Eye of Sin

Chapter 368 Failure [Updates with monthly tickets]

Chapter 368 Failure [Updates with monthly tickets]

Zhai Yujiang was already freezing in the snow and could not stop shivering. He followed Huo Yan and Ning Shuyi downstairs to the car, and the warm air blew for a while before he felt relieved a little.

Despite this, his face was still blue, not sure whether it was because of the cold or because he had suffered too many blows today.

"Where to go?" Huo Yan asked him, "Find a place outside, or go back to your home?"

Zhai Yujiang was a little hesitant and struggled for a while before finally making up his mind: "Don't go home, there is a housekeeping aunt at home.

Although she has been in my family for three or four years, she is still an outsider in the final analysis. I don’t want these things in my family to become a source of discussion between her and her next employer or other housekeepers. "

Huo Yan nodded, indicating that he understood what he meant, and looked at Ning Shuyi again.

Although he grew up in W City, he spent most of his time either in an orphanage in the outer suburbs or living on campus.

Judging from his past living conditions, he really didn't have the spare money or time to wander around the city. He later left W City, so he was basically not much different from outsiders.

He couldn't find any place nearby where they could talk in a warm room and easily.

Ning Shuyi is not a person who likes to go out and play when she has nothing to do. Her biggest hobby was reading books at home and staying quietly in her spare time after work.

But she soon had an idea.

"Let's find a KTV with good business!" She said to Huo Yan, "The soundproofing of that place is very good. If other rooms around start singing, no one can hear clearly what we are talking about in the cubicle. ”

As she said that, she glanced at Zhai Yujiang in the back seat: "If you feel unhappy and want to cry over there, just let go and cry. Once the music is played, no one can hear it. Don't worry about what others will think or think. .”

Zhai Yujiang nodded in agreement almost immediately.

Ning Shuyi searched for nearby KTVs and found one that looked relatively large. When he got there, it turned out that it was hard to find a seat in the parking lot at the entrance and the business was very good.

The three of them opened a private room. Huo Yan saw that Zhai Yujiang looked like he hadn't recovered yet, so he asked for another pot of hot tea.

The tea was brought and the waiter pushed it out. Zhai Yujiang drank a cup of hot tea, and the tears that might have been frozen outside now melted and flowed out of his eyes.

Ning Shuyi silently chose a song with a strong rhythm and played it. Zhai Yujiang's voice was drowned out by the singing, which made him relax a lot. He started sobbing, and then almost cried.

This was the first time Ning Shuyi saw a man cry like this. There was nothing she and Huo Yan could do at this time but wait patiently.

After crying for a while, Zhai Yujiang's emotions finally stabilized again. He was like a fish just out of the water, or like he had run a marathon. He leaned on the back of the sofa exhausted, panting with his mouth open. "Thank you." After a moment, he said hoarsely to the two of them, "The whole day today, ever since I learned about Lili's accident, my chest felt like it was pressed by a big stone, and I couldn't breathe. , the whole person was confused, and it felt like all the emotions had been cut off. I couldn't laugh, couldn't cry, and couldn't express my anger.

When I got home, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that my life was unclear and a complete failure. At that time, the only thought in my mind was 'death'..."

"Then why didn't you commit suicide at home instead of running to the roof of the crime scene?" Ning Shuyi knew that asking this sounded a bit unkind, but it was indeed the biggest doubt in her mind at the moment.

"Because I'm not willing to give in. There are so many things I can't figure out. I think if I can see her again after I die, I can ask her clearly." Zhai Yujiang wiped his face and twitched the corner of his mouth in a self-deprecating tone. "Our home, to her, is a hotel. It has never been the place where she spends most time or where she likes to stay.

When she was alive, she didn't like to go back to our home. After she died, could I still expect her to suddenly become attached to our home after she turned into a ghost and be reluctant to leave? ! "

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan looked at each other. After an emotional breakdown, Zhai Yujiang's previous forbearance and silence was finally broken. This self-deprecation also vaguely revealed some of the problems between him and Hong Xinli.

"We heard from the reporter that Hong Xinli was too tired to go home every day because of her work, so she occasionally lived in the small house at the crime scene?" Ning Shuyi asked.

Zhai Yujiang nodded: "She bought that house before marriage. After we got married, we originally agreed that we would rent out the house and she would live in our own home, but later she disagreed and said she wanted to keep it. Used for occasional breaks.

At that time, I felt that my family was not short of rent money, and I didn’t have any objections.

But I don’t understand. It was obvious that our house was bought according to her wishes after we registered for marriage. She chose the location of the house and decided on the decoration style herself. But after moving in, she said she would leave her workplace. Too far and inconvenient.

She often lives by herself in the small house she had before marriage, which I don't think is an option. After all, her working hours are different from mine, which itself affects our relationship as a couple. What's more, the child is so young and needs her mother to spend time with her.

So I proposed to sell the house we live in now and buy another one of similar size near her workplace, but she didn’t agree..."

Zhai Yujiang put his fingers into his hair and scratched his scalp. The expression on his face looked like he was struggling and in pain: "I feel like I will never know what her truest thoughts are in her heart!

She said she liked me, but I couldn't feel the slightest warmth from her. I felt like she didn't love me. When our marriage was already in name only, she would suddenly become passionate about me, but this passion didn't exist at all. It won't last long...

Each one of them kept telling me that I was not worthy of her, that I was not good enough for her... I struggled every day with this kind of torture that was far and near, cold and hot.

Sometimes I can't help but wonder if she is with me just to get angry with her parents...

Today in your unit, you asked me about Lili, and I suddenly realized that what I could say was no different from what outsiders could say.

As a husband, let alone knowing the other side of my wife that outsiders don’t know, I can’t even tell whether my own wife loves me or not, or whether she loves this family... What a failure... I’m such a failure... …”

 Thanks to Qian Ranbai x2, Mint Qingfeng_bD x2 for your monthly pass!



(End of this chapter)

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