Eye of Sin

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

"Theoretically, it's unlikely." Forensic Doctor Zhang shook his head. "Generally speaking, those who can be scared to death have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems. Healthy people, especially young people, are not so vulnerable. Therefore, the innate physical factors must be ruled out first, and then the toxicity test should be done to rule it out."

Ning Shuyi nodded: "Let's contact the family of the deceased and find out her situation as soon as possible."

She carefully picked up the mobile phone on the ground with her gloved hand, flipped through the call records of the deceased's mobile phone, and tried to find her family's contact information, but the call records were almost all marked as "delivery by courier". Or "spoof-like" numbers with very few useful phone numbers.

This is not surprising. Nowadays, because the functions of smart phones are too powerful, it has downplayed its original mission.

Everyone uses their mobile phone to send messages, take photos, record audio, and watch videos, but they don't use it to make calls.

Fortunately, there are no serious numbers in the call log, and there are still some in the address book, but Ning Shuyi has been searching for a long time, but he didn't see "Dad", "Mom", etc. The girl's phone address book has all the names in it It was so strange that it was difficult to distinguish, and finally she decided to call the number "aunt" in the address book.

Ning Shuyi recorded the numbers of several suspected family members of the deceased, including "aunt", on her mobile phone, and planned to call the surveillance video after notifying the family members, so as to see what was going on in the screening hall at that time. of.

"Auntie"'s phone number kept showing a busy line, and Ning Shuyi didn't intend to waste time. It took a little time to deal with the scene and transport the body back. She first asked the manager to adjust the surveillance video in the auditorium.

"Shuyi, let Huo Yan go over with you to have a look." Zhao Dabao expressed enthusiastically when he saw this.

Ning Shuyi was a little dumbfounded, she guessed that Zhao Dabao was a little stressed because of Huo Yan's nervous state, so she nodded and signaled Huo Yan to follow her.

Huo Yan had no objection, and still maintained the "orders and prohibitions" style, and followed Ning Shuyi without saying a word.

Although this private theater is called an online celebrity shop, its scale is not small in this type of shop, but after all, we still have to strive to use all the good steel on the cutting edge, try our best to save unnecessary space loss, monitor The room and the manager's office were combined into one, and they were arranged at the end of a narrow corridor with seven turns and eight turns. The spare room is next door.

If the manager hadn't personally led the way, Ning Shuyi felt that he would definitely not be able to find this place.

The manager's office is not big, and the original tables, chairs, and monitoring wall took up a lot of space. Three people walked in, especially Huo Yan, who was taller, which immediately made the space cramped. The manager hadn't recovered from his panic and was at a loss. He wanted to give up the seats for the two of them, but found that it was impossible to do so, so he had to give up.

The monitoring records of the projection hall were quickly called up. Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan stared at the small screen on the screen. Because they knew where the deceased was sitting, they quickly locked on the target they were looking for.

From the surveillance screen, it can be seen that the person who entered to watch the movie with the deceased was a female friend, who was slightly shorter than the deceased. Because the camera was located far away and the angle was not very good, only the clothes of the two could be seen clearly. , there is no way to see the appearance very clearly.

In particular, it was late for the two of them to enter the arena. The movie started playing almost as soon as they were seated. The auditorium was dark, and the night vision function that the manager kept saying was just so-so. The picture looked blue-gray and blurry. It is not particularly clear, and can only be speculated based on the movements and postures of the two people.

When the deceased entered the arena, he seemed to be moving freely, and there was nothing wrong with it. After the movie started, he fiddled with the phone a few times, and then turned his body to the other girl from time to time, probably whispering to each other.

About halfway through the movie, the girl who came with her got up and left after saying something to her. She seemed a little hasty when she left. About 20 minutes later, she stayed alone The deceased watching the movie seemed to have dropped something, and leaned down in a hurry, and then it seemed that something was wrong.

I saw her constantly adjusting her sitting posture in the corner, her body curled up for a while, and then turned to the side for a while, as if she was struggling in pain, but she soon stopped moving, and then maintained that twisted posture , similar to what they saw when they entered the arena, with their faces raised slightly, turned to the side of the wall, and there was no sound at all.

When Ning Shuyi saw this, he asked the manager to copy this part of the surveillance video to himself, and at the same time wrote down the two times in his notebook.

The manager watched from the side, a little curious, and asked cautiously: "Do you remember what this is?"

"The two points in time from when the deceased showed an unwell reaction to when he stopped." Ning Shuyi stuffed the notepad back into his coat pocket and motioned to the manager, "Please call out the surveillance video at your main entrance again. It needs to be within a period of time before the start of this show."

"No problem! No problem!" The manager responded quickly, and while helping Ning Shuyi to monitor, he couldn't help but sigh, "Your memory is really good! Just now you were so focused on the monitoring screen, and you can spend the two hours Remember it so clearly, it is accurate to the second!"

Ning Shuyi smiled, but didn't reply, and waited for the manager to call out the surveillance outside the main entrance of the theater, and then focused on watching the surveillance.

When they came up just now, they walked through a very remote back door, where there were few people and it was quiet.

It's not the same thing outside the main entrance of the theater.

This shopping mall is very large. Apart from this private cinema, there are many other stores on this floor, so there are many customers who come to this floor, but not all of them come to the cinema.

The location of the private theater is good, facing the direction of the escalator, but there are a lot of people coming and going, stop and go, and make a mess. Ning Shuyi had to widen his eyes and stare at the elevator entrance carefully, wanting to see the dead from the elevator. The moment he went up the escalator, he caught her figure, but he didn't see her for a long time.

"Here." Huo Yan who was on the side suddenly opened his mouth, stretched out his hand and pointed at the corner of the screen.

Ning Shuyi looked at the figure he was pointing at. It turned out to be the deceased and her friend. They were discovered by Huo Yan just as they appeared on the edge of the surveillance cameras.

In the picture, the two people are talking and laughing, and they still carry a few small shopping bags in their hands. It seems that they should have come upstairs from another direction, and they walked around for a while before coming to the theater.

You can still go shopping before watching the movie, and you seem to be full of energy, which further excludes the situation of physical discomfort before watching the movie.

(End of this chapter)

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