Eye of Sin

Chapter 337 Eye Drops

When Huo Yan heard this, he stopped caring about eating and quickly went over to look at the information searched on Ning Shuyi's phone.

"Do you remember how to spell the name of the eye drops?" He looked at Ning Shuyi in surprise.

Because the bottle of eye drops was imported, there was no outer packaging. The words on the bottle were all in foreign languages, and they were not in English. The spelling seemed a bit obscure and difficult to remember. Unexpectedly, Ning Shuyi actually remembered it, and not a single letter was missing. .

"Yeah." Ning Shuyi nodded. She loves reading and has a good memory, so this kind of thing is normal and she doesn't think it's anything strange. "You see, this eye drop is mainly used for treatment!"

Huo Yan carefully read the instructions for the eye drops that Ning Shuyi searched for. It clearly stated that this was an eye drop used to relieve severe eye allergy symptoms.

"Chai Yao told us that he is allergic to dog hair. It is very serious. Even if he meets a neighbor with a dog in the corridor and just passes by, it will make him sneeze. Therefore, he does not have the ability to let dogs kill people. ability to commit crimes.

As expected, this guy mixed the truth with the lies and told us what he said!

It's true that he is allergic to dogs, so he needs this anti-allergic eye drop.

We have also learned about Yi Wenwen. Whether it was the information provided by her parents, cousin, or the store manager at the pet hospital who helped us recall it, no one even mentioned that Yi Wenwen was allergic to dogs. kind of information.

We initially found the bottle of eye drops under the back seat of Yi Wenwen's car. We instinctively thought that it was Yi Wenwen's personal belongings that had not been discovered and cleared away by the murderer because they had fallen under the seat.

Now it seems that this is not the case. On the way to the crime scene with Yi Wenwen, the murderer deliberately wore black clothes, lay on the back seat, and used the back of the passenger seat as a cover to avoid surveillance cameras. Face.

This is the first thing you discovered before!

Therefore, the bottle of eye drops should belong to Chai Yao, who was in the same car with Yi Wenwen that day. Because he knew that he would inevitably come into close contact with dogs at the crime scene, he prepared anti-allergic eye drops in advance.

It was probably just to avoid surveillance as much as possible, so when he was lying down on the back seat, he accidentally dropped the eye drops in the car, and happened to get stuck under the seat during the rolling process.

This led to Chai Yao not finding the small bottle of eye drops when he was disposing of Yi Wenwen's car, so as to hide the owner's information as much as possible, and when he took away all the personal belongings in the car, he let it follow the car. They were pushed into the lake together. "

While listening to Ning Shuyi's analysis, Huo Yan also searched on his mobile phone: "This eye drop is not easy to buy in pharmacies outside. I searched and found only one or two. It was delivered by express delivery, not in-store. .”

"This time we finally have a feeling of enlightenment!" Ning Shuyi let out a long breath, "This trip to M City, coupled with the confirmation of the eye drops, many of the previous guesses have become more reasonable. !
  Chai Yao was eloquent and good at provoking other people's emotions, so he was the one who got close to Yi Wenwen, and by the way, he strengthened the impression that he was allergic to dogs among the neighbors in advance, and deliberately created conflicts with the neighbors upstairs and downstairs. I got myself a lot of 'witnesses' that would be beneficial to my future situation.

He is responsible for taking Yi Wenwen to the pre-designed crime scene.

The dog was with Yu Xiaohe, who was good at training dogs. Yu Xiaohe was responsible for ambushing him in advance with the dog, and waited until Chai Yao brought Yi Wenwen to the designated place before committing the murder! The ‘Laotou Le’ you discovered in the surveillance today is the vehicle Yu Xiaohe used to take the dog to and from the crime scene! "

"Well, it was inconvenient for me to tell you in the car just now. The time when the 'Laotou Le' appears at each intersection varies." Huo Yan heard her mention the electric car, and then he remembered one more thing. Tell her, "Although it was captured by two surveillance cameras about two minutes apart, there was more than an hour in between."

When Ning Shuyi heard what he said, she couldn't help but clapped her hands: "That's really cunning! If a vehicle, whether it's a car or an electric vehicle, even a small three-wheeler, is constantly in our Being photographed by surveillance cameras on the investigation route will definitely attract our attention.

But if we only rush through the videos that were monitored during the specified time period, then the 'Old Man Le' who was only photographed at one or two intersections and then disappeared will probably not attract much attention at all! "

"Unless other people's evaluation of Xiaohe is completely wrong, Yu Xiaohe's IQ may not be able to think of such a method." Huo Yan is still very sure of this conclusion.

"Yes, he is just a 'hand'. You don't have to worry about it. You just need to follow Chai Yao's instructions!" Ning Shuyi nodded, but there was another thing that interested her more, "We It's time to touch Yu Xiaohe's bottom.

Whether a person is smart or not may have something to do with innate inheritance and acquired development.

However, a person can communicate with dogs almost cross-species barrier-free, but cannot show the most basic social skills in human society. This is definitely not a natural thing!

Including the case of Dai Tianbao, it is obvious that it has escaped the control of the "brain". He clumsily followed the previous practices. It is obvious that he was unable to restrain his anger and resentment when he saw someone suspected of abusing a dog on the Internet. This should also be the case. It has something to do with the environment in which he grew up in the past. "

"Leave it to me." Huo Yan glanced at the bread that Ning Shuyi casually placed on the table. "I will find out Yu Xiaohe's identity and background. You eat it first."

Ning Shuyi was so excited that his hunger was diluted, but when Huo Yan reminded him, he picked up more than half of the remaining bread and continued to chew.

Although people in their line of work can't talk about eating and sleeping in the open, eating irregularly is very common. When you are young, you think it doesn't matter, but when you reach middle age, you will inevitably be tortured by various occupational diseases.

So in order to maintain your good working condition, you still can't be too careless.

After eating, the two people continued to be busy. Ning Shuyi was responsible for intercepting the scene of "Old Man Happy". It was relatively easier to find an angle to photograph the driver and the situation inside the car, so that other colleagues could perform subsequent technical processing.

Huo Yan was responsible for investigating Yu Xiaohe's background to see where this mysterious "idiot genius" came from.

Thanks to Qian Ranbai x2, Feed Xiaoyou, Book Friends 20231028213946958 x2, Vegetarian Piggy x2, Peanut 2012, Fox Fairy Beauty x3, Book Friends 20210301106451197446 x2, Book Friends 20220422150203296 x2, One Water Flying Sword x2, Flying Snow 111 x2, Sweet salad, Minako Tanaka, Yinyutian x4, Yilong, children watching cats, jean0626's monthly pass!
  The monthly ticket has reached 200. As usual, double updates will continue on Saturdays and Sundays as additional updates for the monthly ticket! mwah!

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