Eye of Sin

Chapter 318: Former Colleague

Ning's father Zhang Luo's food was as rich and delicious as ever. The two people who had not been home for several days after working overtime finally had an extremely delicious breakfast.

Maybe it was because he had a good breakfast and he was in great spirits. Ning Shuyi felt particularly refreshed all the way from home to work.

Not long after arriving at the unit, they received news from Qiao Hanyuan. Qiao Hanyuan said that he had inquired around through old colleagues in the original unit and actually found out about the former salesperson.

Based on the information provided by Qiao Hanyuan, Ning Shuyi and the others quickly confirmed this person's personal information.

This person's name is Chai Yao, a native of W City, and he is thirty years old this year.

It is worth noting that although Chai Yao's past experience does not involve any serious evil, he does not seem to be an honest and honest person.

Although he himself has never violated the criminal law, he has several records of public security penalties and administrative penalties, none of which are particularly serious. Basically, they all involve provoking trouble or gathering to fight.

It is also noted in these records that Chai Yao was in a subordinate position among the parties involved in the conflict and was not the main perpetrator.

Seeing the relevant records of this person, Huo Yan frowned: "What's going on with this person? He never makes big mistakes, but keeps making small mistakes."

"This is indeed an interesting thing." Ning Shuyi looked at Chai Yao's information and seemed to be very interested. "A person has never been involved in any bad thing, but he can't fall behind. Then this The position of a person among the group of people who committed the crime is worth pondering.

Either he is a poor little boy who succumbed to his powerful accomplices and was dragged into killing others, or else he is a strategist-like character.

Those who were charging at the front were Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun. Zhuge Liang absolutely did not need to be at the front, but who dares to say that those at the front were not inspired by his clever plan?

This person is interesting, you have to get to know him first, and then get in touch with him! "

"Then where should we start?" Huo Yan asked.

Ning Shuyi looked at him without saying anything.

Huo Yan was a little at a loss when she stared at him: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You stay here and are responsible for collecting information. When you go out to inquire about Chai Yao, Zhao Dabao and I will go!" Ning Shuyi made up his mind, "It just so happens that Zhao Dabao has returned from his paternity leave, so just the two of us can go.

Your temperament is too outstanding, not suitable for this kind of secret visit, and it is easy to attract attention. "

Huo Yan was speechless. Although he was unwilling to be left behind for this reason, he had no way to refute.

In this way, Zhao Dabao, who had just returned from leave, took Huo Yan's role and went out with Ning Shuyi to investigate. Huo Yan was left in the team to continue collecting materials. It was not until the evening that Ning Shuyi carried the dust by himself. Came back with two lunch boxes.

Huo Yan had been working alone in front of the computer all day, like a work machine without sorrow or joy. Now that Ning Shuyi came back, the dull expression on his face relaxed a little.

"Where is Zhao Dabao?" he asked Ning Shuyi.

"After the visit, I sent the new baby daddy home! He just had a baby and all the important things were taken care of, so I let him go back to stay with his wife and take care of the baby."

Ning Shuyi said as he took out a box of lunch and handed it to Huo Yan: "You'd better not have dinner. This store is very popular. I happened to pass by today and bought it specially!"

Huo Yan reached out and took it without being polite to Ning Shuyi. He opened the lid of the box and scooped out a spoonful of mixed vegetables and rice, chewed it and swallowed it.

My stomach and heart seemed to be empty all of a sudden. "How is it? Is it delicious?" Ning Shuyi has never eaten anything from this restaurant. He just saw someone praising it on the Internet. He happened to pass by, so he packed it back and saw Huo Yan eating it. I vaguely believed the reviews online.

"Yeah, it's delicious." Huo Yan didn't describe it too fancyly, just nodded.

Ning Shuyi also sat down next to him and opened her own portion. She had been running outside all day and was hungry now and needed the comfort of delicious food.

However, when she took a spoonful of food into her mouth...

"Do you really think it tastes good?!" She looked at Huo Yan in surprise.

The rice bowl made by this famous restaurant was greasy, salty and not delicious at all.

Huo Yan just smiled back at her, and took the remaining bites of rice in the lunch box into his mouth. He stood up and threw away the lunch box, and brought Ning Shuyi a glass of water back.

Ning Shuyi looked at the extra glass of water on his table and Huo Yan who had just sat back, and suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Huo Yan was a little confused.

"Nothing, nothing." Ning Shuyi hurriedly calmed down and waved his hand.

She didn't know if it was because the recent case investigated was related to dogs, but when she looked at Huo Yan just now, she suddenly felt that this guy looked like a German Shepherd.

They all seem to have a strong aura and are very lethal, making people afraid to approach them easily, but in fact they are very gentle, reliable and trustworthy.

But she was embarrassed to say this, fearing that Huo Yan would be unhappy after hearing it.

The rice really didn't taste good. Ning Shuyi covered the half-eaten lunch box, pushed it aside, and quickly changed the subject: "By the way, let me tell you what I gained today!"

Although Huo Yan was a little suspicious of why Ning Shuyi was laughing just now, when he heard that they were going to talk about work, he still put all his other thoughts away and sat there seriously, listening to Ning Shuyi share his gains.

Seeing Huo Yan sitting upright, the image of a well-trained military dog ​​once again appeared in Ning Shuyi's mind uncontrollably.

She subconsciously rubbed her temples, thinking that this case would be solved soon!It’s wrong to always associate a good person with military dogs and police dogs!

So she hurriedly shared with Huo Yan the information that she and Zhao Dabao had gone out for an unannounced visit that day.

This Chai Yao is a native of W City, but his hometown is not in the urban area, but in a county that is almost two hours away from the urban area, so he does not have a fixed residence in W City. , I have always rented a house.

This 30-year-old man has a college degree, but since graduation, he has not been able to hold on to a job for more than half a year. He either resigned soon after or was persuaded to quit by his employer.

When I was in middle school, I used to hang out with a group of campus gangsters all day long, but I stopped restraining myself in high school.

I had a girlfriend during college and we dated for more than three years. We parted ways less than a year after graduation. It is said that we were already close to talking about marriage, so the breakup was rather ugly.

Almost two years ago, Chai Yao did go to other places to work for a period of time. Before that, he had never left W City, and this only time he worked away from his hometown did not last long, and he returned to W City again. It ended with Chai Yao returning to W City.

Thanks to book friends 20231028213946958, liy31183, and Minako Tanaka for their monthly votes!

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