Eye of Sin

Chapter 361

Chen Dagang and Li Cuiyan looked embarrassed and nodded quickly.

"I know you must feel very strange when you see our names, why Hong Xinli doesn't have the same surname as us."

Chen Dagang was a little calmer than Li Cuiyan. Faced with such questions, he quickly explained: "We were a couple who never had children, and we sought medical advice for many years, but there was no solution.

It happened that I had a relative at home. The family was poor and somewhat patriarchal. After the second child gave birth to a son, the eldest daughter became less popular at home.

The two of us simply discussed it with that relative and brought the child to us to raise, even if it was adopted to us.

However, the situation of our family at that time did not meet the regulations for adoption, so it was difficult for the child to transfer her household registration, so we did not let her change her household registration or change her name. Anyway, she was raised as our own child, with no last name. important. "

"This! This is an electronic photo album that my child made for me before. It contains photos of her since we were little. They are all old photos from the past. She helped us turn them into electronic ones and store them online. You can look at them whenever you want." Li Cuiyan came to her senses at this moment, quickly took out her mobile phone, opened the electronic photo album, and handed it to Ning Shuyi and the others to see.

There are many photos in the electronic photo album, all of which are photos of the couple and a girl. The difference is that the background of the photos is different. The girl in the photo is getting older little by little, from a toddler to a girl and then to a young girl. From her appearance, she can be clearly identified as Hong Xinli.

The couple in the photo are also getting older. They are Chen Dagang and Li Cuiyan.

To be on the safe side, Ning Shuyi still checked from the household registration. All she could find was the collective household registration when Hong Xinli was in high school twenty years ago, and no earlier records could be found.

The same goes for Chen Dagang and his wife. Their household registration records can only be traced back to 20 years ago, when they settled in the city where Hong Xinli High School is located.

Ning Shuyi calculated the time and found that the household registration system’s networking seemed to have been gradually implemented around twenty years ago. Therefore, in the early days of implementing the networking, there were still many imperfections, and many records were not included in the input process. There will be certain omissions in it.

This was also gradually corrected and improved in the following ten or twenty years.

Before the Internet was implemented, household registration information could only be found in the jurisdiction where the household registration was located.

At present, it can only be determined from the existing records that the household registration transfer timeline of Chen Dagang and Li Cuiyan is basically in sync with Hong Xinli's, even including Hong Xinli's admission to college and the transfer of household registration from the high school collective household registration to the university collective household registration. exception.

"Do Hong Xinli's biological parents have any contact with her?" Ning Shuyi asked.

Chen Dagang shook his head: "No, no! They act as if they don't have this daughter! Over the years, they have never had any contact, let alone contact!

Hong Xinli is the daughter of the two of us and has nothing to do with anyone else! "

Zhai Yujiang, who had been silent for a long time, nodded slowly: "Since Hong Xinli and I got married, I have never heard of her biological parents having any contact with her. The only people who have contact with our family are her parents. That’s all.”

Chen Dagang and Li Cuiyan nodded hurriedly. Although this kind of "adoptive" relationship without any formal procedures is not legally recognized, since Hong Xinli's de facto caregivers before she grew up were Chen Dagang and his wife, and her adult spouse Zhai Yujiang is also there, at least it can be regarded as Everyone who can understand her current life is here.

This is enough for the relevant procedures of the case and the investigation and inquiry. As for Hong Xinli’s biological parents, the fact that they have not communicated with each other for many years means that they know nothing about Hong Xinli’s current situation, and the follow-up involves the division and inheritance of her estate. The problem has nothing to do with the investigation of the case, so naturally it is not within the scope of Ning Shuyi and the others' consideration.

"Now that Hong Xinli's family is here, let's go through the formalities first." Ning Shuyi looked at the three people in front of him.

Huo Yan also stood up, waiting for someone to go with him.

Zhai Yujiang stood up silently, and Chen Dagang also stood up together.

"I will go with you to complete this procedure. That is my daughter, and I am her father!" He said to Huo Yan without even looking at Zhai Yujiang, "I am my daughter's relative. In the end, my husband is just spending time together." He’s just an outsider who’s been living here for a few years! I don’t trust him to handle it!”

Zhai Yujiang stood there with his eyelids lowered and seemed to have no unnecessary reaction to this very rude wording.

"There is no legal adoption procedure between you and Hong Xinli. Legally speaking, you are an outsider." Huo Yan glanced at Chen Dagang and said lightly.

Chen Dagang's face flushed a little. He obviously felt that these words were harsh, but he could not refute it. He could only nod angrily and pointed at Zhai Yujiang: "Okay, he will sign the signature, but I will supervise him throughout the whole process!"

Huo Yan did not make any comments about this and walked silently to the door of the office. Zhai Yujiang followed him without saying a word.

Chen Dagang had nowhere to vent his anger, so he could only follow him angrily. The three of them left the office and went to complete the formalities.

"Did Hong Xinli have any relationship problems with Zhai Yujiang during her lifetime?" Ning Shuyi asked, "Why do you two seem so worried about Zhai Yujiang?"

"Not really, there is nothing bad about their relationship." Li Cuiyan wiped away tears. The sad news of suddenly losing her beloved daughter made the woman look much more haggard all of a sudden. She slumped on the chair with an expression on her face. Dejected, "Even you have seen his cowardly look.

I don’t know what my daughter saw in him in the first place. There were obviously so many young men who were better than him, but she was so spoiled for choice that she found such a lump!

That's it. My daughter is obviously very wronged. If we don't say anything about whether to marry or not, at least she will be worthy of him for who knows how many years!

But her parents-in-law seemed to think their son was some kind of treasure, and they were picky about our daughter. They didn't let my daughter get any blessings from marrying her for so many years!

My daughter is so outstanding, but why doesn’t God open his eyes to her?

Such a good child in our family has encountered such a thing smoothly, but nothing happened to their wooden lump! In another year and a half, their family will happily marry another little goblin, and my poor grandson will suffer!

How can this make me feel so angry that I don’t look at it? "

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