Eye of Sin

Chapter 358 Baby

On the way, Ning Shuyi communicated the situation with Zhao Dabao. Zhao Dabao told her that the work on site was handled well and they could just go back to the bureau later.

On the way to the kindergarten, Yu Shufang was sitting in the back seat, looking restless. It was obvious that she was very anxious and worried. She didn't know what was wrong with her child or what was going on. Therefore, if I don't have acting skills at the level of an actor or actress, it would be difficult to fake the feeling of uneasiness in my heart.

"Aunt Yu has a deep affection for the child." After Ning Shuyi looked at her several times in the rearview mirror, he couldn't help but want to comfort her, "Kindergartens usually have health doctors, right? What if I just said on the phone It’s not said to be particularly urgent, it’s probably that the situation is pretty stable and there’s no need to be too anxious.”

In response to her words of comfort, Yu Shufang nodded, but the anxiety and worry on her face did not lighten at all: "I have watched Xiaobao grow up since he was in confinement, and he has never left my side for a day. , then it is no different from my own baby!

This child, regardless of whether he is related by blood or not, whoever takes care of and carries him day and night will feel sorry for and miss him from the bottom of his heart! "

"Usually, parents don't care about their children's affairs?" Ning Shuyi also heard from her sister in the past that some children in kindergarten have parents who are busy at work, so the housekeeping aunts are responsible for picking up and dropping off the children. Because they change people from time to time, so As a kindergarten teacher, you need to be very cautious when confirming new aunties with parents.

However, when Ning Shuyue talked about the situation in her own kindergarten, most of the housekeeping aunts were responsible for helping with transportation, and the parents were personally responsible for other aspects of taking care of the children.

From what Yu Shufang said, it seemed that she, the housekeeping aunt, was responsible for everything about the Hong Xinli family's children. As a result, Yu Shufang, as the aunt, has taken care of the children for several years. It is really rare for her to care about her children to this extent. .

"Xiaobao's affairs are all mine." Yu Shufang nodded naturally, "They are both busy at ordinary times. The male boss has to go to work during the day, and sometimes he has to work overtime at the workplace on weekends. But when he is at home, he also I can still spend time with my children, play with them and so on.

But he couldn't cook, so he couldn't take care of the children.

Compared with others, the job of the hostess is black and white, and she doesn't have the energy to take care of the children.

Even if she has time, she doesn't like to stay with her children. Sometimes she and her children are at home, and she asks me to take her children downstairs to play. I can go anywhere, as long as I don't disturb her at home to rest.

But they didn't let me join the kindergarten group, because I thought it might be a bit embarrassing for a nanny to pick on my children. "

Ning Shuyi was a little surprised and couldn't help but ask: "In that case, why do you say that the couple are still planning to have a second child?"

"It sounds like the child's grandparents have this idea. They feel that a child is quite lonely, and they want to have another one to keep him company.

Anyway, people are different. Ordinary women like us have to put in a lot of hard work to give birth to a child. They suffer from the pregnancy, and they have to be tired after giving birth, worry and struggle to pull it off by themselves.

Hong Xinli gave birth to a baby. When she was pregnant, she was carefully cared for. She was fed and used well. After giving birth, she was not willing to give the baby a mouthful of breast milk. She had to stay in shape.

After the child is born, he will be handed over to others and he will have to do whatever he is supposed to do.

If I had such conditions and such rich parents-in-law, I would be happy to have three or five children, not to mention two! Anyway, if you don’t feel tired, giving birth is not like having your appendix cut out! "

As she said that, she couldn't help but sigh: "It turns out that I was still thinking that it would be better for the couple to have a second child later. When the baby grows up a little bit and has a second child, I will take care of him." , he can take care of himself to some extent without feeling too aggrieved.         Otherwise, his parents would not be able to take care of him, and I would have to help him take care of his younger brother or sister. How pitiful Xiaobao would be...

As a result... I never thought that now my younger brothers and sisters are gone, and so is my mother..."

Yu Shufang muttered to herself as if mumbling to herself. At the end, she couldn't help but sigh and moved in her seat: "I don't know what's wrong with Xiaobao..."

Soon, the kindergarten arrived. Yu Shufang made a call in advance when she was about to arrive. The car just arrived in front of the kindergarten and stopped. Without waiting for it to stop, she hurriedly jumped out of the car and ran to the school gate. After a while, the teacher He sent him out with a little spiritless child in his arms.

The child seems to have been well taken care of. Although he looks languid and listless now, he is white, fat and well-dressed.

The child was very wilted. After seeing Yu Shufang, he stretched out his arms and threw himself into her arms, and started crying aggrievedly. Yu Shufang also had a look of pity, kissing her forehead and touching her hair, holding the child anxiously. He hurriedly ran to the car.

"Officer, can you do me a favor?" She spoke impatiently as soon as she got in the car, "The teacher said that the child had a fever of 40 degrees. The kindergarten gave him antipyretics, but it didn't bring it down at all. I I am afraid that if the child has a high fever and has a convulsion, that will be dangerous!

Can you be good people and help me take my child to the hospital?

Xiaobao's whole body is so hot that I really don't dare to waste time! "

Huo Yan took one look at the child in her arms, nodded, and handed the phone to Ning Shuyi beside him: "Call Zhai Yujiang and send him a message about the child's condition."

After saying that, he turned the car around and drove towards the nearest general hospital.

On the way, Ning Shuyi called Zhai Yujiang, who was in a taxi, halfway to the police station.

As soon as he heard that the child was unwell, had a fever and was about to go to the hospital, Zhai Yujiang seemed very worried. He immediately asked about the child's condition and the hospital they were rushing to. Then he didn't bother to hang up the phone and called the taxi driver directly. Change the destination and rush towards the hospital.

If Yu Shufang was the only one taking care of the child, it might not be so efficient. Now it would be much better to have Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan.

The three people took the child to the hospital. Huo Yan, who is tall and has long legs and is strong, helped carry the child upstairs and downstairs for examination.

By the time Zhai Yujiang rushed to the hospital, the child's examination had been completed. At this moment, under the arrangement of the doctor, he was infusing in the outpatient infusion area while waiting for the last examination report to come out.

Although the child's little face was flushed due to the high fever, he fell asleep very peacefully in Yu Shufang's arms.

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