Eye of Sin

Chapter 324 There Are Others

"How long until Chai Yao's rent is due?" Ning Shuyi asked.

"There's still more than a month." Huo Yan replied, "I have a suspicion that he moved to such a community on purpose?"

"Are you saying that in order to deceive others, he deliberately chose an open community with no elevators, no surveillance, and no property, so it is difficult to verify the authenticity of all his testimony through other means?"

Ning Shuyi also felt that the possibility proposed by Huo Yan existed. When she thought of what Chai Yao had told them before, she felt a little angry: "The various clues this guy has provided us seem to be... It can be verified, but there are no direct witnesses.

We can neither conclude that he must have lied, nor can we confirm that the whereabouts he provided are true. "

"Don't be afraid, the truth can't be faked, and the fake can't be true." Huo Yan said as if to comfort Ning Shuyi.

"But speaking of it, the specious and ambiguous self-proof provided by Chai Yao to us can indirectly prove his whereabouts that night, but it is difficult for us to verify. It is the same as Yan Dayuan and Yi Wenwen. The suspects' modus operandi in the two cases were somewhat different.

What kind of character a person has will form what kind of behavior pattern. This behavior pattern will be subtly reflected in every move and aspect of the person. It is difficult to completely hide it.

If you think about it this way, the situation is quite optimistic.

But the problem is that in this case, what we can grasp is indirect, and it is difficult to form a complete and direct chain of evidence.

Especially as someone with severe dog hair allergies, how could he raise and train a large dog?
Today we visited Chai Yao’s upstairs and downstairs neighbors. Whether they like Chai Yao himself or not, they can all attest to the fact that Chai Yao neither has dogs nor does he like dogs.

If there is no way to prove these two things about raising and training dogs, the suspicion of committing the crime will definitely not be established. "

Huo Yan nodded silently. He had considered this question just now, and it was indeed a bit puzzling.

"This person, what he said seems to be true and false mixed together." He told Ning Shuyi his feelings, "There is no way to overturn it, and there is no way to confirm it. This is like Xiaomi There is sand inside, and it is difficult to completely separate the two things, whether at first glance or through a sieve.

He admitted that he had a brief relationship with Yi Wenwen for a period of time, and he also readily acknowledged the itinerary we had learned about the building materials market.

However, he has known Yi Wenwen for a long time in the past, and even exposed the fact that Yi Wenwen abused animals, but he wants to get away with it. The authenticity of the statement is doubtful.

While admitting that he had been in a relationship with Yi Wenwen, he deleted all the friendships between the two and left no chat records.

I checked his cell phone call records before, and there was no contact information for Yi Wenwen on it. "

Hearing him talk about this matter, Ning Shuyi suddenly had an idea: "Normally, the call records that are easier to find are those within half a year?"

"Well, if you check it personally, you can basically find the call records within the last six months."

Ning Shuyi pursed his lips slightly, thinking, and then relaxed his brows after a moment: "That's right!
Didn't you just say that you thought Chai Yao might have deliberately moved to such a scattered building six months in advance so that any conclusive traces of his whereabouts could not be verified through objective video evidence such as surveillance? Confirm it?

It happens that the time limit for individuals to check call records is half a year, so Chai Yaoman can start preparations half a year in advance and avoid any contact with Yi Wenwen in his call records. This will make it impossible for us to determine the relationship between the two people. Is there any correlation between them?As for the question of how someone who is allergic to dog hair commits a crime, combined with his behavioral characteristics of liking the hands of dummies to achieve his own goals in his teenage years, do we have reason to suspect that there is not just one suspect in this case? Instead there are two.

Just because he can't keep a dog doesn't mean he can't take advantage of other people's dogs.

What we need to confirm now is whether Chai Yao used any other channels to get in touch with Yi Wenwen and other suspects we still don't know. "

Although the direction is already there, it is really not easy to figure out where to start.

First of all, the call records were excluded. Chai Yao's call records in the past six months not only did not contain Yi Wenwen, but also did not contain any contacts worthy of attention. They were ridiculously clean.

Then you can only consider other social media.

Although Ning Shuyi cannot be said to be well-read in the team, she is considered to have a relatively wide range of knowledge, but her scope of knowledge does not include how to find out the other party's social media account status without alerting the person involved. item.

This is especially true for Huo Yan. This area is quite unfamiliar to him.

Fortunately, the two of them have a consensus, that is, instead of wasting time on things that they are not good at, it is better to leave them to people who are really good at them.

So the further investigation of Chai Yao was temporarily stopped, and it was not until Kang Ge was freed up that he started again with his assistance.

Although Kang Ge was seconded to the Internet Surveillance Brigade for several years by mistake because he was good at the computer field, in the final analysis he was not a real professional, and he became a monk halfway in the field of criminal investigation.

But his talent in this area is astonishing, and he has improved a lot in his studies during the years of secondment. Now facing the entrustment of Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan, he is not far behind, even if he is very familiar with it.

Just so as not to alarm Chai Yao, he deliberately chose a time period when Chai Yao's account was least active, used technical means to enter the background of Chai Yao's account, and conducted a secret reconnaissance on his private message exchanges.

In order to ensure that everything goes smoothly, the three people deliberately did not go back to rest at night, and did not start until late at night, and soon made new discoveries.

In the private messages in the backend of Chai Yao's account, there are many chat records, most of which are sterile conversations, including chats between netizens and quarrels with others.

There was an account here that caught their attention.

This account has no avatar, and the username column only has a dot as its nickname. At first glance, it looks like the username is blank.

Interestingly, although Chai Yao's interaction with this user was not as frequent as quarrels and arguments with other people, the way he interacted with this user was a bit strange.

The two of them occasionally send two private messages back and forth, but the contents are only numbers from 0 to 9. Chai Yao sends one, and the other party replies with one, or vice versa.

Looking at the Arabic numerals that filled the screen, all of which were in single digits, Ning Shuyi and the other three also fell into deep thought.

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