Eye of Sin

Chapter 305 Dog

After saying this, Huo Yan didn't realize anything, but when he found Ning Shuyi and Qi Tianhua staring at him, he felt a little uncomfortable: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You can tell it at a glance? It can't be based on experience, right?" Ning Shuyi suppressed a smile and joked with Huo Yan while looking at him.

"I didn't, but my former comrades had to dress up in disguise in order to perform missions, so this was a required course that we all had to face back then." Huo Yan's cheeks were slightly red, but he was still calm when he spoke. But it was not difficult to hear the inexplicable urgency in his tone.

In fact, even if he didn't mention Ning Shuyi, he also knew that it was definitely not him who carried out the mission in disguise.

After all, no matter how powerful the disguise is, it can't shrink people's bones. With Huo Yan's tall frame, even the most powerful makeup artist can soften the hard lines of his facial features and cover up his... Such a cold temperament could not make his big frame slim and hide his strong muscles.

So unless the target person of the mission has a brain problem, the mission will definitely fail!

"Ning Shuyi is teasing you!" Qi Tianhua also noticed that Huo Yan seemed a little anxious, and quickly smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "You are definitely the most manly person in our team, even Ji Yuan and Kang Ge They all drag you to dress up as women, and they are all more credible than you!"

Huo Yan smiled helplessly, not sure whether this was a consolation or a blow.

All joking aside, after all, it was late at night and everyone was sleepy and tired. A little livening up the atmosphere would cheer everyone up.

After all the laughing and joking, it was time to get down to business.

"So this guy specially bought a wig with a similar hair color to Yi Wenwen. He did it like this just to make us think that Yi Wenwen is still alive and drove through these places to confuse us. Judgment?" Qi Tianhua looked at the freeze-frame on the screen and couldn't help but rolled his eyes in disgust, "It's so insulting to people's IQ!
A grown man would rather dress up as a woman in order to do such a murderous thing. He is really perverted! "

"In my opinion, if a person can think of a way to let a dog bite a person to death, the behavior itself is already much different than wearing women's clothes and pretending to be a woman!" Ning Shuyi is also very disgusted with the suspect they are looking for this time. , “But now there’s another problem.

From the time when Yi Wenwen's car went to the crime scene, to when the suspect disguised himself and arrived at the place where he abandoned the car, we sorted out the person's whereabouts, and captured all the traffic violation footage.

But haven't you noticed something very strange?
As the most critical 'murder weapon' in this case, where is the dog? "

When she said this, Huo Yan and Qi Tianhua were stunned for a moment. Before, they had been concentrating on finding the suspect's traces and confirming his whereabouts, but they had ignored the most important element - the dog.

Yi Wenwen was bitten to death by a dog, but whether it was the video footage of her driving to the scene of the crime or the suspect driving to abandon the car afterwards, there were either two people or one person in the car. Saw signs of dogs. "Forensic doctor Zhang said that the dog that could bite Yan Dayuan and Yi Wenwen to death was definitely not an ordinary puppy. It was a fierce medium-to-large dog with a very strong bite force, and its size could also cause enough damage to the victim. The impact and sense of oppression." Qi Tianhua put forward a hypothesis, "After Yi Wenwen's previous video of rescuing puppies, after she canceled her account, there are still a few that were moved by other accounts. Have you found the right ones? Bar?
Regardless of whether it was true or not, at least the dogs she rescued in the video were all small dogs, mainly small teddy dogs or puppies. She had never been seen with medium-sized dogs. Not to mention ferocious dogs!
I suspect that if she had first known that the person she wanted to 'rescue' was a ferocious dog, she would not have dared to follow the suspect to the scene!
So is there a possibility that the suspect put the dog in a cage in advance and hid it at the crime scene, then went to find Yi Wenwen, tricked her into coming to the crime scene, and then found an opportunity to let the dog out.

After you succeeded, you first dealt with the car, and then went back to take the dog away? "

"The only thing we can be sure of now is that the dog did not follow Yi Wenwen and the others to the scene of the crime. As for whether Yi Wenwen knew about it beforehand, this...it's really hard to say!"

Regarding Qi Tianhua's views, Ning Shuyi had reservations: "If you follow her original routine, your analysis is quite tenable.

But there are two factors that need to be taken into consideration. One is that Yi Wenwen had previously defrauded himself a lot of fame and income by contacting various small dogs and puppies, which are defenseless little animals, pretending to be rescuers. , but it was later discovered that she had directed and acted in order to gain traffic, hurt the puppy and then pretended to rescue it.

If she doesn't change anything at all and just does it all over again, there's no guarantee that she won't be like before when she just wanted to come back and test the waters and post something that has been quiet for a long time, only to be found to be suspected of being a mosquito again. .

Conversely, what if it’s a large dog?Most people would believe that it would be difficult for a petite and thin woman to take the initiative to cause such serious harm to a large dog and then pretend to help.

This equals increased credibility.

The second reason... Based on the direction of her previous transformations, can you two think of anything? "

"Contrast?" Huo Yan listened to Ning Shuyi's analysis and followed her thoughts. He already had the answer in his mind.

"Yes, it's a contrast!" Ning Shuyi nodded, "She has always known her appearance characteristics, so since she had previously considered the challenge of a petite and thin girl with no carpentry foundation to do home decoration by herself, her own figure It's the huge contrast between 'rough jobs' and 'petite girls'.

If she could really do it, she might be able to achieve the effect she wanted, but it was obvious that Yi Wenwen overestimated her hands-on ability.

Therefore, choosing medium and large dogs as the 'rescue target' this time is obviously in line with her psychology of pursuing contrast in the past two years, and can also distinguish the previous 'mosquitoes'.

As long as the suspect can convince Yi Wenwen that the large dog she is facing has been properly trained, is not aggressive at all, and can cooperate with her 'performance', then she should be happy to accept it! "

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