Eye of Sin

Chapter 367 Calm down and calm down

Chapter 367 Calm down and calm down

"Don't worry, what is going on? Where do you want us to go?" Huo Yan was startled by Yu Shufang's panicked tone and quickly turned on the speaker of his phone so that Ning Shuyi next to him could hear clearly. .

"It's the house where my female boss, Hong Xinli, had an accident before! Either...or it's the building where she works! Anyway, it's nearby!"

Yu Shufang almost cried on the phone: "After my male boss came back in the afternoon, he stayed in the room with the door closed and did not come out.

I have been taking care of the children in the house in the afternoon, and I haven’t done much activities in the living room. When it was almost dinner time, I asked him what he wanted to eat at night so that I could make it for him.

I know he can't eat anything at this time, but people are like iron rice and steel. The child is still so young and has lost his mother, so he can't live without his father again.

As a result, I knocked on the door, but there was no sound for a long time. I was afraid that something might happen, so when I opened the door handle, the door was still unlocked, and the male host’s family was missing!

I saw a piece of paper on the table in the room, and what was written on it was that I couldn’t say goodbye so unclearly, and I had to find a place ‘where you can be’ to find out.

When I saw it, didn’t I just want to seek death?

The female boss died in that small house. She usually works over there at work. She can't go to these two places anyway!

My little kid can't get away, so I can only call you quickly to ask for your help! "

Yu Shufang was obviously panicked, so her words were unfocused and a bit wordy. But from the time she first started describing, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan had already gone downstairs and got in the car while listening to the phone.

They did not dare to interrupt Yu Shufang, for fear that if she was already nervous, and if she was interrupted and interrogated, she would become even more incoherent and miss the point, which would delay the matter.

At this moment, the car had just driven out of the gate and merged into the main road. After listening to Yu Shufang's words, the two of them already had a direction and decided to contact their colleagues in the team to take a look near Hong Xinli's workplace. They first went to the community where Hong Xinli lived. That is, go to the location of the crime scene.

It was almost dark outside now, and we were catching up with the evening rush hour after get off work. The cars on the road were densely packed, one by one, moving slowly.

When we were still halfway to the crime scene, the congestion on the road became more serious, and the car was caught in the middle of the traffic and could hardly move.

Huo Yan looked at the time and saw that more than ten minutes had passed since Yu Shufang called. He quickly made a decision and said to Ning Shuyi: "You drive the car, I will get off and go directly! There is no time delay now." rise."

Ning Shuyi hurriedly got out of the car and changed to the driver's seat. When he fastened his seat belt, Huo Yan's running back was almost invisible in the distant night.

During the rest of the journey, Ning Shuyi didn't get any further news from any group of colleagues, and he felt very uneasy inside.

Finally, when she was about to arrive near the crime scene, just one intersection away, her phone vibrated, and it was Huo Yan who sent a voice message.

"The person was found. He's on the top floor. It's okay.

The road is slippery, please drive slowly, don't rush. "

His voice was not long, and his tone was as steady as ever. However, Huo Yan's breath sounded a little unsteady, as if he had not recovered from his breathing.

When he arrived at the crime scene, Ning Shuyi parked his car and went straight to the top floor of the building where the crime was found. Sure enough, he saw Huo Yan and Zhai Yujiang.

"He...this..." Ning Shuyi saw Zhai Yujiang lying on the roof of the building, with several handfuls of snow piled on his body, motionless. If it weren't for the slight rise and fall of his chest, it would be almost impossible to tell that he was dead. Still alive.

"Let him calm down." Huo Yan sat on the cement cover of the ventilation shaft nearby. His clothes were stained with snow that had not yet melted. It seemed that the "communication" between the two people just now was not particularly harmonious. "You won't catch a cold, right?" Ning Shuyi was a little worried.

Huo Yan didn't care too much: "It's better to stay alive if you catch a cold than to jump downstairs when your brain is hot and you'll be completely cold."

Ning Shuyi nodded, what he said made sense. It was obvious that a person who got into trouble couldn't be treated with normal thinking.

"By the way, Zhao Dabao's side..." She suddenly remembered that she didn't know if the other group of colleagues knew about the situation here.

"I've already finished calling Zhao Dabao." Huo Yan nodded, "I'll call him after I send you the voice message."

Ning Shuyi breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Zhai Yujiang lying on the ground, and then looked around.

The top floor of this building is obviously not open to the owners for activities. Even the door leading to the rooftop just now has a broken and rusty lock hanging on it, so there are no facilities on the roof. No, even the guardrails were in tatters and the height was obviously not safe enough.

Fortunately, Huo Yan got off the car and ran all the way over. If he had arrived a step too late and allowed Zhai Yujiang to jump from the building, one tragedy would have turned into two.

After a while, Huo Yan stood up and walked towards Zhai Yujiang, pulling him up from the ground by the front of his clothes.

Zhai Yujiang was like a puppet with its strings cut off. As if he had lost his consciousness, he allowed Huo Yan to pull him up from the ground and pat the snow off his body.

"Sit if you don't feel cold, stand up if you feel cold!" Huo Yan said to him in an unkind tone, "As a grown man, don't give excuses for your cowardice!

If you can't figure it out, ask Hong Xinli for it!

If you believe there are ghosts in this world, go find a magician to perform rituals for you!

If you don’t believe that there really are ghosts in this world, seeking death and living is just escaping responsibility! Hong Xinli can't come back alive. You want to die at this time. Where is your child? Just leave it to a nanny? ! "

Zhai Yujiang's originally distracted eyes finally regained some brightness when he heard "child".

"No!" He suddenly came to his senses as if he had just woken up from a dream, "The child cannot be left to Hong Xinli's parents! They can't raise any good children! They won't sincerely treat their children well! Children If you let them pull it, your life will be over!"

Seeing that he still cared about the child, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Get up." Huo Yan knelt down and patted him, "Your child is still so young, and he is still sick and needs others to take care of him. He cannot take care of you as a father for the time being.

Before it gets too cold, move to a warmer place. If you have something you can't figure out or something uncomfortable in your heart, just say it and we'll help you take care of it! "

Zhai Yujiang's lips trembled and his eyes turned red. He nodded hastily, took Huo Yan's extended hand, and stood up from the ground.

 There is still one more month of tickets available today! mwah!



(End of this chapter)

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