Eye of Sin

Chapter 311 Sales

After a while, Qiao Hanyuan ran up in a hurry. He smiled without saying anything as soon as he entered the room. After entering the room, he immediately turned around and closed the door tightly.

"Sorry! Sorry! An old customer came just now, and I really can't refuse!" He said to the two people with an apologetic look, and sat back behind his desk. "Where were we talking about just now?"

"Speaking of those things about Yi Wenwen back then, do you know the real person who broke the news? Was he also a staff member of the pet hospital?" Ning Shuyi asked.

Qiao Hanyuan was a little embarrassed, but he didn't dare to tell any more lies. He subconsciously scratched his neck and said, "Yes, I was not the first to notice something was wrong. It was someone else.

But later I did provide clues to others and exposed Yi Wenwen, so I can’t completely say that I was pretending to be a whistleblower. This is not an honorary title, and I can’t commit it, right?
You should already know everything about what happened back then, right?Yi Wenwen wanted to be famous and wanted to go crazy. She actually spent money to buy a puppy, then deliberately injured the dog and then brought it to the hospital. She pretended that she had picked up an injured stray dog ​​outside and asked us to treat it. .

At the beginning, no one, not just me, noticed anything was wrong. After all, let’s be honest, in today’s society, normal people, especially she is a pretty little girl, who would have thought that this would happen What a crazy thing to do!

So at first we all thought she was a really kind-hearted person who cared about small animals and so on, especially since she was indeed quite famous on the Internet at that time. My boss at the time even specially gave her a discount, saying that in the future He often brings his dog to our pet hospital. If he mentions us when making videos, the boss will pay for the advertising fee.

Unexpectedly, she actually frequented our place after she arrived, but it wasn’t the same dog she brought with her! "

"Can you tell me who was the first person to discover Yi Wenwen's abuse of dogs?" Huo Yan frowned slightly and interrupted Qiao Hanyuan, "And why are you the one who directly receives the animal?" Doctor, didn't you find any clues immediately?"

Qiao Hanyuan pursed his lips: "I...didn't I tell you, who can think of such a young and beautiful girl in that way?

It’s true that I am an animal doctor, but I am also an ordinary person with naked eyes. Tang Seng is still an eminent monk, so he can’t tell who is transformed from a goblin!

The first person who discovered something was wrong was a salesperson from my former company. He first mentioned it to me and said that something was not right. The dog that Yi Wenwen brought when he came to our place was not the same one. He asked her about the previous dog. She couldn't tell where it went, so she said it was adopted by others.

Later, the person said that dogs and cats are different. Stray cats may climb high, but stray dogs will not run to high places for no reason and then lose their footing and fall.

The dogs Yi Wenwen brought were all very thin, and the injuries they sustained did not look like they were beaten. Many of them were caused by crushing or falling, which was inconsistent with common sense.

After saying this, I met her again and paid close attention to it, and found that it was really the case. Dogs are generally not big, they are all kind of bunch of dogs, not purebred dogs, and they are not injured. They were all injuries from falls or crushing. There were no traces of being beaten, nor injuries like being bitten by other stray dogs. There were not even the various infections that stray dogs often suffer from. This is indeed very unreasonable. . "

"Speaking of which, I still have a question." Ning Shuyi looked at Qiao Hanyuan, "When I came here just now, I told you that we came to you to understand Yi Wenwen. Although you tried your best to clarify, it is obvious that Both his appearance and his name are familiar to you.

As far as we know, Yi Wenwen has been publishing video works on the Internet anonymously under the screen name "Zhixie", and her real name has not been disclosed.

Even though she later lost her reputation and was threatened with human flesh, which frightened her into quitting the Internet, not much real personal information was actually dug out until the end.

Have you helped her cover up animal cruelty scandals before?Later, when she hit rock bottom, you didn't add insult to injury. It seems that you are quite interested in her and have a good friendship with her, right? Qiao Hanyuan twitched the corner of his mouth bitterly, looked at Huo Yan, and said to Ning Shuyi: "I don't mean to offend when I say this, I just express my feelings."

In fact, once you two are detectives from the police station, my intuition tells me that this guy should be a tough guy to deal with.

I never thought that after a long time, the person I couldn't resist the most would be you!

You didn't say a single harsh word from the beginning to the end, but as soon as you opened your mouth, I really couldn't bear the words that came out. I felt like my skin was being peeled off, and I was being seen through from the inside out! "

"Don't think so," Ning Shuyi remained amiable, "We are not here to compete with you, we are here to cooperate, right?"

"Yes, yes! Cooperate! Cooperate!" Qiao Hanyuan couldn't keep it secret at this moment, trying to find some high-sounding explanation for himself. Before he spoke, his eyes subconsciously glanced at the door, as if this was already the case. It's a habit of his.

"My wife happens to be not here today, so I will tell you frankly what happened at the beginning!

If my wife were here, she would kill me and I would never say this, otherwise I would not have a good life in the future. She is so petty and jealous!I really didn't notice it when we started dating, otherwise I wouldn't be with her! "

Qiao Hanyuan couldn't help but complain a few words, and realized that he had taken the topic astray, so he quickly brought it back: "I did have an affair with Yi Wenwen for a while before... It was quite ambiguous.

Let me declare in advance that my relationship with her has never been confirmed. It is just a tacit understanding. Especially after I half-showed my face in her video, many people guessed that I must be handsome or something. They are all looking forward to more interactions between Yi Wenwen and me.

Maybe it was because this kind of behavior that brought her popularity made her feel that it was worthwhile, so she took her dog to my place for examinations, treatments and follow-up visits whenever she had something to do. She was very attentive.

As for me, I also think she is quite good-looking and is my type, so I am happy to cooperate with her.

It might have been more or less the same at that time, and I was also a bit over the top, so she just took whatever she said without thinking about it or doubting anything, until a salesperson from our side revealed this to me in private.

At first I thought this was too nonsense and didn't take it seriously, but I still paid more or less subconscious attention to it.

When Yi Wenwen came again, he brought another dog, and when I saw it, it was really a man-made injury..."

Thanks to Vegetarian Piggy x4 and Yin Yueyue for their monthly votes! mua~

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