Eye of Sin

Chapter 319 Contact Contact

After hearing what Ning Shuyi and Zhao Dabao learned, Huo Yan was not particularly surprised. He handed the things he compiled to Ning Shuyi.

"Our results are similar." He tapped the pile of information with his fingers. "Based on his personal information, I followed the clues and found one of his social accounts, and then used his interactions with others on this account. , as well as avatars and other similarities, I found several of his accounts on other platforms.

Generally speaking, his performance online is similar to the results of your interviews, which can be considered relatively consistent.

Whether this person is making comments or forwarding comments online, the biggest characteristic is that he puts aside the facts and aims to vent his emotions. He speaks in a weird and eccentric way. Although he rarely directly targets anyone tit-for-tat, he can always incite emotions. expression to guide others to speak on his behalf. "

"This is very similar to his style of those with bad records. If he doesn't take action, others will do it for him." Ning Shuyi shook her head. She felt a little heavy in her heart for the subject of investigation with such a personality and behavioral pattern.

There are different types of evil in this world. The rarest is evil that is forced out of desperation. The most common is due to greed or confusion.

In addition to these two, there is another thing that troubles everyone the most, and that is the evil in nature. Whether it is crime prevention or crime correction, the effect is despairing.

Many of the signs that Chai Yao had shown before seemed to indicate that he was this type of person.

"Look at this." Huo Yan pulled the computer monitor in front of him closer so that Ning Shuyi could see clearly, "This is a post he made on the platform before."

Ning Shuyi leaned over and took a look. The post was not long and he read it quickly.

That post was posted nearly three years ago and was about Chai Yao's breakup with his girlfriend.

In the text of the post, Chai Yao didn't curse his ex-girlfriend at all. He just recalled the past relationship between the two of them, but everywhere he seemed to show his infatuation and helplessness, as well as his girlfriend's reality and material things.

The comment area below the post was very lively. Many people felt very sympathetic to him. Some people left messages to comfort him, some wished him a better future, some cursed his ex-girlfriend, and even left messages asking for his ex-girlfriend’s account number. , expressing his willingness to stand up for him and help him scold his ex-girlfriend.

There are people below who don’t know if it’s his own trumpet, leaving messages giving directions to his ex-girlfriend’s account.

"It seems that this is a habitual criminal who borrowed knives to kill people." Ning Shuyi frowned after reading, "I will contact the county bureau in Chai Yao's hometown tomorrow to see if I can find out more about Chai Yao's past situation.

By the way, have you found any traces of the interaction between him and Yi Wenwen? "

Huo Yan shook his head: "I didn't find this."

Ning Shuyi patted Huo Yan's shoulder to express comfort and looked at the time: "Forget it, it's not early today, let's go home!

You weren't full just now, were you?I guess my dad can leave some food for us, and we can do the rest while we go back and eat! "

The word "go home" came out of Ning Shuyi's mouth so naturally that Huo Yan was slightly startled, but he quickly came back to his senses, nodded, packed up his things briefly, and took them with Ning Shuyi. I left the office with the information and went back to my residence.As expected by Ning Shuyi, Ning's father left a supper for the two of them. In order not to disturb Ning's father and Ning's mother's rest, the two of them took the food upstairs to Huo Yan's place and worked overtime while eating. Ning Shuyi went back to rest late at night.

Early the next morning, as soon as they arrived at the team, they received good news - Kang Ge had made technical recovery of the files in Yi Wenwen's computer and had made some progress. Most of the data in the computer had been recovered. restored.

Ning Shuyi and the others were very excited when they heard the news, and quickly went to Kang Ge's side to watch him display the files exported from Yi Wenwen's computer.

Yi Wenwen's computer originally stored most of the video data she had shot for editing her works, as well as a large amount of audio data used as background music, but not much else.

Most of these materials were taken when she tried to be a beauty trial or home decoration blogger, but later she didn't use them because the results were not good, and there was none related to dogs.

Along with the data in the computer being recovered, there is another piece of bad news.

"Canceled?" Ning Shuyi couldn't help but raise her voice in surprise, "Yi Wenwen's WeChat account has been canceled? Is there any hope of restoring it?"

"Calm down! Calm down!" Kang Ge waved to her with a smile, "You can apply for restoration within sixty days if you cancel your account, not to mention there is still a fifteen-day review period after submitting the application.

Yi Wenwen's account has not passed the review period, so I have already filed to withdraw it, and now most of the data in it has been restored.

I checked her friends and found that there are about five or six accounts that need to be confirmed. One of the accounts has not been authenticated by real name, so I need to take some technical means and conduct some investigation and confirmation through the backend of the application development company. Maybe It will take some time, so don't be too impatient. "

After hearing what he said, Ning Shuyi breathed a sigh of relief.

Maybe she had gotten used to Huo Yan's style of focusing on key points in his speeches recently, so she was almost scared out of her mind by Kang Ge. She thought that all her previous efforts had been wasted and everything would be reset to zero again.

After making progress on Kang Ge's side, Luo Wei and the others soon brought back good news. After careful monitoring of various places in the building materials market, and careful screening, they really found a useful piece of information. frame picture.

Yi Wenwen's profile can be seen clearly in the picture. On the other side of her, there is a man of medium height. Although almost one-third of his face is blocked by Yi Wenwen's head, he can still be identified. The facial features, although the pixels are still impressive, can be regarded as a relatively clear picture that can be obtained.

Huo Yan was more professional and skilled than anyone else in identifying such portraits with low pixels and not all facial features. After his comparison and identification, he quickly identified the person who appeared in the building materials market with Yi Wenwen. The man was Chai Yao whom they had just touched indirectly.

A group of people quickly summarized all these gains and reported to Team Dong.

"Captain Dong, I want to go with Huo Yan to meet Chai Yao for a while." After the report, Ning Shuyi asked Dong Weifeng for instructions.

(End of this chapter)

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