. The gaps are also drilled back and forth by the surrounding citizens as a "shortcut" to enter and exit the park.

In addition, that time happened to be a relatively lively time for the park, and there were many people coming in and out, which made it even more difficult to determine whether any suspicious people had left the park during that time.

They even went through the surveillance videos at several doors, not to mention suspicious persons, not even the figure of the deceased Wu Meifang—obviously, she also came in by an unusual way!

It was dark soon after the incident, and in that park, the street lights on the road were very dim, with enough atmosphere but insufficient lighting.

Not to mention the woods that occupy most of the park!The shadows are so vague that you can't even see the whole figure clearly.

Although it is still unclear who set up such a trap in this park to harm people, but the calculation and thought, people have to sigh, it is really hard work!

In particular, most of the cases handled in the past were carried out secretly in a secret environment.

But this time it was different, the other party took advantage of the chaos to kill in the park, which was still the noisiest place.

This is not a question of cunning or not, it can be said to be very rampant and daring!

This made every criminal police involved in handling this case feel a little more angry.

The next morning, before eight o'clock, Wu Meifang's family members arrived. It was Wu Meifang's parents and elder brother and sister-in-law.

Wu Meifang's parents probably cried all the way. When they arrived at the police station, they had already arrived, but Hun'er didn't know where to fly, and both of them had red and swollen eyes.

Brother Wu Meifang's eyes are also bloodshot. According to him, they drove here from home overnight after their parents learned of Wu Meifang's accident the day before. , this can arrive so quickly.

It was Wu Meifang's elder brother who went to identify the body. Originally, Wu Meifang's father was going, but before he could leave the office, he almost fell down clutching his chest because of being too nervous and sad.

Ning Shuyi was so frightened that they hurriedly gave him Jiuxin Pills and helped him to the reception room to rest.

So the matter of identifying the corpse fell on Wu Meifang's elder brother.

Brother Wu Meifang left quickly and came back quickly. After all, the face of the deceased was not damaged and could be recognized at a glance.

Brother Wu Meifang, who came back from identifying the body, also seemed to have a hammer-headed voice, as if he had been beaten with a sap, and he was a little shaky when he walked.

Wu Meifang's sister-in-law rushed to meet her distressedly, and helped her husband to sit back on the sofa.

Wu Meifang's parents originally had a little bit of fantasy that they were unwilling to accept reality, hoping that all this was just an oolong, and now seeing their son come back like this, they understand everything in their hearts.

Wu Meifang's father closed his eyes, let out a long sigh, and leaned against the back of the sofa without saying a word.

Wu Meifang's mother covered her face with a tissue handed by her daughter-in-law, and burst into tears.

Looking at this state, one can tell that it is probably not appropriate to communicate with this old couple at this moment.

So Ning Shuyi first focused on Wu Meifang's sister-in-law, who was relatively calm in comparison.

"How is your relationship with Wu Meifang? When was the last time you had contact with her?" She asked.

"We have a good relationship with Meifang. She is also close to her parents and her brother." Wu Meifang's sister-in-law saw that her husband hadn't recovered, so she answered for him, "Just yesterday afternoon, she also sent a message. I came home from the video, chatted with my parents for a while, and said that I could go home on vacation for a while, I never thought that at night..."

Today is busy again, a day when I forgot the time, why the children are on summer vacation, and the adults are so busy, huh huh

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