Eye of Sin

Chapter 196

The young man also felt the piercing gaze, looked at Huo Yan, his heart suddenly tightened when he was staring at him, he came back to his senses, and immediately smiled warmly at Huo Yan, saying: "Brother, you are here together right?
When I look at your body, I know that you must be an expert in fitness all the year round. Just this muscle line cannot be trained in a day or two.

You are so professional, you probably don’t need other people’s advice, but if you want to know anything, just ask me! "

Huo Yan looked away lightly, without responding to his words.

Ning Shuyi sized him up and asked, "Are you coach Xia Shilongxia?"

Unexpectedly, the other party would directly report his name, the young man was stunned for a moment, hesitated a little, scratched the back of his head, and smiled: "Ah, yes, I am!...why...I have already typed my name now. Is the number coming?"

His words were obviously teasing himself with doubts, and Ning Shuyi also smiled: "Yes, we came here specially after being recommended."

"Yo! That's right!" Xia Shilong seemed very happy when she heard her say that, "Who recommended you to come here? There must be a discount for the old and the new. If you come here to exercise later, I will give you a discount!"

"Wu Meifang recommended us to come here." Ning Shuyi said with a smile, "She strongly recommended you to us, saying that you are very professional and the equipment here is also good.

She praised this place so well, we couldn't help but want to come and have a look. "

After hearing her words, Xia Shilong's face was obviously surprised, as if he was very surprised by this statement, even a little unbelievable.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the two people in front of him with more doubts and guesses.

Seeing that Xia Shilong just looked at him with a complicated expression and said nothing, Ning Shuyi also pretended not to notice, and continued to ask nonchalantly: "Speaking of which, what is your relationship with Wu Meifang?

As far as I know, Wu Meifang never recommends anything to the people around her, but this gym is the only one, she strongly recommends it, and she almost brought someone here with her. I think the relationship between the two of you must be very good General right? "

Xia Shilong's eyes flickered for a moment, and instead of answering Ning Shuyi's question, he asked instead: "Do you know Wu Meifang? What is your relationship with her? Are you friends, colleagues or something?"

"What is our relationship with Wu Meifang, does this have any effect on the answer to the question of what is your relationship with Wu Meifang?" Ning Shuyi hit the ball thrown back by Xia Shilong again.

Xia Shilong was taken aback for a moment, probably because he felt that the other party was a bit difficult to deal with, and he didn't want to lose his face and offend others, so he changed his mouth and said with a smile: "Hey! Look, what we're talking about these days is almost turning into a tongue twister!
What kind of relationship can I have with Wu Meifang? She was my member at the beginning, but after we got to know each other, she is considered a friend!
She first came to me to exercise by herself, and later she became interested in fitness, so she simply became a member and asked me to take her to lift weights and sculpt her figure.

She practiced quite well, and I said a while ago that she has made great progress.

It seems that she is quite satisfied with herself, so she is so enthusiastic to recommend it to me!
I'm not boasting. Although the number of members here is not as large as other big gyms, the environment is good, and I have the energy to guide them one by one, so old members often help me introduce friends. "

After finishing speaking, he probably also felt that what he said was a bit of a cover-up, and hurriedly added: "I was just asking to see what kind of relationship you have with her. Generally speaking, colleagues nod their heads and are friends with her." For friends and relatives, the discounts I give may be different.

But that's the end of our conversation today, I'll just treat you and her as good friends, and you'll experience it first?If you want to join the membership, I will definitely give you the best discount! "

"Wu Meifang's physical condition is not a person who has the habit of exercising at all, let alone the kind of person who regularly performs strength training." Huo Yan said with a blank face, and one sentence punctured Xia Shilong's rhetoric just now .

When Wu Meifang's body was sent for autopsy, the forensic doctor had already reached a conclusion. Although she was slender, her bones were small and her muscles were underdeveloped. It was obvious that she had the figure of a person who had no exercise habits at all. .

So Huo Yan was very sure when he said this.

Xia Shilong was taken aback for a moment, and his expression changed slightly. The original smile on his face disappeared, and his brows also frowned.

"What do you mean?" He stared at Huo Yan with a bit of anger, with both hands clenched and fists hanging by his side, one shoulder slightly forward, and subconsciously put on a defensive posture, "You and Wu Meifang Are you familiar? What is the relationship between you two?! Why are you talking about her figure here?!"

There was anger in his tone, as if Huo Yan's words had offended him just now, his voice couldn't help but raise a bit.

The hand of the "lightweight iron lifter" holding a small dumbbell hangs in the air, and his eyes are looking directly at this side through the mirror.

The person on the treadmill also quietly slowed down, and then simply stopped the treadmill and switched to the exercise bike on the side.

Looking at Xia Shilong's posture, if Huo Yan answered something that he couldn't accept, his hand might reach out and grab Huo Yan's collar.

But Huo Yan didn't seem to feel the other party's anger at all, he ignored Xia Shilong's inquiry, and asked him again: "When was the last time you saw Wu Meifang?"

The muscles of Xia Shilong's cheeks were stiffened, and he was probably very angry, and the voice almost came out from between his teeth: "What does this have to do with you!
Who else do I need to report to for my regular private lessons with members?

You didn't come here to consult about fitness at all, did you?You're trying to make trouble, right?
Walk!Hurry up and go!My place is a serious fitness place, you didn't come here to make trouble and provoke me!

My member is still working out here, if you have anything to do, if you are capable, please contact me in private!Don't disturb others here and affect other people's fitness! "

Seeing that Huo Yan was unmoved, Xia Shilong seemed to be even more angry. He reached out to push him, but just as he stretched out his hand, Ning Shuyi unhurriedly took out a certificate and opened it in front of him. .

Xia Shilong looked at the certificate subconsciously, and found that it was a police officer's certificate, and the photo on it was none other than this pretty girl.

"You..." He just wanted to say that Ning Shuyi is a policeman, but he realized that there are still two members in the studio working out at the moment, and swallowed the words, "Which song are you singing?" Son?"

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