Eye of Sin

Chapter 176 Found it

Xu Yunna seemed to really think that Ning Shuyi also believed in those "events that science can't explain", but after waiting for such a sentence, she looked at Ning Shuyi a little discouraged and helpless, and finally couldn't help but burst out laughing .

"Your words are really interesting!" She smiled and said to Ning Shuyi, "It's so funny!"

The company under Xu Yunna's name is indeed not far from her husband's company, about 5 minutes' drive away.

Even though this company is under Xu Yunna's name, she didn't seem any more familiar with it. When she entered the building, she couldn't find which elevator to take upstairs, so she had to stop to check the direction. .

The size of this company is slightly smaller than that of the previous one, and it only occupies one floor of this office building. Even so, the scale of a whole floor is quite considerable.

Especially after going upstairs, Ning Shuyi soon discovered that the density of work stations was higher here, and there were more employees busy going back and forth, making it seem a bit noisier than the previous one.

Xu Yunna took Ning and Huo to find the personnel department. As the real boss in the legal sense, she had to follow the signs hanging on the ceiling to find the personnel office.

The personnel manager, surnamed Qian, was a man in his early thirties. When he saw Xu Yunna coming, he immediately got up and greeted her enthusiastically.

"Sister Xu! Sister! Where did the sun rise today? What kind of wind brought you here!" He was full of smiles, and his attitude was much more enthusiastic than the personnel of the previous company.

Xu Yunna didn't seem to like Manager Qian very much, and moved closer to Ning Shuyi, avoiding Manager Qian's gesture of reaching out to help her.

"It's not that I'm in my late teens and can't walk, do I still need someone to help me?" She reversed the smiling faces of Cai Cai and Ning Shuyi just now, and her face was stern, her tone was also cold, and she really seemed so A bit of arrogance.

Manager Qian was a little embarrassed by what she said, and withdrew his hand embarrassingly: "Sister, how could I mean that! It's not that you are tired from wearing high heels. The carpet in this room is soft. I am afraid that you will sprain your feet and want to help you." Go and sit down!"

"No need." Xu Yunna glanced at him lightly, turned her head and greeted Ning Shuyi enthusiastically, "Officer Ning! Sit down! If you want to drink, just tell Xiaoqian and ask him to get it for us. You're welcome!"

It was probably because she really didn't like that Manager Qian, so against the background of Manager Qian, she seemed to have a much warmer attitude towards Huo Yan.

Manager Qian is a person who has cultivated excellent psychological qualities in the workplace, and he doesn't care about Xu Yunna's attitude at all. Hearing what she said, he immediately went to the office door and asked his assistant to bring in drinks.

"Sister, who are these two...?" Manager Qian had just heard Xu Yunna call Ning Shuyi a "police officer". Coupled with Huo Yan's temperament, he now has a general idea of ​​the identities of these two people.

It's just that why Xu Yunna brought two policemen to his place today, he was a little confused.

"Let me ask you, is there anyone in the company called...Wu..." Xu Yunna wanted to ask directly, but she got stuck when she started to ask, so she looked at Ning Shuyi as if asking for help, "What is it called Wu?"

"Wu Meifang." Ning Shuyi was afraid that Manager Qian would be misled by Xu Yunna's vague memory, so he hurriedly answered the question in a straight-forward manner.

"Wu Meifang?" Manager Qian was taken aback for a moment, and just when Ning Shuyi thought he would check and tell them that there was no such person, he nodded readily, "Yes! There is such a person!"

"Are you familiar with this Wu Meifang? You don't even need to confirm it, you can recognize it right away?" Ning Shuyi was a little curious about Manager Qian's reaction.

Manager Qian laughed mischievously, and glanced at Xu Yunna guiltily, who frowned.

"What do you see me doing?" she asked.

Manager Qian didn't expect that Xu Yunna would catch his glance, and he didn't expect that after she caught him glancing at her, he would ask such a straightforward question, which suddenly made people a little embarrassed.

"Sister, let's close the door on this matter today, so why don't we talk about it, let's not talk to Mr. Xu and Mr. Xu when we go back...?" Manager Qian said to Xu Yunna in a discussing tone.

Ning Shuyi guessed that the "Mr. Xu and Mr. Xu" in his mouth should refer to Xu Yunna's father and brother. It seems that Wu Meifang's way of entering the company or her performance after joining the company should be something that is not suitable for the boss to know.

Xu Yunna knew this better than Ning Shuyi. After hearing Manager Qian's words, she frowned and nodded reluctantly: "Okay, tell me!"

"That Wu Meifang...was introduced by a big client from Brother Cui..." Manager Qian introduced with a smile, "I came here for an internship half a year before graduating from college, and after graduation, I became a full-time employee, and I have been here until now."

"What is her position in the company? How is her work performance?" Ning Shuyi asked.

"She's our company's administrative specialist..." Manager Qian rubbed the back of his head with a very embarrassed expression, "Work performance...it's hard to say..."

Although Ning Shuyi was admitted to the criminal police team of the Public Security Bureau after graduating from university and had no experience working in private companies or companies, he also knew that as a HR manager, it was impossible for Manager Qian to be ignorant of the work performance of an administrative specialist.

"It's okay, if it's hard to say, just speak slowly." Huo Yan also didn't like Manager Qian's slippery and sophisticated tone, so he asked him not to talk about him.

"You two wait a moment." Manager Qian sighed, returned to his desk, searched on the computer system, then printed out a form, got up and returned to the sofa, handed the form in his hand past.

Huo Yan took it and looked at it quickly, then handed it to Ning Shuyi who was beside him.

It was a piece of Wu Meifang's attendance record, and the large red marks on it immediately attracted Ning Shuyi's attention.

She frowned and took a closer look, good guy, in the attendance record for the entire month last month, this person didn't come to work on time, nor did he leave work on time.

Going to work at [-] o'clock in the morning, Wu Meifang clocked in around [-] o'clock on average, or didn't clock in at all, and once even clocked in after [-] o'clock, which basically meant coming to work during the lunch break.

After getting off work at six o'clock in the evening, Wu Meifang usually clocks in at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and there are also times when she simply doesn't clock in.

According to this attendance sheet with no normal attendance for one day, and the large red abnormal record, it feels that Wu Meifang should have had her salary deducted last month.

This week, Xiao Mo, a good friend who hasn’t seen him for almost ten years, is coming to visit. In order to ensure continuous updates, this week’s only updates, I hope everyone will forgive me!

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