Eye of Sin

Chapter 186: One Arrow and Two Eagles

Chapter 186 Two birds with one stone

Lowe's words made everyone laugh.

The work is hard work, but the colleagues in the team try to face it with a positive attitude, which can also cheer them up.

Also concerned about the spirit of the big guys is their leader Dong Daduan.

After the meeting here, he happily announced that he was off work. Except for the necessary personnel who need to stay on duty, everyone else who has no urgent matters at hand should go back and have a good rest.

From the day before the accident to the present, the whole group basically either did not close their eyes, or just took a short rest for two or three hours, and they are already very tired at the moment.

There was still work to be done the next day. In non-emergency situations, there was no point in wasting time. In line with the principle that good steel should be used on the blade, Dong Weifeng mercilessly sent Ning Shuyi and the others back to rest. .

Ning Shuyi was really exhausted, not getting enough sleep was nothing, the most important thing was that she didn't even eat well, so the first thing after work was to send a WeChat message to Ning's mother, telling her She herself could go home to dinner tonight.

According to the usual practice, as long as she can go back to eat, Papa Ning will bring out Huo Yan's portion by the way.

But this WeChat message was sent, and until she and Huo Yan packed up their things and were about to leave, Mama Ning didn't reply to the message.

Ning Shuyi felt a little strange, and called Papa Ning again. Papa Ning should be busy in the kitchen, and the roar of the range hood could be heard in the background of the phone.

Father Ning was very happy to hear that Ning Shuyi was able to go home from get off work and eat normally, but he was cooking in the pot and didn't have time to talk to his daughter, so he hung up the phone in a hurry.

Ning Shuyi looked at the hung up phone, shrugged, and put the phone back in his pocket.

The most important thing is to be able to comfortably eat a hot meal when I get home. She took a deep breath, as if she could already smell the aroma of Papa Ning's cooking.

The two of them left the Public Security Bureau and got on the bus nearby. There were many people along the way. Huo Yan was standing behind Ning Shuyi. The two of them didn't speak much until they got off the bus. There were relatively few people around. Only then did Yan open his mouth to chat with Ning Shuyi about the case.

"Do you think that so-called Wu Meifang's boyfriend really exists?" He asked Ning Shuyi.

Ning Shuyi had obviously considered this matter, and nodded without thinking: "I think this person should exist, but whether he can be regarded as Wu Meifang's boyfriend is a matter of opinion.

Perhaps for that man himself, he should be able to feel that he is Wu Meifang's real boyfriend, just like Wu Meifang's colleague named Ma Weidong understands.

But in my opinion, in Wu Meifang's eyes, this person should still be just a spare tire, not enough to be called a boyfriend. "

As she said that, she asked Huo Yan casually: "You are a little older than me, you must have been in love before, right?"

Huo Yan was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that she would suddenly ask himself, so he shook his head.

"I've never been in a relationship...have you ever pursued a girl you like?" Ning Shuyi asked again.

Huo Yan shook his head.

"I haven't chased others before, but I've always been chased backwards, right?"

In exchange for this question, Huo Yan still shook his head unswervingly.

Ning Shuyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She originally wanted to make an analogy for Huo Yan, thinking that at his age, it's normal to be married now, and if he is impatient, he might already have a baby. I didn't expect this guy to have never been in a relationship. , never chased others.

That's all, obviously the appearance is quite good, but he has never been chased by anyone at such a big age!

How can she make comparisons!

"Forget it, let's not use analogies, let's just talk about the conclusion!" She waved her hand helplessly, "Not to mention the boyfriend who has 'become a regular', even if two people are developing a relationship for the purpose of falling in love, they will still stay for the time being. During the ambiguous period, there is no reason to delete all the traces about the other party in the phone!

When my sister first fell in love with Nie Guang, my parents didn't agree with it. She sneaked from the ground to the ground.

Even if she is so careful, she grabs a lot of things about Nie Guang in her mobile phone, such as photos, chat records, etc.!

Do you know why? "

Huo Yan shook his head again.

"Because she is reluctant to delete it completely! Although she said she wanted to prevent my parents from finding out, she still wanted to keep those 'sweet memories' secretly!"

Although Ning Shuyi felt a little unreasonable about her sister's behavior when they were in love, the objective fact is that way: "Didn't Ma Weidong also say that when that person made a voice call with Wu Meifang, Wu Meifang started talking to her?" Like acting like a baby, I really enjoy the other party's fawning.

If you are really developing a relationship between a man and a woman, and you are still affectionate during the voice call, and you will clean up all traces of the other party as soon as you turn your head, isn't this a split personality? "

Huo Yan nodded: "It makes sense."

"Also, didn't we also go to Wu Meifang's house? You saw everything in Wu Meifang's house, especially the things in the bedroom." Ning Shuyi continued.

Huo Yan touched his nose and nodded.

"From this point of view, Wu Meifang's personality is not a conservative and passive girl, she is the kind of person who will take the initiative to please the other party.

But what we heard today is that she is being courted by others, and she enjoys the feeling that the other party pleases and pleases herself.

So I wonder if this is Wu Meifang's killing two birds with one stone. "

"Which pair of eagles?" Huo Yan asked.

"On the one hand, if someone pursues her, she has left a spare tire for herself, in case the one she wants to curry favor with is really unable to curry favor, at least she won't be empty-handed.

On the other hand, maybe she herself felt a certain sense of crisis, and the things at home that were used to please the other party also existed because of this sense of crisis.

So at this time, she needs the existence of another suitor, which is equivalent to the concept in psychology - the catfish effect.

Use a younger and more attractive 'competitor' to break the original lifeless and lack of vitality.

When you take the initiative to please and have no way to get back the other party's more thoughts, introduce such a suitor of yourself to bring a certain amount of stimulation to the other party who was originally negative, and use it to stimulate the other party's possessiveness! "Ning Shuyi said, "In this way, no matter what kind, it will not be a loss for Wu Meifang. "

"Well, it makes sense." Huo Yan thought for a while, and felt that the possibility Ning Shuyi said was indeed very reasonable, "In this way, whether it is being pleasing to her or actively pleasing her, it is the same." The suspicion of committing the crime cannot be ruled out."

(End of this chapter)

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