Eye of Sin

Chapter 338

By early morning, Ning Shuyi had finished his work, and Huo Yan had already made plans.

After careful investigation, he found that although Yu Xiaohe's household registration was not in W City, but in another city in the province, he had always attended primary school and junior high school in W City.

But what’s interesting is that his parents’ work and life have always been in the place of their registered residence, not in W City.

Not only that, Yu Xiaohe also has a half-brother who is five years younger than him and is currently studying in junior high school in the place where his registered permanent residence is.

So Huo Yan further investigated and finally found that Yu Xiaohe's maternal grandparents were registered in W City, and the specific address was even more interesting.

"Isn't this the village near the place where Yi Wenwen was killed?" Ning Shuyi looked excitedly at the address Huo Yan copied, "Should we go make an unannounced visit tomorrow?"

"I definitely have to go, but there's no need to make secret visits." Huo Yan shook his head, "Yu Xiaohe's maternal grandparents passed away a few years ago. We can only go there tomorrow to find out the situation from our neighbors in the village."

The two of them took the time to rest for three or four hours in the middle of the night, and set off early in the morning to go to the village where Yu Xiao and his grandparents lived.

This is the second time they have come to this village. When they came before, they still asked the villagers if any strangers had appeared around recently.

This time, they wanted to inquire about acquaintances in the village.

Rural families generally get up early. When the two of them drove to the village, they happened to catch the school bus to pick up their children in the village. There were many parents dropping off their children on the roadside, which made the village very lively early in the morning. Full of life.

The two of them found an out-of-the-way roadside and parked their car. As soon as they got out of the car, they saw a long-faced middle-aged woman in her forties waving enthusiastically at them.

"Are you two policemen from the city? Have you been to our place a while ago, right?" She looked over curiously and greeted Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan loudly.

Ning Shuyi nodded quickly: "Sister, you have such a good memory!"

The long-faced woman smiled even more happily when she heard this: "That's right! I have the best brains! With my brains, if my parents hadn't been willing to support me when I was in trouble, I would have definitely been admitted to college!"

An older aunt next to her burst out laughing on the spot: "Don't brag in front of outsiders!
  I don’t know about others, but you and I don’t know yet! When I was in school, I was secretly having sex with your child's father!
  You are all focusing on finding a partner, so how can you focus on studying? Your grades at that time were not as good as that of my second boy! "

The long-faced woman was not angry when her shorts were exposed. She slapped the old lady a few times in a cheerful voice: "Auntie, you have such a mouth. You will never forgive anyone in your life! You can't show me any face in front of others!"
  Hey, by the way, why do you come to our village to inquire about things again? Isn't it over with the dog biting someone to death last time? "

Ning Shuyi smiled and did not answer the question directly. Instead, he directly asked the two talkative villagers: "Just in time, we want to ask about someone in the village."

She looked at the notes Huo Yan made: "Are Li Xiuju and Xu Qingfu from your village?"

"Yes!" The long-faced woman nodded immediately, "Speaking of the Xu family, there are relatives within three generations of my family. When he was alive, I had to call him third uncle and his wife third aunt!

Are you looking for their home? That can't be found! The old couple came together the year before or the year before that, one after the other, not long after each other.

The children in both of their families are promising. They all went to school and passed the exam. Those who failed to go to school also went out to do business and learn skills. Anyway, they all moved to the city and their registered residences were moved. Once the old couple were gone, the homestead and everything else were taken back. "

"We are not looking for these two old people, but we want to find out if they had a grandson living with them before?"

"Oh, you little dog!" the long-faced woman subconsciously answered, but then she was bumped by the arm by the aunt next to her, and she quickly stopped talking.

"He has a name and a surname, what a bitch..." Auntie reminded in a low voice.

"Are you talking about Yu Xiaohe? Why do you call him Gou Wa?" Ning Shuyi asked hurriedly as he didn't want his words to be criticized.

"Yes, yes, it's Yu Xiaohe! If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have been able to remember what that boy's name was!" The long-faced woman nodded repeatedly, "I didn't give you this nickname, it was from our village. The kids in the house all called him that, and called him back and forth. As soon as he said dog boy, I knew he was the grandson of my third uncle in the Xu family. If he was named, I would have to think more about who he was called.

In fact, when he lived with his grandma and grandpa in the village, he couldn't play with other children in the village. Instead, he hung out with the family dog ​​all day long.

Sometimes he would have a bad temper and insist on sleeping in the kennel with the dog. His grandma and grandpa could not stop him. In the end, he had no choice. His grandpa found a good carpenter in the village and made a cute carpentry for him. The boss's kennel was thickly covered with mattresses and quilts, so the boy had no choice but to sleep with the dog.

Maybe that's what happened. Later, the children in the village began to call him a dog boy. When he called him too much, we adults were taken over too. "

"Yu Xiao and he had been living with grandma and grandpa in the village before?" Ning Shuyi asked.

The older aunt nodded. She seemed to be more sympathetic to Xiaohe: "It seems that the child was sent back by his parents when he was two or three years old. He has never been taken back. He has been raised at his grandma's house. .

It turns out that when the old couple were still there, the child would occasionally come back to visit his grandma and grandpa. Later, after his grandma and grandpa disappeared, he seemed to have never come back, and he didn't know how he was living outside. "

The long-faced woman on the side nodded her head in agreement.

"Why do his parents keep him here?"

When the two women heard this question, they looked at each other, and finally the long-faced woman liked to talk and didn't have so many scruples, so she replied: "His parents don't want him anymore!

I heard people say that when the child was born, it seemed that he was suffering from hypoxia or something. Anyway, he just barely survived. Later, his life was saved, but his brain was crushed.

When he was about two or three years old, his parents took him to a large hospital outside for a check-up. They said it was hopeless and that his head couldn't be saved. He was a stupid boy.

Then his parents threw him at my third uncle's house and asked the old couple to take him with them, and they never took care of him again.

Later, they gave birth to another child, who was smart and intelligent. I heard that they devoted all their efforts to nurturing that child with a good brain. I didn’t want to waste my time on a dog baby! "

Thanks for the monthly passes of Asome Shiro x2, Sweet Salad, Tanaka Minako, Vegetarian Piggy x6!

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