Eye of Sin

Chapter 339 Temptation

Although one of the permanent villagers in these two villages was quick-talking and the other was cautious, their words basically explained Yu Xiaohe's life experience clearly.

After that, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan visited several families, and the answers they got were almost the same. The difference was whether Yu Xiaohe's brain was born with difficulty, or whether it changed later due to lack of oxygen or illness. Just silly.

People in the village unanimously believed that Yu Xiaohe was an emotionless person. Although his maternal grandparents had been raising him and providing him with education, he did not show any love for his feelings when the two old people were still alive. Grandparents are very close and affectionate. They appear to be a little closer than other people, but compared with normal people, they still seem very cold.

The same thing happened with other people in the village. The only time they had friction was when a few naughty children in the village were playing outside during the Chinese New Year and threw firecrackers into the yard of Yu Xiaohe's and her grandparents' house to scare Yu Xiaohe.

The firecrackers exploded the kennel, and the sparks ignited the cotton wool covering the kennel. If Yu Xiaohe hadn't happened to be hugging the dog in the kennel at that time and discovered it in time, it might have caught fire.

Yu Xiaohe extinguished the sparks on the kennel, untied the dog's leash, and opened the door.

His grandfather's dog rushed out, and the children who threw firecrackers fled in all directions, but there was still one unlucky guy who was bitten on the butt by the dog because he failed to escape.

Fortunately, it was winter and the children were wearing thick clothes, so only a layer of skin was broken and no blood was seen.

Since it was the children who threw the firecrackers into other people's yards first and were at fault, and the injuries from the dog bites were not serious, Yu Xiao, his grandparents and the family just gave in to each other and did not hold each other accountable. Let this matter be over.

After that, the children in the village hated Yu Xiaohe even more, but knowing that his dog was vicious, they did not dare to provoke him easily again.

And Yu Xiaohe is still the same, and has not changed at all because of this incident.

Basically, people in the village have very tangled and conflicting emotions towards Yu Xiaohe.

On the one hand, I feel that this child was left here by his parents because his brain was not working, and he was ignored and ignored, as if he had never given birth to this child. It was very pitiful.

On the other hand, Yu Xiaohe's unflattering withdrawnness and stupidity make people not close to him. I even always feel that the way he looks at the excitement is a bit scary, and if I want to avoid him, the farther away the better.

With the results of this visit, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan left the village and walked around the crime scene before driving back to the station.

On the other side, Kang Ge also gained some new gains.

He used technical means to track down the actual holder of the WeChat account without real-name authentication, and was basically certain that it was Yu Xiaohe, who had recently been exposed because of Dai Tianbao.

Interestingly, although the actual user of this WeChat account is Yu Xiaohe most of the time, the model and IP of the logged-in device will change from time to time.

And in some of the recovered chat records with Yi Wenwen, there are some very cleverly worded persuasion and encouragement, which seem to be very positive and gentle, but if you look carefully, it is not difficult to notice that Yi Wenwen is telling the truth between the lines. Wenwen leads in one direction, that is to return to the old business and make the same mistakes.

Such clever and subtle speaking skills are obviously not something that Yu Xiaohe, who is dull or even somewhat dull, can perform.

In this way, it once again confirmed Ning Shuyi's previous speculation that the person who initially noticed Yi Wenwen might be Yu Xiaohe, but later the person responsible for keeping an eye on Yu Xiaohe's account and actually coming into contact with Yi Wenwen, It must be the eloquent Chai Yao. It can be said that these two people have always carried out the division of labor between "brain" and "hand".

"Yu Xiaohe was abandoned by his parents since he was a child, and he was not close to his maternal grandparents. In addition, he couldn't get along with other children of similar age in the village. He could only rely on the dog at home, and the dog became his spiritual sustenance. .

When he was bullied by children in the village, the dog in the family rushed out and bit one of the children.

Perhaps in his mind, the non-responsibility between his maternal grandparents and each other was evidence of their lack of care for him. Instead, the dog rushed out, bit him, set off firecrackers to scare him and teased his children. Yu Xiaohe seemed to be a kind of protection. That’s why I put more of my emotions on dogs.

Judging from his growth experience, it is obvious that he has highly anthropomorphized dogs in terms of emotions, treating them as real friends or even family members. Therefore, when this kind of recognition is deeply ingrained and even gradually becomes paranoid, then how much he loves dogs will depend on it. How much I hate people who treat dogs badly.

In this way, his hatred for Yi Wenwen completely makes sense. "Ning Shuyi combined the results of their visit to analyze Yu Xiaohe's motive for committing the crime.

"What about Chai Yao?" Huo Yan asked, "He is allergic to dog hair, so he is destined not to be in contact with dogs for a long time. Even if he doesn't hate dogs because of this, at least it will be difficult for him to develop such deep feelings and love, right?"

"You're right, he is indeed not a dog lover, but his purpose of participating in this matter should be fundamentally different from Yu Xiaohe." Ning Shuyi has also considered this The question is, "He may not have any real grudges with the three victims.

I think the reason why he conspired with Yu Xiaohe may be to satisfy some of his own intentions, such as inducing, instigating, and manipulating others in order to gain satisfaction.

The two major suspects in this case, the "brains" and "hands" we are facing, are actually two completely different types of criminals. "

Huo Yan listened carefully to Ning Shuyi's words, and Kang Ge on the side also pricked up his ears with interest.

"Whether Chai Yao had any actual conflicts with Yan Dayuan or Yi Wenwen, there was no sufficient motive to specifically plan and murder them.

But based on what we learned about his past situation during the previous investigation, this is a person who has never made big mistakes and made small mistakes since he was a child. Moreover, every time he does not act alone, there must be multiple people, and other people play a role. His main function is to assist.

Have Luo Wei and the others gone to find out about Chai Yao's past performance?

If my analysis is correct, then they will generally find that the violations and illegal behaviors that Chai Yao has been involved in since childhood have also shown a positive growth trend in severity with age.

This kind of life-long persistent offender is a dangerous criminal at the criminology level. They have engaged in escalating illegal behaviors from childhood to adulthood. They seek stimulation and gain satisfaction through these behaviors. When it becomes increasingly difficult to satisfy them, their criminal behavior escalates. .

So I guess that the level of instigation and manipulation of others to do bad things that Chai Yao has participated in in the past can no longer give him any sense of accomplishment and excitement, and this time Yu Xiaohe appeared. "

Thanks I don’t care if you noticed my monthly pass!

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