Eye of Sin

Chapter 322 Fragment

"Then what kind of dog did she have when she met you? Is she treating dogs better now than before?" Ning Shuyi suddenly interrupted and lied to Chai Yao.

Chai Yao was stunned for a moment: "Dog? She doesn't have a dog! If she had a dog, I wouldn't even be able to get along with her for a short period of time!
I'm allergic to dog hair, but it's serious. Let alone staying in the same room with a dog, even if I encounter a dog-lead person in the corridor when going up and downstairs, it won't work. I'll sneeze and burst into tears all at once. coming!

If Yi Wenwen had a dog at home, I would probably not be able to open my eyes when she came out to see me. How could I have stayed with her for such a long time! "

As he said that, he took out his cell phone and pulled out a photo of the medical certificate from the photo album: "Hey, look, the white coat in the hospital is here to testify for me! There's no hint of blindness at all!"

Huo Yan looked at the medical certificate displayed on the screen of his mobile phone. It didn't look like a forgery. There were names and surnames on it, and the diagnosis was clear.

"Isn't it convenient for us to see the communication records between you and Yi Wenwen during your relationship?" Ning Shuyi saw that he had already taken out his mobile phone and asked directly.

Chai Yao responded simply: "Okay! Now!"

He opened WeChat on his mobile phone and showed the address book to Ning Shuyi: "You can browse through it as you like. If you can find Yi Wenwen, I lose!
Now, look here!Eh!She's on my blacklist!I deleted her a long time ago!There was no sincerity in dating me before. Since they are all women who are destined to be untraceable, why should I waste time with her?
If I keep her, she will come to me from time to time and ask me to order this or that. How can I have the spare time and money to fill such a bottomless pit?

It's better to just delete it and treat it as if I was being sentimental before. The loss is not big anyway and it doesn't matter. "

Ning Shuyi took a look and found that there was indeed an account in his WeChat blacklist. The name and avatar were consistent with the account that Kang Ge had just rescued from the brink of cancellation.

Upon seeing this, Huo Yan followed what he had discussed with Ning Shuyi when he arrived, and once again directly reported the date of the night Yi Wenwen was killed: "Who were you doing with that night?"

"No, you two, are we almost done?" Chai Yao seemed a little unhappy, "What's going on, you just dragged me into the car for no reason and interrogated me!
What did I do?
Yi Wenwen and I have not had any contact for a long time. Why are you asking me this and that for no reason?You have to give me an explanation, right?

Otherwise, I won’t do it!Who would be happy that a good person would be dragged in for questioning! "

"You mean, your friendship with Yi Wenwen is only that superficial?" Ning Shuyi asked.

"Yes! What if that's not the case?" Chai Yao sneered, "Can you refill it for me?"

He originally wanted to say a few more words, but out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of Huo Yan, who was staring at him expressionlessly. He felt an inexplicable chill down his spine. When the words reached his lips, he swallowed them back without daring to continue. explain.

"Have you ever worked at the Zhongai Pet Hospital in M ​​City before?" Ning Shuyi ignored his previous attitude and continued to ask at his own pace.

When asked about this matter, Chai Yao was slightly stunned. He was stunned for a moment and did not dare to deny: "Ah, yes, I worked at that place for a while.

No...why do you even ask about this?Does this have anything to do with you?Does it have anything to do with that Yi Wenwen?

I was really heartbroken during that time, and I didn’t want to stay in this sad place like W City, so I wanted to change my environment and sort out my mood.

What's wrong?Is this also illegal? "

"Since you and Yi Wenwen only have such a shallow friendship, which started in W City, how did you reveal to others the fact that Yi Wenwen abused dogs when you were at Zhongai Pet Hospital?" Ning Shuyi was very surprised. Wait patiently for him to finish his defense before speaking again. "Me? Exposing her for abusing dogs?" Chai Yao was stunned, his eyes trembling from side to side, "Is that Yi Wenwen? Is it the Yi Wenwen I know?!"

Ning Shuyi didn't speak, just looked at him.

Chai Yao's eyes widened: "It can't be such a coincidence, can it?! I have an impression when you ask about this. The pet hospital did encounter such a thing at that time, but I didn't expose it! I also heard what others said Such a mouthful.

And I am a bit loud-mouthed, so I couldn’t hide the matter. I mentioned it to other colleagues later, and then the matter spread.

In fact, I don't know who did this at all. I just heard that it was some kind of regular customer in the store, who was considered a big customer.

I didn’t know that person was Yi Wenwen!

This little girl is so cruel!She told me in an understatement before, saying that she was not particularly concerned about raising dogs before, so if she didn't raise them well, she would be chased and scolded by people online. I even complained on her behalf! "

"Okay, since it was you who was the salesperson of the beloved pet hospital in M ​​city, let's go back to the problem just now." Ning Shuyi nodded, accepting Chai Yao's words, and then changed the subject, "That night Where are you? What have you done?"

Chai Yao looked embarrassed, as if he was a little annoyed: "What the hell is this! Isn't this a sin! What did I do to me? It feels like I can't even explain it now!"

"What you said is unclear. We can tell it ourselves." Huo Yan interrupted his complaint and urged him to answer Ning Shuyi's question.

"I was in a bad mood that day, so I went out and drank some wine. I accidentally drank too much, and the next day I lost consciousness. I didn't remember anything about the night before.

I woke up and my head hurt as if I had been bombed. I was dizzy, my temples were pounding, and my stomach was still burning. Before I could do anything, the neighbor downstairs came up and smashed my door. They wanted to settle the score with me, saying that I had disturbed the residents the night before. .

Now, that old lady just now!Very difficult!
She said that I had a fight with someone at home the night before, making a lot of noise and making a lot of noise, and asked me to apologize.

I can't remember anything, I'm so sorry!I know she doesn't like me and wants to blackmail me by talking nonsense because I'm drunk! "

"Who did you drink with that night? Where did you drink?" Huo Yan asked.

"Drinking by myself! How can I have the spare money to treat others to a drink! No one I know is so generous and willing to treat me to a drink!

I bought the wine at a convenience store outside. I remember drinking it directly from outside. When I first started drinking, I could still remember a few things. But later on, I really didn’t know. I didn’t even know how I got home. , no impression at all! "

Thanks to the book friend 20231028213946958 for the monthly pass!
Because I have a meeting tomorrow, and the children are feeling uncomfortable again in this autumn and winter when they have to pass five levels and six generals, extra updates will be added for those with a monthly ticket of over [-], as usual, I will put them on this weekend, single updates on Saturdays and Sundays Change to double update, as a full hundred plus update.

Everyone must eat well and drink well, stay in good health and have super strong immunity!

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