Eye of Sin

Chapter 163

"Is it convenient to talk about what happened just now?" Ning Shuyi asked the woman gently.

The woman shook her head and hurriedly shook her head, as if afraid that her attitude was not firm enough, she waved her hands again.

"What's wrong? What's going on here?" Her husband frowned at the side, looked at his wife, then at Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan, "Honey, is it you who are in trouble, or someone else? what?"

"Other people's business, I was just passing by to watch the fun..." The woman was about to cry, and as soon as she spoke, she seemed to have involuntarily remembered the situation just now, her whole body was trembling uncontrollably, her legs seemed like Like a weak, somewhat untenable posture.

The man in the suit hurriedly supported his wife, and comforted him: "Okay, okay, it's all over! It's okay!"

"My heart is hurting..." The woman's face became paler and she clutched her chest with a pained expression, "Honey, I think I need to go to the hospital for a checkup."

"Go, go to the hospital, I'll take you there now!" The man in the suit nodded quickly, and then said to Huo Yan who was beside him, "Sorry, since it has nothing to do with my wife, then we can't help you up!

As you can see, she is so frightened, I have to take her to the hospital for a checkup! "

"No problem." Ning Shuyi looked at the time, "I'm afraid there is a traffic jam outside right now. If it's really uncomfortable, we can help take your wife to the hospital."

"No, my heart is beating wildly from fright. I haven't reached that point yet, so I don't need to bother you." Before the man in the suit could express his opinion, the woman shook her head at Ning Shuyi, "Thank you for helping me restore my phone. Original factory settings! Otherwise, I would be scared to death!

People say that when you are a policeman, you have a lot of characters, and you have a lot of evil spirits, you can control everything!I am not so afraid of the phone you deleted for me! "

Ning Shuyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she was too embarrassed to laugh, so she had to be polite and watched them leave with Huo Yan.

When the couple walked away, she turned her head and teased Huo Yan: "This theory is quite novel, and we have the effect of town house to ward off evil spirits!
Then I live in our house, and you live upstairs, and you are the legendary gunslinger, ace sniper, with the two of us in charge, isn't that building a golden light protection, and all evil is invincible! "

Huo Yan never believed in these things, and just now he felt that what the woman said was silly, but now he also finds it very funny to hear Ning Shuyi's teasing, so he nodded: "We will have to collect protection money from them later."

On weekdays, he is unsmiling, always has an indifferent expression, and he also looks extraordinarily serious when he speaks.

So when these words came out of his mouth, the joy seemed to be doubled, making Ning Shuyi bend over with a smile.

"People say that the sneer is the most invincible. I didn't experience it before, but now I think so!" She patted Huo Yan on the shoulder, "You are a real person who doesn't show your face, and you are a fearsome young man! Let's go back to the game!"

Huo Yan was called "Young Student" by this girl who was a little younger than him, he couldn't laugh or cry, curled his mouth, and left the intersection with Ning Shuyi.

Behind them, the people from the park management office had already driven the sprinkler truck, ready to clean up the horrific bloodstain.

After all, after today, life has to go on as usual. There will still be many tourists going to the park for fitness and leisure. Maybe some people will talk about the murder that happened here today, but for the vast majority of people, life is still the same. Be the same, this page will be turned soon.

Back at the bureau, the body had been submitted for examination, and the first thing they needed to do was to confirm the identity of the deceased.

This is not difficult. The deceased's belongings were not lost, and the ID card was found in her backpack.

According to the information on the ID card, the name of the deceased was Wu Meifang, 22 years old this year, with a foreign registered permanent residence, and a W city residence permit.

According to her household registration information, Wu Meifang's hometown is another province not too far from W City.

Ning Shuyi quickly contacted Wu Meifang's relatives. When the other party learned that Wu Meifang had been killed in W City, she couldn't accept it for a while. They thought it was a fraudulent call and yelled at Ning Shuyi on the phone. Then hung up.

Ning Shuyi had no choice but to call again, but the other party didn't answer. If she called again, she couldn't get through—she was blocked.

Huo Yan called from another phone, and as soon as the other party heard him say "W City Public Security Bureau", he immediately cursed the liar and hung up the phone again.

This kind of reaction made them a little annoyed and funny, and they didn't know whether they should praise the local anti-fraud publicity work for being relatively successful, or complain that the Wu family cursed indiscriminately and didn't even give them a chance to explain and prove. .

In the end, there was no other way, and Ning Shuyi didn't want to change the number to be scolded as a liar, so she found the police station in the jurisdiction area where the Wu family's address was located, called the police station and told them about the situation they just encountered, and asked if it was convenient. Area police to help out.

When the police station in the jurisdiction heard about this situation, they readily agreed.

About half an hour later, a mobile phone number called back. It was the local police from the district. He had already arrived at the home of Wu Meifang's parents and called in front of them so that Ning Shuyi could have the opportunity to explain the situation. say clearly.

In this way, Ning Shuyi finally contacted the family members smoothly, but the family members discovered that all this was not a scammer's trick, but that their own family members were really killed, and they were immediately hit hard. I was so sad that I couldn't communicate normally.

Ning Shuyi had no choice but to confirm with them on the phone to come to W City as soon as possible to deal with follow-up matters, and if there was anything to do, they would talk about it face to face when they arrived.

However, from this phone call, she also learned that the deceased Wu Meifang had only graduated from college last year and worked in a private company in W City after graduation while the mother of the deceased was crying bitterly because she could not accept the facts.

A park with insufficient monitoring equipment, a crossroad surrounded by woods, an evening when twilight is approaching, a sudden flash mob...

All of this clearly told Ning Shuyi that this was a long-planned and carefully planned murder case, every step was planned, and there was absolutely no misfortune or coincidence.

A 22-year-old young girl who has just graduated from college and has just worked for a year. She has no experience in the world, and her social relationship is relatively uncomplicated. How likely is it to be killed by a vendetta?

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