Eye of Sin

Chapter 381 Multiple Considerations

Ning Shuyi saw that Yan Yuan must have endured it for a long time, so he silently took a tissue and handed it to her.

Yan Yuan cried for a while, wiped her tears, and with a little exhaustion after venting her emotions, she spoke with gritted teeth: "My husband has never been honest since he became that director.

For so many years, at least since ten years ago, I have always known that his relationship with some women in his workplace was not normal.

But what can I do? He has never been caught in pigtails outside, nor has he come home to argue about getting a divorce or staying together with a woman outside because of this.

Do you think I'm angry? I'm angry! I'm going to be so angry! I feel angry and disgusted when I think about this dead thing acting like a dead pig every time he comes home, but he is so alive and kicking outside.

I also thought about finding a job and divorcing him! Originally, I didn't expect him to live a wealthy life. For so many years, I have been responsible for all the children's affairs at home and outside the house. I can live a better life without him!

As a result, I went out to inquire around, because I had no work experience for so many years, and the jobs I could find were barely enough to support myself. If I got divorced, I would probably not be given custody of the children. "

She sniffed and looked at Ning Shuyi: "I'm not afraid of your jokes, after all, I can't talk to others about this.

I have a son who has been brought up by me since he was a child. Xu Wenbiao has almost no control over him. I was very resentful at first, but since I found out what he did outside, I don’t think so anymore.

They say parents are the mirror of their children, teaching them through words and deeds, etc. My husband is no longer a good man, I admit it! But my son can't stay with his father in the future. When he grows up, he will become an improper man like his father!

Therefore, I cannot divorce and leave my children to Xu Wenbiao. I have to educate my children well myself.

Later, as my children grew older, I thought more and more. I thought that if I have a boy, I will definitely have to get married and start a family in the future.

Girls will definitely not want to find a boy with a single parent, especially if the reason for being a single parent is because his father is not serious.

Therefore, for the sake of my child's future reputation and for my child not to be disliked by others, not only can I not divorce, I also have to protect Xu Wenbiao's reputation. "

Yan Yuan sniffed, took a deep breath, leaned back on the chair to relax, and told all the secrets she had hidden in her heart in one breath. This was not an easy task for her.

"So when you just came back from the outside and you still don't know what happened, you still chose to cooperate with him and prove it for him. You didn't want the affair between him and Hong Xinli to be exposed?" Ning Shuyi asked.

Yan Yuan rubbed her hands: "That's right. I also think that family scandals should not be made public, but now it involves a lawsuit involving human life, it is not a joke, and I can't afford to make this joke."

"Listen to what you just said, you chose to turn a blind eye to Xu Wenbiao's scandals and scandals outside and devoted yourself to preserving the family for your children. So why do you care so much about Hong Xinli?" Now there is no longer Xu Wenbiao to interrupt. , Ning Shuyi asked the question she wanted to ask Yan Yuan just now, "Did you know that Xu Wenbiao was going to Hong Xinli's residence yesterday morning?"

Yan Yuan's face turned slightly red, and being asked about these things still made her feel a little embarrassed and embarrassed: "Because he has been talking about these embarrassing things with that Hong Xinli for the longest time.

In all these years, I have never worried that Xu Wenbiao would get serious with a woman outside, just because I have always secretly paid attention to his things. He basically dated the same person for a period of time, and then gradually faded away and stopped interacting with them.

But it's not the case with Hong Xinli. The two of them have been doing this on and off for two or three years, or even longer, and they still secretly go out for private meetings from time to time, with no intention of stopping at all.

I actually don’t know if he really went on a date with Hong Xinli yesterday morning, it’s just a hunch.

Every time he goes out to hang out with others, he will pay special attention to tidying up.

When I woke up early yesterday morning, he was doing his hair, looking for his men's perfume, and even picked out two outfits. Looking at his appearance, I felt that he must have no good intentions.

In the past, I disturbed his date with Hong Xinli by calling him, so he didn't answer the call after I called him eight hundred times.

Yesterday morning, I saw him dressed up and going out. The more I thought about it, the angrier I became. I guessed that at that time, he would definitely skip work and go out on a date. After all, that was when Hong Xinli had the most free time, so I was there. I went outside and borrowed someone else's phone, called him, and lied to him that my father-in-law had a health problem.

I had never used this reason before, and Xu Wenbiao didn't know whether what I said was true or false. He didn't dare to joke about his own father's life. As expected, he ran out after receiving the call.

Because I knew that after he found out that I lied to him, he would be very angry and have to make a noise with me, so I hid in advance.

After he went to my parents-in-law's place and made sure that they were fine, he learned the lesson and knew that I might not answer his calls, so he called me from my husband's phone and scolded me. "

With that said, Yan Yuan took out her mobile phone, found a number from the call list, and showed it to Ning Shuyi: "This number is the mobile phone card used as a landline at my in-laws' house, and the card is my father-in-law's identity. You can go back and check to see if I told the truth."

"So, after you borrowed the phone to contact Xu Wenbiao yesterday, where was he?" Ning Shuyi looked at the mobile phone number, wrote it down, and asked again.

"I was in a cafe outside, playing with my phone." Yan Yuan said the name of the cafe, "I don't know where to go. I'm also afraid that Xu Wenbiao will come to settle the score with me. What if I'm with my friends?" Yes, people saw our family’s joke.

To tell you the truth, I have been hiding the dirty things about Xu Wenbiao from the outside world. I can't guarantee whether others can guess or hear the rumors, but at least from me, I must keep his father's life for the sake of my children. reputation. "

"Then did Xu Wenbiao come to see you later?"

Yan Yuan's expression was a little stiff and she shook her head: "No, he didn't look for me, and I don't know what he did after that. I called his work about an hour later, but no one picked up his office phone number. He is not at work, so I don’t know where he went.”

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