Eye of Sin

Chapter 312 The Eyes Are Above The Top

"How did you deal with it after you discovered it?" Huo Yan asked.

"I...I didn't do anything." Qiao Hanyuan spread his hands, "Listen to my explanation, I also have my own difficulties.

On the one hand, I really liked Yi Wenwen at that time, and the two of us were more or less tied to each other. At best, she was good for me, and at worst, we were on the same rope. grasshopper.

At that time, emotionally, I was quite reluctant to do incision with her.

On the other hand, she was an important customer who could bring great popularity to the pet hospital where I worked. Our boss hated having to charge her consultation fees and then give her some advertising fees to make her more popular. She highlighted the pet hospital.

At this juncture, if I jumped out to expose her, it would be like killing the chicken that laid the golden eggs in my family, and I would suffer losses both inside and outside. "

As he spoke, he suddenly raised three fingers: "I swear to God, I really advised her back then. Although I didn't say it directly, I also hinted to her that she could actually consider keeping a dog by her side. If you take care of it, you can be liked by many people and attract many fans. There is no need to keep rescuing dogs. Too many times will inevitably arouse suspicion.

I really persuaded her!

As a result, she not only refused to listen to my advice, but after I told her too many times, she became suspicious, thinking that we might have discovered something, and simply stopped coming to our place.

Because of this, our boss had a big problem with me. He felt that there must be some other emotional entanglement between me and her, which caused such a thriving internet celebrity to run away from us.

I was wronged too. I thought I had some weight in her heart, but I didn’t expect that after a long time, I was the only one who had a unilateral idea, and they just used me as a tool to deceive people!

Later, her matter was exposed, and there was a big fuss, and the pet hospital where I worked was implicated again.

The boss felt that I had the greatest responsibility here and asked me to find a way to restore my reputation, otherwise I would be responsible for the losses caused.

When I saw what the whistleblower said in the post, it was similar to what I knew, so I bit the bullet and hinted privately that I was the one who leaked the news, because I really couldn't stand this inhumane and ugly behavior.

The final analysis of this matter is that I was fishing in troubled waters and pretending to be the whistleblower. My purpose was to restore some reputation for the pet hospital where I worked at the time. I had no other selfish motives.

I also estimate that after such a quarrel, Yi Wenwen will definitely be frightened to change her past and not dare to do such nonsense again, so I don’t know anything about her appearance, name, etc. Has been leaked. "

"You haven't leaked her personal information to anyone, right?" Ning Shuyi asked, and after getting a positive response from Qiao Hanyuan, he asked, "Then in the pet hospital where you worked at that time, other than you, Does anyone else know her personal information?"

"I know the best." Qiao Hanyuan replied, "Because treating pets is not a human being, there is no rule that requires real-name registration. Generally, you can just write the pet's name when you come. The owner It doesn't matter what it's called.

So maybe in addition to our payment side knowing her WeChat nickname and so on, I am the only one who knows her real name and where she is from. "The salesperson you mentioned before, do you still have contact with this person?"What's this person's name? "Ning Shuyi asked.

"I don't know his name, and I haven't contacted him for a long time." Qiao Hanyuan waved his hands, with a somewhat disdainful expression on his face, "That pet hospital is quite large in the local area. I was there at that time. The hot young backbone doctor at the pet hospital is very busy every day. How can I have time to deal with the sales in the store area!

Furthermore, in a private pet hospital, even we doctors often have people leave for jobs and recruit new people, let alone those in sales, which do not require professional skills or high education. They change people more frequently than cats and dogs change their coats during the seasons. Even if I try to get to know them one by one, I can’t get to know them. "

"So you don't know the other person's name and don't have any contact information?"

"Well, I really can't remember his name, but I still have an impression of what he looks like.

There is definitely no contact information. Why would I add a salesperson if I have nothing to do? "

"Then do you know anyone who could know that salesperson?"

Qiao Hanyuan quickly weighed it and felt that it would be more beneficial to him to find the "next home" of the information source, so he nodded: "I'm not sure, but you can give it a try!
When I left that pet hospital, I was somewhat influenced by Yi Wenwen. Ever since Yi Wenwen stopped patronizing our place and caused such a big scandal, our boss had a lot of opinions on me and targeted me everywhere. I.

Later, it happened that my wife, probably through Yi Wenwen’s videos, noticed me and liked me very much, so she ran over to meet me, and then we got married. Her family is from W City, and she didn’t want to leave her parents. , I came here with her, became my own boss, and opened such a pet hospital.

My former colleagues in my former workplace were all dependent on others, hoping that their bosses would reward them with food. They all looked down upon someone like me who had become a self-employed boss.

So when I ask them about people, they will definitely not refuse, and they will definitely help me collect information. Leave this matter to me, there will be no problem! "

Huo Yan's lips tightened a bit. He was obviously very tired of Qiao Hanyuan's habit of bragging at every opportunity, but due to work needs, he had to hold back and not show it.

Ning Shuyi was very calm. It wasn't that she didn't hate this kind of behavior, but she was already used to Qiao Hanyuan's self-righteousness being insignificant in front of her brother-in-law Nie Guang.

"Then please help us inquire about the sales situation as soon as possible." She said to Qiao Hanyuan, "Were there any other attentive members of the opposite sex around Yi Wenwen back then?"

"Probably not." Qiao Hanyuan thought for a while, "Anyway, she is alone every time she goes to the pet hospital, and she never sees anyone else around her.

After all, if there were other members of the opposite sex around her, I wouldn't be able to talk to her.

Having said that, as far as I know, there shouldn’t be any in life, but it doesn’t mean there isn’t on the Internet. During that time, she still had quite a few male fans, even if she didn’t show her face, but Yi Wenwen’s voice was particularly nice, the kind of cooing one. , so she has a lot of male fans. "

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