Eye of Sin

Chapter 366 Hatred [Updates with monthly tickets]

Chapter 366 Hatred [Updates with monthly tickets]

Ning Shuyi looked at the time in the corner of the computer monitor in front of him.

They had dinner a little early today...

After a while, Huo Yan came back with two packed dinners.

"Why did it take so long? There are many people in the store?" Ning Shuyi took the lunch box from his hand and asked casually.

"Well, there are a lot of people." Huo Yan answered quickly, with an unusually firm tone.

At this time, it was not the peak time for dinner at all, but Ning Shuyi glanced at the suspicious red color showing through Huo Yan's earlobes and did not try to expose this.

Anyway, I didn't eat lunch, and I didn't feel it when I was busy. Now that the food is in front of me, I feel hungry immediately, so there is no problem in eating dinner early.

The two of them ate quickly, and just after they finished eating, news came from Forensic Doctor Zhang, who had new information about the cause of Hong Xinli's death, or the murder process.

The two people hurriedly went to Forensic Doctor Zhang to inquire. Forensic Doctor Zhang had just completed the autopsy and was sitting in the office, taking a rest and eating a bowl of instant noodles during this time.

"Are you here? Have you eaten?" Forensic Doctor Zhang saw the two of them coming, greeted them, and motioned for them to sit down.

"I've eaten." Ning Shuyi nodded quickly, "Forensic Doctor Zhang, don't worry, you can finish your meal first and then talk about it!"

Forensic Doctor Zhang was not polite to them. He finished the remaining noodles in three gulps, not even the noodle soup was left, and drank them all.

The ability to go back to the office and eat a bucket of instant noodles as soon as the autopsy is done is honed over time in front-line work.

In the beginning, no matter whether you are a new forensic doctor or a new detective, you will inevitably experience various degrees of physical discomfort after seeing a dead body. Some people will vomit to the point of blackness, have some uncontrollable associations when seeing food, and some will feel their stomachs twitching.

But it was naturally too much to be like that, so as time went by, I gradually became numb through training. No matter how tragic the scene was, it would not affect my appetite at all.

After finishing the bowl of instant noodles, Forensic Doctor Zhang breathed a sigh of relief and said to them: "Just now after completing the procedures and conducting further examination on Hong Xinli, we found residual tetrodotoxin in her stomach contents. .”

"Pufferfish?" Ning Shuyi was a little surprised, "Did Hong Xinli die after eating pufferfish?"

W City is not a place with a history of eating puffer fish. To be precise, most restaurants in W City do not have this somewhat dangerous flavor dish.

Let alone selling it, even if someone takes one and asks a hotel to process it on their behalf, I am afraid that these restaurant chefs will not dare to take the order because they have no experience in this area and are afraid of getting into trouble if they don't do it well.

Ning's father has been working hard in the catering industry for most of his life, and became an executive chef before retiring. Ning Shuyi grew up beside him, and under his influence, he still knows a lot about many things in the catering industry in W City. So I am very aware of these situations.

"If she really ate pufferfish, there's nothing to say." Forensic Doctor Zhang spread his hands. "The problem is that there are indeed food residues in her stomach that have not had time to digest, and it is not particularly difficult to distinguish. What happened? It should not have been long after eating, and the original form of some foods can even be seen with the naked eye.

However, this does not include undigested puffer fish meat. "

When he said this, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan suddenly understood everything.

"Can the concentration reach a lethal level?" Huo Yan asked. "Let's put it this way, it won't kill you immediately, but if you don't send him to the hospital urgently, he won't survive for a few hours." Forensic Doctor Zhang replied.

Ning Shuyi frowned slightly: "It is clear that after a few hours, Hong Xinli will die because she cannot get timely treatment, but the murderer just wants to stab a fork in her neck and let her die of excessive blood loss? "

"Yes, the time to death from excessive blood loss is relatively short. Compared with waiting for several hours, it is obviously safer." Forensic Doctor Zhang has obviously considered this issue, "And lie down quietly. There is a huge difference in the degree of mental torture caused to the deceased by waiting there to die and watching his own blood flow out.

Judging from Hong Xinli's intake, we all agree that she was in a state of general paralysis but with a completely clear mind when the jugular vein was pierced.

In other words, she watched herself bleed and then die. "

Listening to Forensic Doctor Zhang's introduction, Ning Shuyi felt goosebumps all over her body.

No wonder the deceased showed no signs of struggle when he should have felt the pain of hypothermia due to excessive blood loss.

It's not that she doesn't want to struggle, but she can't move at all, but her brain is still very clear...

"Being able to make Hong Xinli eat and still stay at home in her pajamas, it is obvious that the murderer is someone who can gain Hong Xinli's trust and there is no defense at all.

However, after he succeeded, he even pricked the jugular vein with a fork in a seemingly superfluous manner. Not only did the murderer want to ensure that there was absolutely no chance of Hong Xinli being saved, he even wanted to increase the mental torture she endured before her death as much as possible...

This person really hates Hong Xinli! "She sighed.

"Yes!" Forensic Doctor Zhang sighed, and moved his shoulders and arms a little, "We basically have no problems to find answers to.

There is no doubt about the time of death. Judging from the degree of rigor mortis and body temperature of the deceased, it should be about an hour before we received the report. The cause of death and the reason for the lack of struggle before death are now clear.

The deceased had had sex with someone before his death, but because of the protective measures taken, no evidence of the other person's body fluids could be extracted, and no related products used were found at the crime scene, so he must have been taken away.

You will have to work hard next! "

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan returned to the office with this answer that neither of them had thought of beforehand, and both of them were thoughtful.

As soon as he entered the office, Huo Yan's cell phone rang.

Due to his special life background, he had almost no contacts outside of work. When the phone rang, he immediately realized that it must be related to the case at hand. He quickly took out his mobile phone and answered the call from the unfamiliar number. Incoming call.

"Hello, is this Officer Huo?" The anxious voice of Hong Xinli's housekeeping aunt Yu Shufang came from the phone receiver. Her voice was trembling, and she couldn't tell whether it was fear or nervousness.

"It's me," Huo Yan heard Yu Shufang's voice, "What's the matter?"

"Help! Come and help!"

Please, come quickly! If it's too late, this life will be gone! "When Yu Shufang heard that the person who answered the phone was really Huo Yan, she immediately started yelling anxiously on the other end of the phone.

 Thanks for the monthly ticket of Yishui Feijian x4!



(End of this chapter)

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