Eye of Sin

Chapter 332

As two unwelcome "guests", Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan were half pushed and half dragged into her home by Shi Linli.

"Okay, I won't invite you to sit down. Let's talk if you have anything to do." Shi Linli closed the door tightly, looked out through the peephole, and then breathed a little relieved, "I don't know who the surname Dai is. What's going on, but don't blackmail me!

My little Harry is just a little bit older, so this has nothing to do with me! "

Before he finished speaking, a subtle pattering sound came from inside the house, and a curly white puppy ran out slowly. He probably heard his name and thought it was the owner calling him, so It looks very lively, and even though its tail is very short, it is still swaying hard.

"Look! Let me just say that my little Harry is only a little bit big! How could he bite someone and end up in the ICU!" Shi Linli said subconsciously when she saw her pet dog, her eyes full of love.

Neither Ning Shuyi nor Huo Yan spoke to each other. Instead, they both looked at the puppy that had run closer. At this moment, the puppy suddenly realized that there were two strangers standing next to its owner, and suddenly became wary. Instead of continuing to approach, he took a few steps back and started barking, as if he wanted to show his intimidation and scare off the two strangers.

The puppy was really not that big. While barking, he jumped a few times to help himself out. He looked ready to pounce on him anytime and anywhere. He looked very flexible and healthy.

At this moment, Shi Linli also suddenly realized that not only did her pet dog not seem to have any injuries, but it also showed a certain degree of aggression. Compared with her previous accusations, it seemed a bit slap in the face.

She hurriedly took two steps forward, bent down and picked up the puppy and held it in her arms, looking a little embarrassed.

Ning Shuyi didn't say anything that made Shi Linli embarrassed. Instead, he looked at the puppy in Shi Linli's arms and said to her with a smile: "You little Harry, the one my grandma raised when I was a kid looks pretty good." picture!"

"Your family also had a dog before!" Upon hearing this, Shi Linli's originally full guard relaxed a little. At least she knew that the other party was also a dog lover, and she lost some resistance and hostility. "Is that dog still there now?" ?”

"No more." Ning Shuyi smiled and waved his hand, "I lived for more than 15 years and died as soon as I fell asleep. It is considered the end of my life."

"Oh, that's already quite difficult, living a long life without getting into trouble!" Shi Linli lovingly stroked the dog in her arms, "If my little Harry can do this in the future, then I'll be satisfied! It seems like your family raised that dog back then. The dog is also raised with great care!"

Ning Shuyi smiled and changed the topic: "After you and Dai Tianbao had a dispute before, you posted his personal information online, right?

Did anyone ask you about Dai Tianbao’s situation in private afterwards? "

Shi Linli's interest was high when she talked about dogs. When she saw that the topic had returned to this matter, her face suddenly turned cold: "No, don't listen to Dai's nonsense!
We did have a quarrel, and later I became so angry that I also had some unpleasantness with him in the owner group. I admit that, don’t rely on me for anything else. "

Ning Shuyi sighed and changed to a more serious tone: "I can understand your denial of this now. In fact, your current attitude reflects your character."

Shi Linli looked at Ning Shuyi nervously, not knowing what she was going to say.

Ning Shuyi looked at her with a gentle attitude, completely losing the seriousness he had just before entering the door: "If you were a dishonest person, you might deny it and tell everything away, but you didn't.

You frankly admitted the disputes and conflicts between you and Dai Tianbao online and offline, which reflects your honest character.As for other methods you used to launch an offensive against Dai Tianbao, you denied them. This just shows that you realized in your heart that this kind of behavior was inappropriate. It was just that you were so angry at that moment that you couldn't reason rationally. to deal with the problem.

So you actually regret it in your heart now. If you could do it over again, you definitely wouldn't want to magnify the matter and make it so big that Dai Tianbao was bitten by a dog and was admitted to the ICU. It brings a lot of psychological pressure. "

Shi Linli blinked her eyes and muttered vaguely in her throat, neither admitting nor denying.

She seemed to want to defend herself, but Ning Shuyi didn't give her this chance.

"Actually, how bad can a person who cares about small animals so much be? I can't see it, can you?" Ning Shuyi seemed unable to see Shi Linli's intention to defend, and still said to her kindly. , “It’s just that clay figures still have a third part of earthiness, let alone humans!
In Dai Tianbao's opinion, the dog was fighting for the ball with the child and scared the child, so he was angry.

And you treat the dog as your own son or daughter, so in your opinion, the scene is like two children playing, and the dog was kicked by Dai Tianbao. You feel sorry for your precious dog, and of course you will be angry.

But if you put aside these high-level emotions at the time and calm down, you must be able to fully understand Dai Tianbao's mood and approach in wanting to protect his children, right? "

Shi Linli was a little embarrassed by Ning Shuyi's words that expressed understanding and meant to flatter her, and nodded angrily: "Yes, we actually don't have any sworn hatred, we just feel sorry for our darling. That's all...

If a big dog rushed over and scared my little Harry, then I would be very angry. If I think so, I can understand Dai. "

"So, you see! From the moment I saw you, I felt that you are definitely the kind of person who has a sharp mouth and a soft heart. I personally believe that the fact that Dai Tianbao was bitten by a vicious dog has absolutely nothing to do with you."

As soon as Ning Shuyi said these words, Huo Yan glanced at her indifferently, feeling a little unsure about what kind of chess his partner was playing.

Shi Linli seemed a little excited and nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes! What you said is so right!
It's one thing for him to kick my baby when I'm angry, but I have a mouth and can talk. He can't scold me again and again. If I'm angry, I can just scold him a few more times. I don't have to look for a big dog to bite me!

And he was bitten so hard that he was admitted to the ICU!If I did this, I wouldn't be a devil!How inhumane that is! "

"Yes, but the problem now is that everyone knows that you had a big conflict with Dai Tianbao because of this matter. Not only did you curse in the group, but you also posted a big [HX] sign on the door of his unit—— You don’t need to deny this, the property’s surveillance can capture it.”

Ning Shuyi stopped Shi Linli's intention to interrupt: "The same goes for online posts. You can deny it and say it wasn't you, but the captured photos are exactly the same as those you posted in the owner group, regardless of the IP address of the poster. The address or location information of the photo can also be directly linked to the uploader.

Maybe you didn’t originally want someone to use such cruel means to take revenge on Dai Tianbao for you, but the other party obviously found out about it through your post, and also found out about Dai Tianbao’s account information through some way.

We didn't come here because we suspected you. After all, if we suspected you, we would have taken you to the police station, right?
Therefore, we are now considering for you and striving for an opportunity to voluntarily disclaim responsibility. As long as you can provide someone who came to you to inquire about Dai Tianbao's personal information, you can prove that you are innocent.

Otherwise, we can only identify the perpetrator through other means. When the time comes, the other party insists that it was you who instigated it. Plus you deliberately concealed it from us, I'm afraid it will be difficult to tell the truth clearly! "

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