Eye of Sin

Chapter 357 Strange Reaction

Yu Shufang obviously did not understand this kind of emotional talk show, but her comments allowed Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan to basically understand the nature of Hong Xinli's work.

The two people exchanged glances, both slightly confused.

Logically speaking, no matter how you look at it, the host of the midnight talk show on the radio station, who is responsible for comforting and enlightening others, is not a high-risk profession that is easy to make enemies with others.

The same is true for jobs like radio hosts. Although competition exists in any industry, the intensity of competition in this industry is obviously far from the level of "life or death".

Although Ning Shuyi had overheard a counseling and help-seeking program on a certain radio station before, the male host could be said to have sharp words and was sarcastic and rude to the listeners who called for help.

But his style is obviously familiar and accepted by his audience. Ning Shuyi felt that the host was sarcastic, but the people who called him for help were very helpful and did not feel unhappy at all.

This illustrates a truth. People who don't like it will choose to change the channel and leave, and will not call themselves to make them unhappy. In this way, there will naturally be no conflict.

And hearing that the other party has such a style, those who are still willing to call to communicate are all people who follow this style, and the probability of conflict is low.

Yu Shufang couldn't stand the people who called the program to complain, so she made a few complaints. At the same time, because of this topic, it seemed that the previous tension had been temporarily diluted, and she seemed to be more relaxed and no longer trembling.

Upon seeing this, Ning Shuyi knew that he could try to communicate with the other party about what happened at the crime scene today. Taking advantage of Yu Shufang's words, he used every opportunity to bring the topic back to earlier today.

"Anyway, at night when others are sleeping, not only can't you rest, but you also have to listen to other people's complaints and help them solve their problems. This job is indeed not easy." She commented, and then asked, "Then When you came over to clean today, was it part of the scheduled cleaning time?

When you come over to clean at this time of the week, is Hong Xinli at home or not? "

"It wasn't agreed in advance..." Yu Shufang waved her hand, "Actually, my boss didn't stipulate to me that I had to come in for cleaning on any day, day, or time every week. It just meant that I had to take care of it myself. Just make sure you come here to clean at least twice a week.

Every time she came over, it was hard to say whether Hong Xinli was at home or not. Sometimes she might be sleeping at home, sometimes she might have gone out, and sometimes she was still sleeping. It was hard to say.

I originally planned to come over tomorrow to clean up, but when I sent my children to kindergarten this morning, the teacher knew that I was in charge of the children in our family, and I was not in any group of parents, so he told me face to face that the kindergarten would be there tomorrow. The circuit nearby needed to be repaired and there was a power outage, so I only had half a day of classes.

So I also thought, in that case, I would not have enough time, so I hurried home to clean up the house, and planned to come over here today to clean up, and pick up the children at noon tomorrow, so I would not come over. "

"Then after you got here today, is there anything different from usual?"

"No!" Yu Shufang shook her head without saying anything, "If I found something wrong, would I still dare to go in?

When I got there, the house was quiet, so I thought maybe Hong Xinli was still sleeping in the house with the door closed, or maybe she went out again, and then started cleaning up after entering.

After tidying up the living room and kitchen, I tidied up the bathroom and cloakroom. I wanted to see if she was sleeping in the house or going out. If she was out, I would tidy up the bedroom. If she was sleeping, I would not disturb her and go home directly. Go, prepare to buy groceries, make dinner, and then pick up the kids...

As a result...I saw her as soon as I opened the door..."

When Yu Shufang said this, she remembered the scene she had encountered before, and shuddered violently. She subconsciously lowered her head and looked at the small amount of blood on her clothes. As if she suddenly came back to her senses, she hurriedly put the She took off her sanitary blouse and threw it in a ball at her feet, as if she was afraid that the clothes would suddenly turn into a monster and jump up to bite her. "When we arrived, the house was already in the state you had tidied up, right? Was the house messy before that?" Ning Shuyi asked.

"It's not messy, it's just like usual. There's a little rubbish in the trash can, and everyone else is pretty much the same as usual." Yu Shufang shook her head, "If I could feel anything was wrong, then I would definitely be the same. Don't go in!

How can I have the courage! Who wants to encounter this kind of thing? "

Yu Shufang trembled slightly again, as if she couldn't help but remember the scene at that time, which aroused her nervousness and fear.

"Give us Zhai Yujiang's contact information." Upon seeing this, Huo Yan asked her for the contact information of the deceased Hong Xinli's husband, "and her parents too."

"Her parents..." Yu Shufang shook her head, "I don't have her parents' phone numbers, but I do have her husband's! I'll give you the male boss's phone number first. You can ask Zhai Yujiang for the phone numbers of Hong Xinli's parents. , he will definitely be able to contact his father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Huo Yan had no objection to this. After getting Zhai Yujiang's phone number, he opened the door and got out of the car. He went to the side and called to inform Zhai Yujiang to go to the Public Security Bureau to go through the relevant procedures.

After playing it for about three times, Zhai Yujiang finally picked up the phone. After hearing Huo Yan announce his home address and explain the purpose of the call, he remained silent on the other end of the phone without saying a word.

Huo Yan himself was not a talkative person, but the silence on the receiver made him think that the call had been disconnected.

"Hello? Zhai Yujiang, did you hear clearly what I just said?" He opened his mouth to confirm again.

It took a while before a feeble reply came from the other side of the phone.

Zhai Yujiang responded with "Okay" and hung up the phone.

Huo Yan looked at the interface for ending the call on the phone screen and frowned, feeling a little confused about the deceased's husband's reaction.

Before he had time to think about the other party's attitude, a whistle came from the car behind him.

Huo Yan turned around and Ning Shuyi had already lowered the window: "Have you contacted Zhai Yujiang? The kindergarten just called Aunt Yu and said that Hong Xinli's child was not feeling well and asked her to go to the kindergarten as soon as possible. We will send her there. Bar."

Huo Yan nodded and did not tell her about Zhai Yujiang's strange emotions on the phone. He went around to the other side and got in the car, started the car and drove quickly towards the direction of the kindergarten according to the address provided by Yu Shufang.

 Thanks to Su Ning Ru Guo for your monthly vote!

  (End of this chapter)

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