Eye of Sin

Chapter 378 Flaw

Chapter 378 Flaw

"It seems that we are right to come to Director Xu. You know Hong Xinli very well." Ning Shuyi looked at Xu Wenbiao, "Since you said that she has no competitors in terms of interests, and she has not offended anyone in the program. , having a relationship with someone, so from your perspective, is there anyone who would have enough motive to commit a crime against Hong Xinli?"

Ning Shuyi's question itself was nothing special, but Xu Wenbiao became visibly more nervous after hearing this question.

"How do I know the answer to this question?" He pretended to laugh cheerfully, but his eyes wandered even more. "If I had this ability, I wouldn't work in a media company to earn a living, and I could be like you. , became the people’s defender, right?”

Ning Shuyi saw all his panic just now, and now he remained calm and continued to look at the time in a natural manner: "In this case, Huo Yan, do you have anything else to ask?"

Huo Yan shook his head.

"Then please ask Director Xu to come with us and collect fingerprints." Ning Shuyi stood up and said to Xu Wenbiao, "Don't worry, it will be done very quickly and without any effort at all. You are not feeling well, and we can help you later." Send you back."

Xu Wenbiao was sitting on the sofa. To be precise, he looked like he wished that a root had suddenly taken root under his spine and was stuck on the sofa, unable to get up.

"Actually... is it really necessary to go to such trouble...?" He tried to smile calmly, but unfortunately his face looked like a big bitter gourd, "Don't mind if I say something...

Your work unit is known to the outside world as a "yamenmen". Most people really don't want to deal with people from the "yamenmen".

I'm already this age, in my late 40s, and I'm looking forward to turning 50. Although I'm not well-known in our local area, I still know a lot of people. You took me in and out of your unit, and others See, I don’t know what to say to me behind my back.

Even if I am willing to go out of my way, my child has just grown up, so I still have to take care of my child’s face, right? "

"Director Xu, since you said so, we might as well be honest with you." Ning Shuyi said to him in a firm and sincere tone without blinking an eye, "If we didn't find anything at the scene, Then whether this matter is necessary, maybe we can still discuss it.

The problem is, now we have extracted fingerprints from Hong Xinli's home that do not belong to her, so you must cooperate with our work, otherwise we can only summon you. After all, the surveillance video is there, and you are unwilling to cooperate. , we have no other way.

But in this case, will the impact be worse? "

In fact, Hong Xinli only had her own fingerprints in her bedroom, and after Yu Shufang wiped and cleaned other places in the house, no other valid fingerprints were extracted.

But Ning Shuyi's demeanor and tone made it impossible to detect any flaws.

Xu Wenbiao's face was just a little red, but now it turned white visibly to the naked eye. It would not be an exaggeration to say that his face was ashen.

"What? Are there any other questions?" Huo Yan took a step forward, as if he would "pull him up" from the sofa with his own hands if he refused to stand up.

Xu Wenbiao subconsciously shrank back to the sofa, then realized that it was futile for him to do so, and quickly raised his hand to signal the two of them to sit down.

"You two! You two!" He looked like he was begging for mercy and waved his hands to Ning Shuyi and the others in embarrassment, "Let's not be anxious. Something happened to my subordinates, and I definitely don't want to see all this. , I hope the truth comes out as urgently as you do, you believe me!

But should you think about this again? Someone else’s fingerprints don’t necessarily belong to me, right? Her nanny often cleans her house. Even if there are other people's fingerprints in the house, it might belong to the nanny. Would you like to consider taking the nanny's fingerprints first? "

Ning Shuyi smiled: "Director Xu, after working under the melon fields and plum blossoms, actually has a very comprehensive understanding of the situation in the female subordinate's home! Does she even know where her nanny will go to help clean the house?"

Xu Wenbiao originally wanted to help Ning Shuyi and others divert their attention by talking and discussing, but just now when he was nervous and anxious, his thinking had a loophole. Before he realized this, he couldn't wait to say the words. go out.

Now being stared at by Ning Shuyi with a half-smile, and being beaten with words like this, he finally realized his gaffe.

He slumped his shoulders and lowered his head a little slumpedly, seeming a little annoyed, but there was no possibility of making amends.

"Director Xu, let's talk about what we have. What was the purpose of going to Hong Xinli's house on the day of the incident? What was the situation like at that time?" Ning Shuyi urged Xu Wenbiao, hoping that he would take the initiative to speak, "We're here. If you continue to be secretive about this, it will only increase the suspicion on yourself."

Xu Wenbiao also realized this at this moment, so even though he looked embarrassed and was a little disgraced after someone exposed his sanctimonious lie, he really did not dare to continue making up lies.

"What do you want me to say..." He touched his neck, "Hong Xinli and I... we do have something going on...

I went to see her yesterday morning. We made an appointment. She ordered a cup of milk tea from my office the day before, and I knew she was asking me to go to her place the next morning. "

"What's the secret code?" Ning Shuyi asked.

"Just...in order not to be noticed, if I take the initiative to date her, I will order a cup of milk tea for her. If she wants to date me, she will order it for me. If it is inconvenient for either of us, I will order a cup of coffee and send it back. Just send nothing back..." Xu Wenbiao was dejected and didn't dare to raise his eyelids when he spoke.

Although he said that he had done those things, speaking frankly in front of outsiders still made him feel as ashamed as if he had been stripped naked and paraded through the streets.

Ning Shuyi looked at his reaction and found it a bit funny.

Sometimes it's so ironic, some people will do a lot of things without any shame, but when everything is exposed, they feel ashamed again.

"She ordered milk tea for me the afternoon before yesterday, and I went there yesterday morning, but... but the two of us didn't do anything, really!" Xu Wenbiao raised three fingers, and when he was about to lift them up, he felt a little embarrassed. Hesitantly retracted his hand, "I just arrived at Hong Xinli's place and sat in the living room for a while. Before I could do anything, my wife called.

She said that my dad had a heart attack and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. She didn't know if he could be saved, so she asked me to go there quickly.

I didn't dare to have any other thoughts, so I left quickly.

As soon as I got out of the elevator, someone got stuck at the bottom and couldn't wait. I was anxious, so I ran down the stairs. In order to take a taxi, I went out from the west gate of the community. If you don't believe me, go check it out and see if it's true. Can find the video of me leaving! "

 Thanks to Vegetarian Ningruguo and Vegetarian Piggy x4 for your monthly pass!

  (End of this chapter)

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