Eye of Sin

Chapter 333 Unplanned

Ning Shuyi's words were quite heartfelt, as if he was completely speaking from Shi Linli's perspective and thinking about her.

The more Shi Linli listened, the more panic she felt. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that Ning Shuyi's words made sense. She hesitated a little and took out her phone.

"Sister, I think you are also a reasonable person. You have already thought about me so much. I can't be ignorant. Are you right?" Her attitude softened obviously and she took out her mobile phone in a good voice. Open the application where the post found by Huo Yan is located on your phone.

"Hey, here it is!" Shi Linli opened the private message record and hurriedly handed it to Ning Shuyi, "I admit, I was angry when I posted the post, and I was really not calm at that time.

But I just wanted to vent my emotions, and I never thought about doing anything to others!
At that time, many people helped me scold him under the post. I was quite happy. I guess I was a little dizzy. There was such a person who sent me a private message asking me about Dai Tianbao. I didn’t think much about it. I took advantage of him. Angrily, he sent him Dai Tianbao's account number. "

Ning Shuyi took it over and took a look. Sure enough, the person she contacted by private message was an account with only a dot in the username and no avatar. When she clicked on the local account, it was also empty and nothing had been posted.

That account took the initiative to send a message to contact Shi Linli, asking about Dai Tianbao's injured dog. Shi Linli's reply was obviously emotional and very excited. The description of the matter was also somewhat different from the facts and included elements of exaggeration.

"I haven't calmed down yet... What I said was indeed not objective enough..." Shi Linli couldn't help but feel guilty, "But you saw it with your own eyes. I really didn't even ask him to teach me a lesson." Dai Tianbao!
I don’t know what that person wants to do, after all, I don’t know him!

If I knew that the other party might do something bad to Dai Tianbao, then I would never say a word to the other party under any circumstances, and I would not even post that post!
In fact, I have calmed down a lot in the past few days, and I am not that angry anymore. When you just came here today, I thought it was Dai Tianbao who was relentlessly looking for someone to settle the debt with me, so I was a little impulsive. . "

Ning Shuyi quickly saved the screenshots of these private messages and asked Shi Linli to pass them on to him, and then said goodbye to Huo Yan.

Different from the cold reception they received when they arrived, when the two of them left, Shi Linli was very enthusiastic and insisted on sending them downstairs. The two of them politely refused, and finally agreed to only send them to the elevator.

It can be seen that she was frightened by Ning Shuyi's previous analysis about responsibility. She was trembling with fear, fearing that she would really get angry, so she would not have the confidence to act arrogantly.

However, Ning Shuyi had no intention of continuing to entertain her, so he and Huo Yan drove back to the bureau.

Ning Shuyi was meditating silently along the way. Huo Yan concentrated on driving and wanted to turn around and say something to her several times, but seeing that she was immersed in her thoughts, he didn't have the nerve to interrupt.

After returning to the bureau, Ning Shuyi immediately called everyone in the unit together and discussed his ideas with others.

"The situation this time is both the same and different from the two cases we had before. Dai Tianbao saved his life, which is very lucky, and he became the third victim. It is also very lucky for us, because A breakthrough in this case has appeared!"

She was in such high spirits that she didn't even want to sit down when she spoke: "Although Dai Tianbao's injuries have been confirmed by the hospital and forensic doctors, and there is almost no obvious difference between them and the first two victims, the entire crime process seems to be full of flaws. There is a bit of a taste of Dongshixiao.

They all made appointments with the victims through private contacts to a designated location planned in advance, but this time the other party's behavior of making an appointment with Tianbao was obviously not secretive enough.The three incidents of dog injuries all occurred in relatively remote locations on the outskirts of the city. However, this time, although it was on the outskirts of the city, it was quiet enough at night. However, they ignored the fact that there was a country road not far away after dawn, and there would inevitably be vehicles passing by. "

Huo Yan visited the scene and was deeply impressed by the surrounding environment: "As long as there is light, the victim's location at that time had a certain slope and could be clearly seen from the road."

“Also, we confirmed with Dai Tianbao’s wife Yue Ping at the hospital and at home that none of Dai Tianbao’s belongings was missing except his mobile phone.

Yan Dayuan's medal and Yi Wenwen's ring were lost before. We had doubted whether they were taken back by the murderer as souvenirs, but this time Dai Tianbao's situation broke this rule. "

Ning Shuyi nodded and continued: "So based on this kind of 'imitation of others', which only scratched the surface but failed to grasp the key essence, I have reason to believe that this third attack was an unplanned emergency.

Shi Linli's posts have strong subjective emotions and are filled with added fuel and jealousy. The way of expression can easily affect some people who lack rational thinking. Once emotions are aroused, there is no way to distinguish the proportion of objective facts in them, and it is easy to act impulsively.

The perpetrator apparently saw Shi Linli's post on the Internet and was angered by the content in the post, so he impulsively planned the attack.

It's just that this person lacked a calm and rational mind and acted recklessly, which led to the third case. Even the bite wounds were consistent with the size of the dog that attacked the first two victims, but only the fur was copied in form. Full of loopholes. "

"So, the reason why the crime was committed so hastily and hastily this time was because of Chai Yao...?" Qi Tianhua had a look of understanding on his face after listening to Ning Shuyi's analysis.

"We had suspected before that there might be more than one murderer, otherwise there would be no way to quickly hide the dog that appeared as the murder weapon and at the same time deal with Yi Wenwen's car in time.

This now confirms our speculation. "Ning Shuyi was in a very high mood. She had not felt so happy for several days. "We have never ruled out Chai Yao's suspicion, so we have been secretly paying attention to his movements recently.

We have concluded before that the suspect in this case is very cautious, and now we can confirm that this cautious person is Chai Yao.

In order not to expose his flaws, he did not dare to have any contact with his accomplices.

The advantage of this is that he did not expose any flaws that would allow us to make a breakthrough.

The bad thing is that he obviously plays the role of the 'brain' in this plan, and now that the 'brain' is out of touch, the 'hands' are somewhat inoperable. "

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