Eye of Sin

Chapter 380 Original Intention

"Then where are you and who did you borrow the phone from?" Ning Shuyi asked Yan Yuan.

"I was just on the road and saw a young man standing there, holding a mobile phone in his hand, as if he was waiting for someone. I went over and asked him to borrow his mobile phone and he agreed." Yan Yuan replied.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ning Shuyi received a WeChat message from Qi Tianhua on his mobile phone. The phone call that Xu Wenbiao identified just now was confirmed to be a woman in her early twenties.

Qi Tianhua got in touch with the owner of the phone. The owner did not know Xu Wenbiao and Yan Yuan, but he was able to prove that his boyfriend lent his phone to someone else and made a call the day before.

Ning Shuyi handed the phone to Huo Yan, raised his head and looked at Xu Wenbiao and his wife: "Director Xu, where did you go after receiving the call yesterday, or in other words, where did you and your husband go after the call yesterday? Provide it to us.

If you two feel that it is inconvenient to communicate here, then we can go to the bureau to talk, and we can do it. "

"What's going on?" Yan Yuan couldn't pretend anymore. She approached Xu Wenbiao a little unceremoniously, lowered her voice and whispered to him, "What are you trying to do outside? Why are you doing this?" When the police come to my house, do they have to question me?"

Xu Wenbiao obviously did not want to answer his wife's inquiry subjectively, but now he could also see that this was definitely not a matter that could continue to "preserve privacy". If he continued to "preserve privacy", I am afraid it would increase suspicion for himself.

So he said to Yan Yuan with an ugly face: "Hong Xinli is dead."

Yan Yuan was stunned for a moment, then quickly came to her senses, clenched her fists and beat her husband: "You naughty thing! I knew you were at her place yesterday! You still don't admit it!

It's okay now! Let you be unclean outside! Now the police have called the family! You are happy! You go out and continue to hook up with others!

You are getting older day by day, and you can’t stand the little things you have! You are not a dog. If you were a dog, I would send you to a veterinary hospital for sterilization!

I tell you Xu Wenbiao! If you cause any trouble and affect your children's ability to find jobs in the future, I will fight you tooth and nail! "

"Okay! Why are you so crazy at this juncture!" Xu Wenbiao quickly grabbed his wife's hand to prevent her from losing her temper. "This matter has nothing to do with me! If you are messing around now, you are not messing with me. Water! Are you afraid that people won’t doubt me?!

If you are really afraid of affecting your child's job hunting in the future, just calm down now and we will talk about the matter later. What do you have to say now? Don't talk about something that is or is not available! "

After what he said, Yan Yuan finally calmed down a little, took a few breaths, and forced out a smile that was no different from before.

"Comrade police!" She shook off Xu Wenbiao's hand, walked over, and pulled Ning Shuyi affectionately, "I'm sorry just now, we seem to be quite different in age, so I call myself 'sister' in front of you. , it’s not an exaggeration, it doesn’t count as taking advantage of you, right?

My sister was in a bad mood just now and didn't pay much attention to what she said. Don't take it to heart!

Let me talk about what happened yesterday first, okay? "

Ning Shuyi took out his hand, signaled Yan Yuan not to speak yet, turned to Huo Yan and said, "You communicate with Director Xu here, and Sister Yan and I will go downstairs and have a chat in the car.

Sister Yan, do you mind following me for a few steps? "

I thought Yan Yuan would be a little hesitant and reluctant, but she didn't think about it at all, and immediately nodded in agreement. She didn't even take off her coat, so she went directly to the door to change her shoes. Xu Wenbiao obviously didn't want his wife to leave his eyes. He wanted to say something to express his objection several times, but because Huo Yan was watching him from the side, his words were still choked. , did not dare to say it, could only watch Ning Shuyi and Yan Yuan go out.

On the way downstairs to the car, Yan Yuan did not act as enthusiastic as Ning Shuyi thought, actively chatting, pretending to be close, etc., but instead remained very silent.

Although she had a very calm expression on her face, and she would greet the neighbors she knew along the way affectionately, but if you look closely, you can still see that her face is already a bit sad.

The weather outside was still very cold, so when she got to the car, Ning Shuyi first blew up the warm air in the car, and then got into the back row and sat side by side with Yan Yuan. It was easier to communicate without having to twist her body.

Yan Yuan got into the car and put her hands on her knees, rubbing them subconsciously. Her eyes looked at Ning Shuyi several times and then looked away. Finally, she looked at her and squeezed out an awkward smile. .

"Just ask." She said to Ning Shuyi.

"I think it's better for me to listen and you to speak." Ning Shuyi shook his head, "Actually, you know all the questions I want to ask, don't you?"

Yan Yuan nodded: "I don't want to protect my husband. I know what kind of person he is. If you come here today, if you say that he was playing gangster with any of his female subordinates and asked others to call the police, then I will definitely believe it.

But he really can't do things like murder, not because others are nice, he is kind, he obeys the law, but because he can't spare himself!

Especially the person who died was Hong Xinli. I'm not afraid of your jokes. Hong Xinli is definitely not the only woman my husband Xu Wenbiao has outside. It's just that Hong Xinli is the one he cares most about at least in the past two or three years.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be so concerned about his and Hong Xinli’s affairs..."

Yan Yuan said, twitching her lips in embarrassment and looking at Ning Shuyi: "Officer Ning, are you not married yet?

Listening to me saying these words, do you think that I, a married woman, am quite pathetic and like a clown? "

Ning Shuyi shook his head: "Everyone has their own way of living. Every path will be chosen, and there are reasons behind it. As long as there is no illegal crime, no one who is not a party is qualified to judge."

Yan Yuan did not expect that Ning Shuyi would say this, and tears immediately burst out of her eyes. She was not pretending this time, but couldn't help but held Ning Shuyi's hand and sobbed.

"No one has ever understood me! No one has ever understood me!" Yan Yuan cried bitterly. "Others treat me as a joke. They think I am just a housewife without a job. I am old and can't control my husband. Even though I know He has never been honest outside, so I had to swallow my anger, knock out my teeth and swallow it in my stomach, pretending that nothing happened, just to keep my reputation and not lose my meal ticket!

But none of them knew my difficulties and my helplessness, and no one wanted to know. They just wanted to laugh at me! "

Thanks to book friend 20231106111336711 and book friend 20170131151018539 for their monthly votes!

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