Eye of Sin

Chapter 2 Scare people to death

Chapter 2 Scare people to death

"Hey, okay!" Zhao Dabao has an easy-going personality. Hearing what Ning Shuyi said, he subconsciously responded, and his steps quickened a little, but soon he realized that something was wrong, "It's not right! You said What does reward and punishment mean?"

Ning Shuyi waved his hand, not wanting to explain too much on this issue: "Unless you also want to ask him to help you with your physical fitness, then don't ask, you don't need to inquire so carefully."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Dabao tactfully stopped asking.

Although he is only considered to be below average in the police force, he has never been slowed down in the physical fitness test, especially running fast, and finding someone to help train his physical fitness, whether it is because of his face or face, he will definitely not do it.

The two walked downstairs quickly, and a figure stood there straight at the gate, with a tall and straight figure, even in casual clothes, there was an inexplicable sense of solemnity.

Ning Shuyi waved at that person, then pointed in the direction of the parking lot next to him: "Huo Yan, the fourth white SUV in the second row."

Huo Yan glanced in the direction of her finger, nodded indifferently, turned around, and strode towards a car in the parking lot without waiting for the two of them to walk together.

Zhao Dabao hurriedly took out the key and unlocked the car from a distance first. When the two of them got to the car, Huo Yan had already sat down in the back seat.

Ning Shuyi sat in the co-pilot, and Zhao Dabao was in charge of driving. On the way, he couldn't help but glanced curiously at his new colleagues in the back row from the rearview mirror. Straight, expressionless looking out the car window.

This time, the address they are going to appear at is an Internet celebrity private theater in W City. The scale is not large, but because the viewing environment is better, it often plays some niche literary or horror films that have not been introduced by the big theaters. So it is very popular among young people.

Before Ning Shuyi made an appointment with her girlfriends who also worked in the criminal police team to find a time and find a movie they were interested in. The first patronage turned out to be in the form of an appearance.

This private theater is located in a bustling business district in W City, hidden in a large shopping mall. Like everyone else, Zhao Dabao drove the car directly to a back door at the back of the shopping mall. There is a straight ladder to go up to it. It is convenient and efficient to go upstairs, and it is not easy to cause unnecessary onlookers.

The private theater is on the ninth floor of the shopping mall. As soon as a few people got out of the elevator, the manager of the theater was already there with a sad face. When he learned that Ning Shuyi and the others were the criminal police who came to the scene, he couldn't help but vomit bitterness at them .

"Who would have thought that we would encounter such a thing when we opened a movie theater! After a good movie was broadcast, the audience left after the show, and our cleaning lady went in to clean it. At first glance, I saw that there was a person in the back row who hadn't left. , I thought she was asleep, and I wanted to wake her up in the past, but I never thought of going to see her, she is dead!"

The manager was so anxious that he didn't know what to do. He slapped and spread his hands: "The two cleaning ladies were so frightened that they almost died, and they ran out to report the news. The customers who were about to enter were also scared away!"

"There are surveillance cameras in the auditorium, right?" Ning Shuyi asked him.

If it's a big movie theater, you don't need to ask this question, but for a private movie theater of this scale, you still have to confirm it.

"Yes! All of them! They are all night vision functions, you can adjust them later! If there is anything that needs our cooperation, we are duty-bound!" The manager hurriedly replied, "I am now, I hope that after you have checked it, I will finally Fortunately, he died for some other reason, so please don’t get involved with us, otherwise our business will really not be able to continue!”

No one can guarantee that this kind of thing will not happen, Ning Shuyi and Zhao Dabao didn't talk to each other, Huo Yan's silence is golden, the manager complained all by himself, and led them towards the screening room where the accident happened while muttering.

For the theater manager, he had reason to be more concerned about his future livelihood and job than grieving over the death of a stranger, and Ning Shuyi also heard some clues from his complaints.

It seemed that the scene this time must be very clean. At first glance, there was no trace of homicide, let alone bloody horror. It was completely like a natural death or an accident.

Otherwise, the manager might not have the energy to complain, and he would have been too scared to worry about future business.

When she arrived at the screening room, it was exactly as she had guessed. Everything in the screening room was as usual, except that on the single sofa in the corner of the last row, a female corpse was sitting there quietly, which seemed to have nothing to do with hideousness.

Ning Shuyi turned her head and looked at Huo Yan behind her. Huo Yan's expression was slightly tense. She was sure that this person was definitely not the type of person who would be nervous and afraid when seeing a dead body. As a sniper, his psychological The quality is definitely excellent.

Presumably, it was because he was new here, and when faced with a brand new work scene, this Gunslinger was inevitably a little embarrassed, and he seemed less calm and composed than when dealing with him before.

This screening hall can accommodate about 30 people. Before entering, I heard from the manager that because that show was the latest T-country horror movie that was well-reviewed on the Internet platform, it was very popular, and there were only 30 people in the hall. Then there are only five or six empty seats.

Coincidentally, the corner where the deceased was sitting was a bit off, and the seats next to it were all vacant. Otherwise, I'm afraid they wouldn't have been discovered until the cleaners came in to clean up.

Ning Shuyi walked through the front row, and took a closer look without affecting the forensic work.

The dead girl looked about 25 or [-] years old, with a slender figure and long chestnut hair that looked a little messy at the moment, with traces of makeup on her face, as well as a lot of eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara, except that she didn't wear lipstick on her mouth , the lips are just like her face, less bloody and pale.

The girl was leaning on the seat, her posture was a bit weird, she seemed to be distorted after some convulsions, an expensive brand-name leather bag was dropped by her feet, and cosmetics and keys were scattered all over the floor. Cell phones, and popcorn.

The person who appeared on the scene was the experienced forensic doctor Zhang. He was conducting a preliminary examination of the deceased. When he turned his head and saw that it was Ning Shuyi, he smiled: "Oh, it's Xiao Ning who came to the scene! Then I have to test I've tested you, what can you see?"

Forensic Zhang has always been particularly fond of Ning Shuyi, who has a wide range of knowledge. When she sees her, she is like a master leading an apprentice. She always wants to ask questions, and Ning Shuyi is used to it. Ask about doubts.

"Forensic doctor Zhang, the posture of the deceased obviously had convulsions and convulsions before death, and it was not opisthotonos. Nuxes have been ruled out... I just saw the popcorn scattered on the ground and I was still thinking, she Could it be epilepsy, a sudden seizure during watching a movie, and there happened to be food in the mouth, which choked into the trachea, resulting in suffocation.

But my idea is definitely wrong. After all, people who died of suffocation would have blue lips and face, and would not have such a pale face... I really can't see the rest. Can I judge the cause of death now? "

Forensic doctor Zhang nodded with a smile: "You are quite right to rule out everything. My preliminary judgment, based on the many characteristics of the deceased, the cause of death may be sudden cardiac death."

Ning Shuyi was taken aback: "Could it be that this person was scared to death while watching a movie?!"

(End of this chapter)

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