Eye of Sin

Chapter 360 Surprise

The reporters from the two newspapers looked at me and I looked at you, nodded, and did not insist any longer.

"How about this? Let's take a group photo and then we'll leave. We won't be delayed any longer." The short reporter waved to his colleague.

The tall man understood immediately, took a few steps back, and got ready to take pictures: "Then, let's stand together a little more compactly. Bring the pennant to the front and place it in front... eh... ok!"

After taking a group photo, Huo Yan was obviously relieved. He quickly took the banner that the old lady and her family enthusiastically handed over, expressed his gratitude, and sent them out of the office.

During the whole process, Zhai Yujiang stood aside without saying a word, his eyes were distracted and he didn't know what he was thinking, while Yu Shufang was holding the child in her arms, looking like a spectator.

Although her female boss had just been killed, as a housekeeping aunt, she was just an outsider after all. Whether she was shocked or scared, her emotions were gone, so she had no unnecessary emotions.

After seeing off the jubilant group, the atmosphere in the office returned to gloom. Ning Shuyi took them to the table, and Huo Yan pulled up a chair for the two of them to sit down.

"Have you called Hong Xinli's parents?" Ning Shuyi asked, "I heard that her parents are local? Do they live far away?"

"It's not far. I've been notified and will be there in a moment." Zhai Yujiang spoke. He and Yu Shufang had said a few words in the hospital before, but the environment in the hospital was noisy and others could not hear clearly.

When he spoke again, Ning Shuyi found that his voice was very hoarse, as if his throat had been damaged by smoking and drinking all year round.

"Should we go through the formalities first, or have a chat first?" Ning Shuyi asked him.

"Let's chat." Although Zhai Yujiang seemed to have "don't want to talk" written all over his body, the choice he gave was to chat. "After her parents arrive later, we will go through the formalities together."

Ning Shuyi respected his choice and didn't intend to rush it.

"When was the last time you met Hong Xinli? Have you met today?" Since she didn't go through the formalities, she started making routine inquiries.

Zhai Yujiang shook his head: "The last time we met was yesterday morning. We didn't meet this morning."

After speaking, he slowly closed his mouth, pursed his lips slightly, and said nothing.

Ning Shuyi felt a little helpless.

She asked Zhai Yujiang a question, and the other party obviously answered it, but the answer can be said to be quite "point-to-point". What was asked was what was answered, and there was not a single word besides the question itself.

"Then how was she when you last saw her? Was everything normal? Did she say anything to you?"

"It's normal. She said, 'I won't be going home after the show ends today. It's too tiring to go back and forth in the middle of the night.'"

Ning Shuyi was a little helpless, but it was hard to say anything at the moment.

Huo Yan looked at Zhai Yujiang from the side and asked, "What does Hong Xinli do?"

"Program host." Zhai Yujiang subconsciously followed the source of the voice and turned his face toward Huo Yan. "She works as a radio program host in a media company."

"Not a radio station?"

"The program is broadcast on a radio station, and her working relationship is not with the radio station, but with the media company.

The relationship between the two parties is just a business partnership. ” ˆ ˆ “What type of program does Hong Xinli host? Can you give us a little introduction? "Ning Shuyi asked again, "Because of our work, we don't have much time to listen to the radio, so we don't know much about this aspect. "

Zhai Yujiang didn't say a word. Yu Shufang, who had been looking at the child silently, realized that her male boss might have been distracted at the moment. She secretly reached out from behind and poked Zhai Yujiang's arm before he came back to his senses.

"She...she is the second most senior person in their company. There is also a female announcer who works on a news commentary program. Because of her seniority, she is as good as the news announcers on TV, and she is very sharp when commenting. , so he is their company’s top trump card.

Hong Xinli is not as qualified as the one who talks about news, but among all the programs and hosts in their company, she is the most popular.

Her program is in the evening, starting around midnight. She has a heart-to-heart talk, and listens to people calling in to talk about their concerns. After listening, she gives some suggestions and advice.

Hong Xinli is very popular with the audience. Her fans gave her a name, "Human Jieyuhua". "

This remark was obviously the longest one that Zhai Yujiang had ever said since the phone call just now.

It seems that although this man seems a bit dull now, he still knows a lot about his wife.

So Huo Yan followed what Zhai Yujiang said just now and asked, "Hong Xinli is so popular with the audience, how is her popularity in the workplace?"

Surprisingly, Zhai Yujiang, who knew a lot about Hong Xinli's status in the work unit and popularity in the show, only slowly shook his head when faced with this very common question.

"I don't know." His voice was not loud, still hoarse, "Hong Xinli doesn't like to talk about her work unit after she returns home.

She and I are not in the same field, so I don’t understand the things in her unit. Even if she talks to me, I can’t help much. "

"No matter how much you don't like to talk about work when you go home, you will still mention a few words occasionally, right?" Ning Shuyi also planned to inspire some more.

But before Zhai Yujiang could answer, an old couple hurriedly ran in from outside the office. They looked to be in their sixties, and they probably had time. Their down jackets were not even zipped up, and their foreheads were covered with sweat.

When Zhai Yujiang saw the two of them entering, he immediately stood up from his chair.

"Are you Hong Xinli's parents?" Ning Shuyi understood the situation as soon as he saw it and asked quickly.

"Hey! That's right!" Hong Xinli's father didn't even look at Zhai Yujiang. He hurriedly took out the two ID cards that he probably had already grasped and handed them over, "We are Hong Xinli's parents!"

Ning Shuyi took the ID cards of the two people, glanced at them, was slightly stunned, and handed them to Huo Yan who was standing aside.

Huo Yan was a little surprised when he took it.

The names on the two ID cards were one named Chen Dagang and the other named Li Yancui.

"Are you... Hong Xinli's parents?" Ning Shuyi looked at them with some surprise, and then looked at Zhai Yujiang aside.

Judging from Zhai Yujiang's reaction just now, and the way the old couple rushed in hurriedly, it didn't look like there was any misunderstanding or something fishy going on.

However, the issue that the daughter of "Chen Dagang" and "Li Cuiyan" is named "Hong Xinli" still needs an explanation.

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