Eye of Sin

Chapter 340: Hedonic and task-oriented

"Because of Yu Xiaohe's paranoid love for dogs and his not-so-smart mind, he became Chai Yao's target? Use him as an easy target for him to control?" Huo Yan followed Ning Shuyi's thoughts and came to a conclusion.

"Yes, and no." Ning Shuyi unconsciously turned a ballpoint pen and said thoughtfully, "If he only controls Yu Xiaohe, maybe it won't be exciting enough for Chai Yao.

Judging from the communication between the WeChat number that has not been authenticated and Yi Wenwen, it is not only Xiaohe who acts as a puppet in Chai Yao's hands, but also Yi Wenwen.

Chai Yao took advantage of Yu Xiaohe's previous concern and understanding of Yi Wenwen, and changed his position from a paranoid hater of Yi Wenwen for abusing her dog to an unconditional understanding and support of her, hoping that she would succeed. loyal fans.

He encouraged Yi Wenwen to imitate other internet celebrities and try many routes that were clearly not suitable for Yi Wenwen, thereby gradually leading Yi Wenwen back to the old path of using dogs to do fake good deeds. "

"But why did this successfully lead Yi Wenwen back to the old road that once ruined her reputation and almost caused her to be killed?
  Judging from Yi Wenwen's various reactions when she hid at home, she was clearly bitten by a snake once and had been afraid of well ropes for ten years. How could the scar heal so quickly and forget the pain? "Huo Yan was puzzled.

"When are people most likely to despair? Is it when they can't see any hope and the future is dark, or when they find a bright road, only to find that others can take it, but they can't, and they try it again and again, but they still can't break it. Such a cycle?" Ning Shuyi asked him.

Huo Yan said without hesitation: "That must be the second type."

"Yes, if you know from the beginning that there is no way out, it is nothing more than giving up completely and not thinking about it anymore. In this way, you may feel calm and calm.

Instead, give a little flame of hope and then extinguish it. Give a little more flame and then extinguish it. This kind of repeated torture will make people tortured and fall into despair.

And after this kind of repeated blows, ups and downs, she felt that there was a safe way to copy the old road that made her famous. Once she succeeded, she would no longer have to take detours and could return to her old ways. The past was full of glory. How many people do you think can remain calm and rational in that state of mind? "

Huo Yan was silent.

Ning Shuyi made assumptions that he had experienced.

When he was in the orphanage, he was sent back by his adoptive parents, and he hit rock bottom. During the long wait, every time someone came to the orphanage, he would think that his adoptive parents had changed their minds and wanted to take him back again.

After discovering that the other party is not here for this matter, he will fall into deeper disappointment and suffer greater inner torture.

If at such a juncture, someone encouraged him and said that he could return to his adoptive parents' home in some way, as if the previous abandonment had never happened, he would probably give it a try without hesitation.

After all, under the torture of repeated disappointments, his endurance has reached its limit. The more this happens, the more eager he is to grasp the life-saving straw, so he does not hesitate to take a gamble.

Ning Shuyi continued: "So this was exactly Chai Yao's purpose. He used a mind-attacking strategy to control Yi Wenwen, and then asked Yu Xiaohe to take revenge on the dog abuser according to his plan.

In the end, the case turned out to be that Yu Xiaohe deliberately killed the victim who was suspected of torturing dogs because of his paranoid love for dogs. As a person who is allergic to dog hair and has no special feelings for dogs, he even paved the way for a series of indirect consequences for himself in advance. A person with an alibi can safely remain invisible in the entire incident.

Just enjoy the pleasure of manipulating and teasing others like puppets without having to bear any responsibility. "

Huo Yan frowned tightly when he heard this. “This type of criminal has no conflict or hatred towards the victim, is purely driven by excitement, and treats the victim as a kind of entertainment, and is a hedonic criminal.

Hedonic criminals do not care whether there is a conflict with the victim. Whether it is money or sex, it is dispensable to them. They do not particularly care. What they care most about is controlling the other person's behavior and even life and death. obtain happiness and satisfaction in the process. "

Ning Shuyi said to him: "Yu Xiaohe belongs to a completely different type.

Because he has an almost paranoid love for dogs and regards dogs as his true companions and family members, he has an extremely hateful attitude toward all behaviors that are harmful to dogs.

From his abuse of Dai Tianbao, and the fact that even though he was separated from Chai Yao's command and arrangement, he still couldn't resist the urge to commit crimes, it is not difficult to see that he seemed to regard revenge on these dog abusers as a mission.

The perpetrators who believe that a specific group of people must be eliminated are task-oriented criminals, who believe that they have a certain sense of mission.

This paranoid sense of mission can easily be manipulated and exploited by hedonistic criminals.

So now we have this ‘hand-brain combination’ we are facing! "

Huo Yan listened thoughtfully: "According to your statement, in the case of Dai Tianbao, the 'hand' obviously did not follow the arrangements of the 'brain'.

Chai Yao wouldn't be happy to see this happen, right?

What will happen to the hedonistic criminal you are talking about if the person they are trying to manipulate is no longer so obedient and easy to manipulate, ruining his plan? "

Ning Shuyi shook his head: "It's hard to say, but you're right. He probably wouldn't like something like this happening out of his control."

"It seems that Yu Xiaohe must be found as soon as possible!" Huo Yan exhaled slowly, and the two looked at each other, and both could see the other's worry.

However, the search for Yu Xiaohe did not go as smoothly as they expected. They finally found a bungalow that Yu Xiaohe had rented in the suburbs. Then they learned from their neighbors that Yu Xiaohe had not returned for a long time. Here it is, it seems that the rent has been abandoned and we no longer live here.

Neighbors recalled that when Yu Xiaohe lived there, neighbors did occasionally hear the sound of dogs barking in the yard, but not many times, but they never saw any trace of dog activity.

However, the neighbor had a certain impression of Xiaohe owning a "car", and the appearance of the car described was highly similar to the "Old Le" that Huo Yan noticed in the surveillance video.

As for where Yu Xiaohe went after leaving here, no one knows. Neighbors said they haven’t seen anyone for a long time, and the landlord also said he left without saying goodbye. It’s still unclear whether he has canceled the rent or continued to live there. Can't be contacted either.

Thanks to Queen x2 for your monthly pass!

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