Eye of Sin

Chapter 304

After hearing Huo Yan's words, Ning Shuyi said that he was not surprised at all, which was a lie.

Yi Wenwen's murder occurred the night before her body was discovered, so the traces of Yi Wenwen's car were only found after dark.

The nearest road surveillance camera that can be found in the area leading to the crime scene has already deviated from the urban area. There is not particularly sufficient light on the road. Coupled with the influence of vehicle speed and snapshots, basically for Ning Shuyi, now the computer The frozen picture on the screen looked like just an unclear shadow.

How did Huo Yan figure out from such a shadow that he couldn't even see the whole person that he was coming alone?

"Then tell me!" Ning Shuyi hurriedly sat up and waited for Huo Yan to help him solve his doubts.

Huo Yan nodded and tried to maximize the picture on the monitor: "Look at this position, it is obviously the back row of the car.

In the driver's seat in front, the face of Yi Wenwen who was driving could be captured relatively clearly, but in the shadow in the back of the car, you couldn't see a face at all, or even someone sitting there, right? "

Ning Shuyi nodded repeatedly, which was why she was surprised. What Huo Yan said now was what she could see in the picture.

"But consider the angle of the flash of the traffic capture camera in front." Huo Yan made a fist with one hand, pretending to be a vehicle driving on the road, and raised the other hand high, pretending to be the position of the camera. "Even the distance and surrounding light, As well as the influence of the color of the car interior, the brightness of the captured photos is different.

But by flashing and shooting from such an angle, even in a pure black car interior, you can still identify the connection between the rear seat and the backrest through leather reflections, seat belt buckles and the like. "

Ning Shuyi thought for a while, and it seemed to be the case. When shooting from a high place, the faces of taller people might not be clear because they were blocked due to the angle, but instead they showed empty seats. The seat part can be photographed.

"In this photo, the back row is completely dark. You can't see the gap between the seat and the backrest at all. It's as if they are one black body." Huo Yan took his hand back and pointed at the part of the screen that he had enlarged. “But here, if you look carefully, although they all appear black at first glance, when you zoom in and look closely, you can see that there is a difference in reflectivity.

Yi Wenwen's car has leather seats. The leather is smooth, so the retrograde lightness is relatively high. The front one obviously absorbs more light, so the color is darker.

Considering the distance of this position from the seat and the distance close to the door on the passenger side, I speculate that this should be the position of a person's elbow.

This person should have been wearing black clothes and pants, lying on his side on the back seat, using the passenger seat to block his face to ensure that he would not be photographed.

At the same time, this person also took advantage of the fact that the interior of Yi Wenwen's car is all black and wore the same black clothes. In this way, if you don't look carefully, even if you are captured, people will think that there is nothing in the back row. Just black. "

"You have such good eyesight!" After hearing this, Ning Shuyi felt that what Huo Yan said made sense, and this should indeed be the case.

She never hesitated to praise others and immediately gave Huo Yan a thumbs up.

Huo Yan smiled slightly, but generally remained calm and collected: "It's through practice."

Ning Shuyi looked at the photo and thought in his heart. Although the suspect's actions were the same as what they had concluded before, and he was cautious in everything, he had to say that Yi Wenwen was really a Quite a gullible character!At night, while driving and taking the other person to such a remote place, the other party purposely wore all black and didn't choose to sit in the passenger seat like a normal person, but just lay down in the back seat.

And according to normal logic, in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, this person should lie down like this for a full length of time.

Such an abnormal behavior of a person who should be sitting in front to help guide the way did not arouse any suspicion or vigilance in Yi Wenwen. It really made people wonder how to evaluate it.

Or perhaps Yi Wenwen was not too gullible because of a simple lack of vigilance, but because he had experienced the temptation of benefits brought by becoming famous overnight. After hitting the bottom and being hopeless several times, his desire to return to the top was too strong. This strong desire went to her head and made her ignore many danger signs around her.

"We will go back and think of ways to technically deal with this section to see if we can get a clearer version!" Ning Shuyi made a cheering gesture to Huo Yan, "A good start! Let's continue!"

I don’t know if Huo Yan’s sharp eagle eyes gave him a good start. The boring and tiring investigation that followed did not give Ning Shuyi the slightest headache. Instead, he was full of energy and played more games than usual. I got a little more energetic.

Around midnight, they each found several valuable clues.

The most obvious one is a snapshot that Ning Shuyi found on the only roads between the crime scene and the lake where the car was salvaged.

Since this shot was taken in the early morning, although the sky was still chaotic, at least it was not as dark as it was late at night.

With the faint dark gray morning light as a backdrop, and the fact that Yi Wenwen had already died on the way to abandon the car, the driver naturally became the suspect they were looking for. This time, the other party would not be able to use him again. The man in black clothes lay down in the back row in an attempt to be "invisible".

It can be seen from the picture that at the moment when Yi Wenwen was captured, the person driving Yi Wenwen's car was indeed a man in black. Due to the angle, his face could not be seen clearly and could only be vaguely judged. This person has long brown hair, slightly shorter than Yi Wenwen's hair. He wears sunglasses and a mask on his face, and a pair of black gloves on the hand holding the steering wheel.

This person is wearing a black long-sleeved T-shirt, and the convex and concave outlines can be vaguely seen in the picture.

"This suspect is also a woman?!" Qi Tianhua, who stayed with them and "burned the midnight oil", was walking around the office, stretching his muscles and refreshing himself, and happened to see this scene magnified by Ning Shuyi, and couldn't help but Startled.

Huo Yan also saw it from the side, and when he heard his exclamation, he shook his head: "A man."

"Male...?" Qi Tianhua came over and took a look. On the screen, he couldn't see whether there was an Adam's apple on his neck. "Are you so sure?"

"Well," Huo Yan nodded, "The hair is a wig, you can tell from the gloss.

She must also be wearing a prosthetic bra, deliberately trying to make others think she is a woman. "

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