Eye of Sin

Chapter 370 Tool Man

"Did you have a dispute when you left our place during the day?" Ning Shuyi took the initiative to bring up what she saw from the window during the day.

Zhai Yujiang probably wanted to open up his heart and vent his emotions that he could no longer bear alone, so he didn't cover it up.

"Yes." He nodded frankly, "They pulled me and said that although Lili is gone, the child is the bloodline left by Lili, so the child must belong to them, otherwise they are worried that I will find another one after a while. If a woman remarries, she will abuse her children.

I used to care about Lili's face, and I felt that I was not as good as Lili, so I was more tolerant and tolerated them all the time. I never blushed with them.

This time they are still thinking about my child, and I can't bear it anymore.

I said that their suffocating way of raising Lili must stop. After Lili died, I could no longer let them raise my child like Lili, without a healthy family relationship. concept. "

What Zhai Yujiang was crying about just now was mostly about his love and marriage with Hong Xinli. He didn't mention much about family matters, especially those involving children. Now it happened to be related to this topic, and Huo Yan immediately caught it This topic: "How do you say this?"

"Lili doesn't care about children." Zhai Yujiang sighed and said in a heavy tone.

In fact, Huo Yan and Ning Shuyi were not surprised at all. Housekeeping aunt Yu Shufang had mentioned these things to them in the car downstairs at the crime scene.

But after all, Yu Shufang is just a nanny. Her position and role dictate that what she can see is only the surface, and what she says may not be very objective.

Now that Zhai Yujiang said the same thing, Ning Shuyi and the others would naturally take it seriously.

They need to have as comprehensive a grasp as possible on this multi-faceted Hong Xinli.

"When Lili and I got married, I said we were both too young and should have a child, and Lili had no objection.

But this process was not particularly smooth. Fortunately, we did not give up. We tried intermittently for several years, and finally got good news.

It was then that I began to feel that Lili’s treatment of children was different from others.

Other women may either not like children at all and not have children at all, or they may have a natural maternal instinct and not like their children enough after having children.

But she's not. "

When Zhai Yujiang talked about this, the expression on his face was confused and a bit resentful towards his parents-in-law: "When she first got pregnant, Lili didn't believe that she really had a child for a while. As the months passed, her reaction became smaller and her belly grew, she began to accept that she was really pregnant.

After the child was born, she immediately pointed out that she could not breastfeed and that she would not take maternity leave. She would immediately take medicine to recuperate her body and then return to work.

Our aunt was left at home to help out at that time. I actually didn’t accept the child sleeping with the nanny at first. I wanted the child to sleep in our bedroom, but Lili didn’t want to. She said it would affect her rest. .

If the child is in our bedroom, she simply doesn't come home at all. She only comes home to get something and then leaves.

If this continues, I'm afraid that our relationship will really be over. In contrast, the child can only stay with us for twenty or thirty years, while the husband and wife have to stay together for a lifetime. So I agreed that the child would sleep with the nanny, and I begged her not to go home. I had to persuade her to agree.

Even so, when the child gets older and begins to like to interact with adults, she will not play with the child. She finds the child very annoying, let alone staying alone with the child.

She didn't want to hold the child or let the child touch her.

Last year, the child was only two or three years old. He was very happy to see his mother. He ran over to climb on the chair and climbed on her back to touch her hair. She was so annoyed that she pushed back and the child fell off the chair with a bruise on his forehead. I hit a big bag..."

Zhai Yujiang shook his head in pain: "Later she said that she just didn't like others touching her newly done hair, and it was annoying when it was messed up, so she didn't think much about it.

I feel that people will not be so indifferent for no reason. After all, I listen to her evening show almost every day. She is so patient and gentle in the show!

You can be so gentle to strangers, why are you so reluctant to show it to your own children?

After thinking about it, I think there is only one reason, and that is that she feels that her parents are too suffocating, so she is afraid that getting along with her children will retest the family relationship between her and her parents. She has intentions. It’s knotted!

For her, whether it is getting married or having children, it is just a task that a person must complete in her life. As long as the task is completed, the follow-up is not what she is interested in and wants. "

Zhai Yujiang's story made Ning Shuyi feel more and more weird the more he listened to it. After the other party finished speaking, he carefully considered and asked: "Do you mean that after Hong Xinli became pregnant and gave birth to a child, it seemed that she had fulfilled her obligations?" Same, the relationship between you and me is even more lacking in the content of life that a normal couple should have?"

After all, she is a young single woman, and she is embarrassed to ask some questions too directly.

Fortunately, Zhai Yujiang was not stupid and understood what she meant immediately.

He didn't expect that Ning Shuyi could hear such a subtle subtext in his words, and his face suddenly turned redder with embarrassment.

Fortunately, the lights in this private room were not that bright, so it was hard to see.

But out of honesty, he nodded with difficulty, temporarily putting aside the embarrassment and face issues.

"Yes, even when she comes home to live, we are just roommates sleeping in the same double bed.

Sometimes I want to be more enthusiastic and proactive, and she will even lose her temper with me just to reject me.

Because of the accumulation of these things, I feel that our marriage is actually in name only. Instead of passively waiting for her to bring it up, I should take the initiative to file for divorce myself, which at least prevents me from being so passive and miserable.

But she firmly disagreed when I asked for divorce. In order to coax me, she would take the initiative to show her favor to me and get close to me again. It would probably last a month or two, but she would still be the same as before.

So sometimes I feel that she doesn’t actually need me. She just needs a marriage that lasts, someone to play the role of her husband, and children to form a complete family of three, making every aspect of her life All necessary items are complete.

In her eyes, neither I nor the child may be anything more than a prop, no different from the ones on the stage. "

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