Eye of Sin

Chapter 162 Oolong

"Okay, don't be afraid, we will return it to you after we finish it, but you have to wait for us for a while during the video transmission process." Ning Shuyi agreed to her request.

The woman had no objection at all, and sighed: "Okay, then you can do it quickly! Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to walk. Now my legs are weak and my whole body is shaking. My husband won't come to pick me up. I guess I don't have the strength Stand up and walk out of the park gate!"

"What's your husband's contact information? Do you want us to call him for you?" Upon hearing this, Ning Shuyi was really frightened by her appearance, so she asked one more question.

"Is it possible?" The woman looked up in surprise, "Then I'll trouble you! I wanted to call him just now, but I was too scared to pick it up and call him because of the video just shot on my phone." Call him!"

"Tell me your husband's mobile phone number, and I'll call him for you." Huo Yan nodded to her.

The woman quickly grasped at straws, not caring that she was a little scared by Huo Yan's aura just now, so she hurriedly gave out her husband's mobile phone number.

Huo Yan dialed the number, and after a while, a man answered the phone. Huo Yan succinctly stated that his wife had some problems and needed him to come to the park, and then hung up the phone.

"Your husband said he would come over as soon as possible, just wait a moment." After hanging up the phone, he nodded to the woman.

Ning Shuyi was projecting the video from the woman's cell phone to his own cell phone, and more and more people were watching around him. Seeing that, this intersection, which was originally not wide, was blocked three floors in and three out. layer.

Because the sky was getting dark, and some people turned on the flash to take pictures, Ning Shuyi could feel white light flashing in his peripheral vision from time to time.

"Crazy..." The woman sitting on the rock muttered, "It's frightening to death, they dare to take pictures! How dare they be so brave! So big that they are not afraid of the dead!"

Seeing this, Huo Yan went over to assist other colleagues to dissuade those onlookers from surrounding the crime scene.

Considering that there are a lot of people in the park at this time, whether they are spectators or timid people, continuing like this may cause some unnecessary troubles, so the forensic doctors decided to transport the body back as soon as possible, so that the park side order to return to normal as soon as possible.

When Huo Yan helped put the female body into a body bag and sent it to the car, and then turned back, Ning Shuyi had already sent the video to his mobile phone, and was helping the woman restore her mobile phone to its original factory settings .

And the woman's husband also arrived at this time.

The woman's husband looked to be around 40 years old, wearing a suit, wearing leather shoes and running all the way out of breath, shouting "wife" while running, craned his neck and looked around anxiously.

Just because the female corpse was sent away, most of the onlookers had already dispersed. When the man ran up to him, he saw nothing but a big puddle of blood in the middle of the crossroads that hadn't had time to wash it off. Startled, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

"Wife!" The man yelled heart-piercingly.

The woman who was sitting on the rock like a soulless girl, but couldn't stand up because her legs were weak, heard her husband's voice, and seemed to have regained her strength all of a sudden, and stood up suddenly.

"Husband!" She cried out in a crying voice, and at the same time followed the direction of the voice to find her husband.

The man in the suit kept looking at the pool of blood at the intersection. He didn't expect his wife's voice to come from the side of the woods. He was startled and turned around quickly. When he saw his wife, he ran quickly past.

"Honey, what's the matter? What happened to you?" The man in the suit took the woman's hand and turned her around in front of him to see what was wrong with her.

"Husband, I'm going to be scared to death! I was watching the excitement on the side of the road just now, and it turned out...it turned out..." The woman finally saw her familiar relatives, and suddenly felt sad, and she cried only halfway through the sentence When I got up, the more I cried, the more sad I became, and I lay in my husband's arms, shaking from crying.

"What's going on here?" The man in the suit frowned and looked at the two strangers in front of him, "Are you...?"

Huo Yan showed him his ID.

The man in the suit came to his senses: "Oh! Is it you who called me just now?
You don't know how to speak!What do you mean my wife is out of order!I was almost scared to death by you, do you know that!

I was on the phone just now, thinking that something happened to my wife and I needed to come to the park!

The meeting in my company hasn't finished yet, so I didn't care about anything, so I just drove this way!When I ran here and saw a big pool of blood on that side, think about how scared I was! "

"If it's the kind of thing you think, we will notify you to go to the Public Security Bureau to go through the formalities, not to come in the park." Huo Yan ignored the aggressive accusation of the man in the suit.

"This is a mistake in your work!" The man in the suit was very annoyed and refused to let go.

"Husband, don't say that!" The woman cried for a while, but now she has calmed down, and when she heard her husband yelling at the police, she quickly persuaded him, "I was so scared to death just now, I wanted to call you , and because the dead man was captured in a video on my mobile phone, I was so scared that I dared not touch it!

If it weren't for these two policemen who came to talk to me and gave me courage, they would call you for me, and now I'm still shivering here alone if I can't guarantee everything! "

The man in the suit still looked ugly, but his wife had already said so, and he couldn't get angry again, so he could only look at Huo Yan a few times, and didn't say anything to him.

"What's dead? What's going on over there? Why is there a big pool of blood on the road? What happened?

Did a car hit someone in this park? He asked his wife, "I came with you once before, and I found that their own work vehicle in this park was rampaging in the park, and it felt like something would happen sooner or later!"
So I received a call just now, saying that there is something wrong with you, but I was terrified. I thought you were scratched by a car in this park!
After all, by this time every day, you should already be home!Who would have thought that today has come to this time and has not returned yet! "

Ning Shuyi restored the phone to the original factory settings and handed it to the woman. The woman shrank her hand and was afraid to take it.

"I've helped you delete the original video you took. There is nothing in the phone that can scare you. You can take it with confidence." Ning Shuyi smiled at the woman.

Only then did the woman reach out and pick up the phone.

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