Eye of Sin

Chapter 177 Flexible Attendance

Chapter 177 Flexible Attendance
Ning Shuyi took the attendance record and looked at it for a long time. Xu Yunna who was on the side was not interested at first, but seeing that she was looking at it so seriously, she couldn't help but leaned over to take a look.

"Your company's management is really very humane!" Ning Shuyi praised Manager Qian, "Could it be that your place is the legendary flexible attendance?

Come when you like in the morning, and leave when you want in the evening, as long as the day's work tasks can be successfully completed, it doesn't matter if it is earlier or later? "

"No, no!" Manager Qian smirked and quickly waved his hands, "Our company has a very traditional model, with formal management, and it's not technical, so how can we be so free and undisciplined!

The kind of flexible attendance you mentioned cannot be as flexible as hers...

Just now I said that her work performance is not easy to say, and it is because of this reason that she is like this. I don't know how to summarize her work performance, and I am somewhat speechless.

If you don't know the cause and effect, just looking at our company has such employees, isn't it my dereliction of duty as a HR manager! "

"What's the situation?" Xu Yunna also frowned, although she didn't attend a day's class after graduating from university until she got married, but she still had the most basic common sense.

No matter how unwilling she was to intervene in the management of the company, it was out of laziness. After all, it was the property under her own name. Now that she saw someone messing around in her company to such an extent, she also felt a little unacceptable.

"Sister, don't worry! Listen to my explanation!" Manager Qian quickly smiled at Xu Yunna, and it was obvious that he was still very respectful to this nominal boss who never personally intervened in affairs, "This Wu Meifang, she is a related household , Brother-in-law personally arranged to come to our company."

"My husband?" It is estimated that Manager Qian has always been used to using this kind of intimate title when talking to her on weekdays. Although Xu Yunna's expression was full of dislike, she immediately realized who the other party was talking about. "Who is this Wu Meifang relative of his family?
I never heard him mention it to me!
And it's not right, so what if they are relatives!Relatives can't dawdle in my company like this!

I'm not a person who likes messing around!Relatives need money. We have the ability and friendship. If you are willing to give it to me, you can give it to me, but if you cheat my salary under the banner of going to work, and don’t appreciate it or thank you, that’s not acceptable! "

"No, it's not brother-in-law's relative. If it's a relative, with this kind of attendance performance, then even if I can't criticize it in person, I have to respond to you and brother-in-law behind the scenes. Don't you think so?" Manager Qian said with a smile on his face, "This Wu Meifang is a relative of Mr. Li!"

Xu Yunna was still unhappy at first, but when she heard what Manager Qian said, she was taken aback for a moment: "Mr. Li? Which Mr. Li? Just the Mr. Li who usually cooperates with my husband's company the most?"

"Yes, my brother-in-law told me before when he arranged for someone to come here." Manager Qian nodded hurriedly, "He said that he is an absolute big client of their company, so he can't be offended, and it's hard for him to say that if he asks him to help arrange a job. What, so I can only agree."

"Then if he wants to arrange it, he can arrange it in his own company! What's the point of throwing it here!" Xu Yunna frowned, looking a little unhappy, "He threw people here, and he still behaved like this. Then... if my dad and the others ask about the situation here one day and find out that the company has raised such a person, then I will have to be nagged again!"

"No, no! Sis, don't worry about this! I've arranged everything for you!" Manager Qian said flatteringly, "Wu Meifang's attendance record is in my possession alone, and it's not in the system. For this matter, It took me a lot of effort to get someone to change the system to this.

So we all know about this matter, but Mr. Xu and Mr. Xu, as long as you don't want them to know, they definitely have no way to know that there is such a person in the company. "

After finishing speaking, Manager Qian was afraid that Xu Yunna was overwhelmed, so he hurriedly added: "I arranged for the people below to do this after my brother-in-law agreed. I guess you don't usually like to ask the company's staff I thought it was trivial and annoying, so I didn't call you specifically to tell you.

I thought my brother-in-law should be able to tell you when he gets home... I guess... I guess my brother-in-law also thought you wouldn't be interested in these things, so he didn't tell you? "

Xu Yunna felt that what Manager Qian said seemed to have some truth, and the anger that was still exuberant just now also subsided a little.

Turning her head to look at Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan who were still confused, Xu Yunna quickly said to them: "That's right, I'll explain it to you and you will understand!
The Mr. Li that Manager Qian mentioned just now is the biggest business partner of my husband's company. Basically, he is the one who sends money to my husband every year, so I can't afford to offend him.

Mr. Li is over 50 years old this year, and his usual hobby is to meet relatives outside.

His relatives all have one thing in common, they are all female, young and pretty. "

While speaking, she gave Ning Shuyi winks, as if she was afraid that the other party would not understand the hidden meaning of her words.

Ning Shuyi hurriedly nodded to her, expressing that she understood.

"That Mr. Li has always been very generous to women, and his hands are relatively loose, so in the few years we have known him, he has not known how many times he has met relatives outside! Those little girls are also happy." Xu Yunna said, "It's just that I didn't expect that this time the relative recognition actually came to our company."

"Then is there anything special about the salary when such a person is stuffed into your company?" Ning Shuyi asked.

Huo Yan had confirmed Wu Meifang's bank information before, and her monthly salary was not high, so she was a little curious, wondering if the company had any additional benefits, which would not be reflected on the bank card.

Manager Qian quickly waved his hand: "No, the salary is just like that of an ordinary administrative commissioner. The only special treatment is that we can't just let this person go.

Let's put it this way, unless she jumps high and wants to leave the job, or does something illegal or criminal, or sets fire to the company, we can't just fire her.

If you get fired, brother-in-law... Mr. Cui has no way to explain to Mr. Li. "

"Then for a client, raising an idler like this? Is it worth it?" Huo Yan frowned, he was a little puzzled by this question.

This time, there is no need for Manager Qian to speak, even Xu Yunna, who has never asked about the company's affairs, is very clear, and nodded immediately: "That's still a good deal, let's put it this way, with the one-year profit of Mr. Li, raising this little boy for nothing The girl's expenses are just a fraction of a fraction."

(End of this chapter)

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