Eye of Sin

Chapter 323 Doubt

"You bought wine from a convenience store by yourself and drank it on the roadside until you drank to pieces?" Ning Shuyi looked at Chai Yao suspiciously.

Chai Yao curled his lips: "What's the matter? Isn't it possible? Not everyone has the money to drink in pubs, bars, or high-consumption places with increased prices!
If a person is in a bad mood, he doesn't want to drink with others, because that would be equivalent to turning himself into a monkey!Show yourself to others!
So I like to buy wine at a convenience store and drink it alone, which saves money and makes me happy at the same time! "

"Then if you were drinking alone that night, why would the neighbors say that you were fighting with others at home at night? You are so fragmented that you have no memory at all?" Ning Shuyi found it a bit unbelievable.

"I really can't remember it! If I could remember it, I still have the wrongdoer and the debtor has the owner, so what should I do?" Chai Yao looked aggrieved. "When I got up the next morning, I saw Things were in a mess at home, the flower pots had fallen off the windowsill, and the sofa cushions were everywhere.

Oh, yes, even the wardrobe door of the wardrobe left by the landlord was cracked for some reason. I will have to pay the landlord back!

well!I really don’t dare to drink so much anymore!What kind of thing is this? It makes me want to find someone to claim compensation but I can’t find anyone! "

Chai Yao explained his experience on the night of Yi Wenwen's murder in a very clear way, including the convenience store where he bought alcohol. This left Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan with nothing to say at once. All I told him was to let him go.

After Chai Yao left, the two of them visited several of his neighbors. The first thing that was confirmed was that Chai Yao was allergic to dog hair.

Neighbors can all testify that Chai Yao is indeed severely allergic to dog hair. Not only will he have a great reaction when encountering dogs when he goes up and down the stairs in the corridor, but when he goes upstairs, there is a family with dogs in the middle. It was hot, so the door was left open for ventilation. Chai Yao passed by the door and a gust of wind blew over him, making him sneeze immediately.

Neighbors said that Chai Yao sneezed very loudly, and when he was allergic to dog hair, he could not stop sneezing just one or two times, but would keep sneezing in a series. Echoing up and down the corridors.

Because his allergies were so severe that he sneezed frequently and loudly. He had had some conflicts with the neighbors who had dogs in the building because of this, so the neighbors upstairs and downstairs had a special impression of this incident. profound.

The woman who had argued with Chai Yao in the open space in front of the building happened to be his female neighbor living downstairs. Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan also visited her.

The female neighbor downstairs had a very bad impression of Chai Yao. She said that since he moved here, he has never had a day when he was honest and quiet. Either he was not at home, and when he was at home, he walked as if there were horseshoes nailed under his feet. The pedal made a sound.

The female neighbor also testified that on the night of Yi Wenwen's murder, Chai Yao, who lived upstairs, was indeed busy all the time, fussing about something that made the ceiling of her house rattle all the time, making it very noisy. People cannot live in peace.

The sound insulation effect of this kind of old building is often polarized, either very good or very poor. This building obviously belongs to the latter.

The female neighbor said that she could hear indistinct voices upstairs at home. It sounded like two people chatting loudly, chatting and then breaking up, and getting into an argument, although the specifics could not be heard clearly. What are you talking about, but it’s noisy enough to disturb the public.

This was one of the reasons why she and Chai Yao were arguing downstairs today, and not only downstairs. Before that, she and Chai Yao had also argued in a group created by the residents of the community, and they had a heated argument.

The female neighbor said that Chai Yao was really irritating. It was obvious that he was wronged and he felt guilty, but in the end he didn't feel any guilt at all. Whether she was reasoning or arguing, the other party was always messing around and disturbing things unreasonably, which made her even more annoyed.Afterwards, Huo Yan and Ning Shuyi went to the convenience store provided by Chai Yao and retrieved the complete surveillance video of the night Yi Wenwen was killed.

Judging from the surveillance footage, Chai Yao really bought a lot of wine in that convenience store, including liquor and beer. After buying it, he walked out of the convenience store carrying the big bag and sat down near the door of the convenience store to put it away. At a table, I opened a can of beer and drank it alone.

He drank from a can of beer, one sip at a time.

After a while, a small van drove up the road, parked in front of the convenience store, and began to unload the goods into the convenience store. At the same time, it also blocked the surveillance camera position, so Chai Yao could no longer be seen.

When the driver of the car and the convenience store clerk were busy moving goods inside and outside, the car finally drove away from the convenience store, and the table where Chai Yao was sitting and drinking became empty. Chai Yao was no longer there. I don’t know when I left, but I can’t tell where I went.

With these gains, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan returned to the police station.All the investigations they did today were on the surface and achieved the results they had agreed upon when they had the first meeting together.

Returning to the bureau, the two sorted out what they had harvested.

"This Chai Yao is really suspicious!" Ning Shuyi looked at the materials at hand and said to Huo Yan, "He deliberately opened the allergy diagnosis certificate on his phone in the car today to show us. Is this behavior? Is there some overpowering flavor?"

"Including the conflicts between him and his neighbors." Huo Yan also felt the same. "It is very inconsistent with this person's daily behavior and habits."

"Yes, when we were clearly investigating him, all the evidence pointed to a person who was particularly good at stirring up trouble and arrogance. He was always instigating behind his back and rarely charged directly into battle. Therefore, he used to hang out with some delinquent teenagers and idle members of society. When we are together, others will always have more serious faults than him, and he will always be in a secondary position.

But this time, the conflict with the female neighbor can be said to be at odds with each other, and they refused to give in at all. This can't help but make people feel that it is a little too deliberate.

It's as if he hopes that the conflict between himself and his neighbor will be as big as possible this time. As long as he can show that the conflict between him and his neighbor is particularly fierce, it can be used as some kind of proof. It's a bit too much. "

"I just found the contact information of Chai Yao's landlord and gave him a call." Huo Yan handed his notepad to Ning Shuyi so that she could read it. "The landlord said that Chai Yao only moved in in the past six months. .

There was nothing wrong with him when he first moved in, but things have changed in the past few months. He seems to have frequent conflicts with his neighbors. He either protests that someone keeps a dog in the building and makes him allergic, or makes noise, and The neighbors downstairs were arguing.

The landlord said that he had communicated with Chai Yao and said that he would not renew the lease until his lease term was up, and that Chai Yao would not continue to rent to him regardless of whether Chai Yao added money or not. "

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