Eye of Sin

Chapter 341 Whistle

Obviously, Yu Xiaohe's "disappearance" should also be a part of their plan, otherwise Yu Xiaohe's own thinking and behavior patterns may not be able to have such comprehensive considerations.

Someone has been keeping an eye on Chai Yao. What is certain is that the two people have not had any contact in recent times, and Dai Tianbao's incident has not caused any sensation for the time being. It is unknown whether Chai Yao knows about it.

However, there was a guess about how they controlled the dogs during the implementation of the plan, and Huo Yan found the answer.

In a video sent back by a colleague who was working at the camp, Chai Yao accidentally dropped something on the side of the road. When he bent down to pick it up, something hanging on a thin red string slipped out from his collar, and he quickly picked it up. Then he stuffed it back into the collar.

"This thing!" Huo Yan's sharp eyes immediately saw clearly what Chai Yao had hidden in his collar, "Dog whistle!"

"Dog whistle?" Ning Shuyi suddenly realized, "I've heard of it before, but I've never seen the real thing.

It's the kind of whistle that we humans can barely hear, but dogs can hear it, right? "

"Yes, that makes sense." Huo Yan thought for a while, "With this thing, Yu Xiaohe doesn't even need to show up.

As long as he takes the dog and hides somewhere nearby, the distance is enough for the dog to hear the sound of the dog whistle.

Chai Yao blew the dog whistle according to Yu Xiaohe's method of training the dog in advance. After the dog heard it, it would rush out and bite the victim according to the training instructions.

When the victim was bitten and seriously injured and died, as long as one of them blew the dog whistle again, the dog would be able to quickly return to Yu Xiaohe as trained.

Therefore, Chai Yao does not need to have any direct contact with the dog from beginning to end, or even get too close, as it will not have a particularly strong impact on his allergies.

Yu Xiaohe doesn't need to show up and has been hiding in the dark. As long as he is not discovered, it will be difficult for us to find any loopholes on Chai Yao's side. "

Ning Shuyi sighed slowly: "Although I feel sorry for Dai Tianbao and his wife when I say this, it's really thanks to the conflict between him and Shi Linli that Shi Linli posted it on the Internet with embarrassment, which made Yu Xiaohe lose his composure and rashly Take action.

Otherwise, we don’t know how long we will have to work on this case before we can get a clue! "

Two days later, Luo Wei and Qi Tianhua came back. They spent some time and carefully visited some of Chai Yao's past classmates and teachers, and asked about some of Chai Yao's past experiences and performances when he was studying. Clearly.

"Shu Yi, I say you are really amazing! Chai Yao's situation is exactly the same as what you analyzed before!" Luo Wei was exhausted after running around for the past few days, but he was very excited. "Chai Yao, go over there. What his classmates and teachers said about him is exactly what you speculated before!

This guy has not been kind-hearted since he was a child, he is full of bad intentions, he is always half-truthful and half-false when he speaks and does things, making it difficult for people to guess.

He himself does not directly do things that violate disciplines, but he will encourage others to do them, and the nature is indeed an increasing trend from light to serious. "

Qi Tianhua poured a glass of water and handed it to Luo Wei, asking him to moisten his dry lips. He turned to one side and sat at Luo Wei's table, and continued for him: "Among the situations we can grasp, Chai Yao is in elementary school. He once encouraged his deskmate to steal the watch of the little boy at the front table. After stealing the watch, the two of them smashed the glass of the watch, just to see how the cartoon hands with a moon and sun inside the child's watch moved. , can you play with it with your hands?

Later, when the teacher found out, because the student had taken the watch and smashed the glass, he was sued by his parents to compensate them for the watch. Chai Yao simply criticized a few words because he was just 'watching'.

Later, the student found out that Chai Yao lied to him that the cartoon hands of the watch had such magical functions. In fact, he was just jealous that the classmate had a relative abroad and gave him such a piece that no one else had seen before. Just a novelty watch. "

"When we first inquired about these claims from this person, we thought Chai Yao was really bad when he was a child. However, after asking his classmates in middle and high school, we found out that this person was really bad."

Luo Wei took a few sips of water and couldn't help but rush to share their gains: "When he was in junior high school, he didn't like someone in the class, so he deliberately cut off the head and tail, substituted the other person's ideas, distorted the other person's meaning, and made the other person different from the other people in the school. A few gangsters had a conflict.

In the end, the conflict escalated and the man was beaten and hospitalized by a group of people. Chai Yao was also recorded because of this incident.

When he was in high school, this guy realized that he was over [-] years old, and he also knew that he couldn't go too far. You can't imagine how wicked he is!
  He was jealous of the two boys in the class who had good family backgrounds, good studies, good looks, and were particularly popular with their classmates, so he deliberately made friends with them and then showed them those magazines! "

"What kind?" Huo Yan didn't understand what Luo Wei meant.

"The kind where the people inside can go directly into the bathroom and take a shower..." Luo Wei was speechless, "Think about it, at such a young and vigorous age, those two stupid boys made them fascinated, out of control, and unable to eat. If you can't sleep well, how can you still think about studying?

Later, his grades plummeted, and those who could have taken the exams ended up enrolling Baba in a less-than-ideal school.

But at that time, both of them felt that if their teachers and parents knew that their grades were affected because they read that kind of magazine, they were thinking about it every day, and they were impatient, they would be shameless in the future, so they would not dare to follow them even if they lived. Others said, let alone reporting Chai Yao, it was all for nothing! "

Qi Tianhua nodded: "He has never done a bad thing directly since he was a child. Basically, it was related to instigation and doing things behind other people's backs.

And from encouraging classmates to commit petty thefts in elementary school, to damaging others' reputations and instigating others to commit physical harm after junior high school, there is basically a clear upward trend in severity, and the tendency to control others and destroy others has become more obvious.

By the way, how are you doing here? "

Ning Shuyi, who was asked, also smiled back at him: "Not only have you gained something, our gains are also not small.

Considering that Chai Yao is a cunning and cautious person, we speculate that there must be no trace of his contact with Yu Xiaohe in the call records in the past six months.

So we took the approved procedures directly to the communications company, and through their internal technical authorization, we checked the call records for more than half a year, and found evidence that Chai Yao had contacted Yu Xiaohe. "

Thanks to Feixue111 for your monthly ticket!
  Thanks to Li Murong sns for the 500 starting coin character reward!

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