Eye of Sin

Chapter 369 Parasitism

"How did you and Hong Xinli meet? Was it introduced by someone or...?" Ning Shuyi felt that these two people did not seem to appear in the same group in terms of appearance and personality preferences, and was a little curious about their intersection. .

"We are alumni of the same class, not from the same college. She studied broadcasting and hosting, and I studied biology." Zhai Yujiang looked more and more sad when he thought of what happened back then, "My family members are all in business, so I just don’t have the business acumen. My only interest is to make various models. I still study a major that I can’t see the potential of unless I get a Ph.D.…

So at that time, I was a person that my grandma didn't know and my uncle didn't love. No one valued me or took me seriously.

I met Hong Xinli during a campus performance. I was asked to help make several prop models for the performance. She was the host.

I said I'm not afraid of your jokes. I fell in love with her at first sight. She is the kind of woman whose every hair grows on my heart.

But she is so beautiful, and there is never a shortage of people chasing her in school. I am self-aware, and I have always just liked her silently, without daring to express anything.

Later, when I graduated with a master's degree, I felt that I was struggling to study and was not qualified to apply for a doctorate. When I thought that I was going to graduate, she was going to graduate too, and we might never see each other again in this life. Not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

Before graduation, I had a party dinner and drank some wine. When my head was hot, I ran to confess my love to her. Unexpectedly, she agreed to me very readily. "

"Then this is a sweet memory for you, right?" Ning Shuyi asked.

"Not really." Zhai Yujiang shook his head with a grimace, "After the two of us got together, even though we were about to graduate, we still attracted a lot of people's attention.

Some of them said that Lili had had enough fun before graduation, so she needed to find an honest person.

Some people said that Lili's parents were very strict with her and interfered with the type of boyfriend she could find. In order to rebel against her parents, she deliberately found a type that her parents would definitely disdain.

Others said that Lili had gone through a lot of shopping and found that handsome boys were useless, so she became pragmatic and thought that my family's conditions were good, so she took advantage of me. "

"What do you think of this matter?" Huo Yan asked him.

Zhai Yujiang lowered his head slightly and shook it slightly: "I don't know... When I first heard the comments outside, I felt very uncomfortable. It was Lili who comforted me and told me not to care about others, just the two of us. The relationship is only between the two of us and has nothing to do with those who gossip behind our backs.

She said that those who understand themselves will understand themselves, why should you care what others say! She also told me to be more confident in myself and not to think so badly of myself.

I was so moved at the time that I felt so lucky to be able to win the heart of such a beautiful and intelligent woman. I was the luckiest and happiest man in the world!

But... later I got admitted to the Museum of Natural History. The job was very stable and I liked it. But I had no future, I couldn't make any money, I couldn't accumulate any useful contacts, and I couldn't let my family get married because of me. What are the benefits of borrowing polish?

The life between Lili and I was not good, but it was neither salty nor bland, neither cold nor hot, and it always seemed like we were missing a breath...

I vaguely wondered if she had met too many capable and talented people of the opposite sex in her workplace, so when she saw me when she came home, she felt regretful and felt that she had not considered maturely when she chose me. "

"Have you not tried to communicate this issue and try to solve it?" Ning Shuyi asked. "How to communicate? How to solve it?" Zhai Yujiang wiped his face and shook his head, "I originally didn't want to say a word to outsiders. Whether it was for Lili's face or for my own face, I did it. I can't say this.

But today I am looking for life and death, and you have seen the even more shameful side of me. There is nothing shameful about me anymore.

Lili doesn't like to go home. She doesn't like to deal with my parents. She even goes back with me during the Chinese New Year, but I take the kids back alone.

Or when my parents come to our house to celebrate the New Year, she won’t go home. Instead, she goes to her parents’ place, saying that she can spend time with her parents.

But in fact, she doesn't like to interact with her parents. "

"She is not close to her adoptive parents?" Ning Shuyi was a little surprised. After all, Hong Xinli's adoptive parents, Chen Dagang and his wife, provided so many intimate photos of the family of three, which gave people the feeling that the family of three had a very close relationship.

Zhai Yujiang nodded: "Not close, not close at all. They are her parents, what you call adoptive parents, because I have only met her parents, and never my biological ones, so for me, There is no difference between adoptive parents and not adoptive parents.

Ever since we got married, her parents have been asking for things from her in a roundabout way, from knick-knacks worth a hundred and ten yuan to home appliances worth several thousand yuan. I know all these and can see them. of.

Privately, Lili should have returned money to her parents, whether it was transfer or cash, in short, it should have been given.

One time I had a headache and took half a day off to go home and lie down, so Lili didn't know I was at home, and neither did her parents.

They came to my house together and had a quarrel. I couldn't hear it very clearly upstairs. I probably heard the old couple talking about how much they had paid for Lili over the years and what was wrong with the return of being a child.

I couldn't hear clearly what Lili said. Later, my cell phone rang and they heard it. When they found someone at home, they stopped making noise and left quickly.

After they left, I went downstairs and saw Lili sitting on the sofa, her eyes were very red, she must have cried. "

Zhai Yujiang sighed: "Let me say something that may not be appropriate. I feel that the relationship between her parents and her is not like a normal relationship between parents and children. It seems to be a parasitic relationship. There is a kind of parasitic relationship. Inexplicably unwilling to cut off the bond with their children, no, not to mention cutting it off, even reducing the bond. If they are not willing, they must find ways to tie them together.

When I was in college, I knew that although Lili lived on campus, her parents bought a house near the school and stayed with her for seven years as an undergraduate and graduate student. Otherwise, no one would have heard that she came to me just to rebel against her parents. .

I feel that Lili really wants to live away from her parents, but whether she is studying, going to school, or working and raising a family, her parents will definitely follow her wherever she goes. If it were me, I would also feel suffocated. "

Thanks to Vegetarian Fruit x2, Book Friends 20170131151018539, and Vegetarian Piggy x2 for the monthly pass!

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