Eye of Sin

Chapter 386 Not on track

"Others must be more or less worried about causing trouble and offending others, but there is one person who doesn't." Ning Shuyi smiled, but she was not worried about this matter at all, "You forgot yesterday Did you communicate with Xu Wenbiao just now?"

Huo Yan understood immediately.

Although Xu Wenbiao's alibi can be established, he had an improper relationship with Hong Xinli, and he visited the scene on the day of the murder. Although he left slightly earlier than the time of death judged by the medical examiner, he was not suspected of being tainted. Planting is like falling into a cocklebur bush. It's easy to get it on, but hard to pick it off.

As the director of the program department, Xu Wenbiao is naturally the clearest about his company's internal program settings and host arrangements. Others don't know who Hong Xinli has done programs with before and why she had conflicts. Xu Wenbiao may not be aware of it. He has channels for knowing both publicly and privately.

So at such a juncture, if such a person can come out to divert the attention of the police and become a more suspicious object, it will undoubtedly be a good thing for Xu Wenbiao, and he has no reason not to cooperate.

"I'm going to call him right now. I was the one who communicated with him yesterday, and I'm the one asking today, lest it's you and he beats around the bush again." Huo Yan took out his cell phone and was about to make a call, looking towards the living room. Fang Fang glanced at it and put the phone away again, "I'll call again when I get downstairs later."

The two quietly packed up the tableware in the kitchen and went downstairs. When they got to the car, Huo Yan made a call to Xu Wenbiao and turned on the speaker so that Ning Shuyi could hear clearly.

When asked about Hong Xinli's previous conflicts with her show partners, Xu Wenbiao did not appear to be perfunctory, saying that it would be better to do less than to do more. Instead, he felt a little enlightened and a little annoyed.

It seemed that he was a little annoyed that he didn't think of this person in the first place. Fortunately, he took the initiative to bring it out when the situation was most unfavorable to him. On the one hand, he could distract himself from the suspicion, and on the other hand, he could gain some favor in front of the police and make up for it. The trust that was lost when the initial lie was exposed.

"Officer Huo, you are really diligent in investigating this case! If you hadn't mentioned this, I would have almost forgotten about it! There is indeed such a thing!" He said enthusiastically on the phone, "Hong Xinli did have a conflict with a male host on the station before, and the two were a bit incompatible."

"What specifically caused the conflict?" Huo Yan asked.

Xu Wenbiao laughed a few times on the other end of the phone: "What do you want me to say about this...

In fact, it's because of the things between men and women.

The male host she was on the show with was named Cao Youyu. I arranged for them to do that show together at the beginning, mainly because I thought they were about the same age. I heard before that they were brothers and sisters from the same school. , get to know each other, wouldn’t it be easier to communicate this way?

The kind of evening peak program that can't be too rigid and needs to be ridiculed and made up of jokes. If one person is talking and the other person can't catch it, then the effect of the program will definitely not be very good.

The two of them worked well together at first, and at one point some people joked that they were the golden boys and girls of the evening rush hour or something.

It turned out that Cao Youyu had a bad mouth and liked to make random jokes. Sometimes the jokes were... somewhat unreasonable. Maybe the jokes were a bit too much, and Hong Xinli didn't like hearing them anymore. The two of them He made a big blush. "

"Exactly what kind of bad joke is it, and how did it go too far?" Huo Yan didn't intend for him to get over it with such a big laugh. "With your relationship with Hong Xinli, you won't know only such a superficial and careless joke."

What Huo Yan said was somewhat of a slap in the face of Xu Wenbiao. The words were straightforward enough that Xu Wenbiao would not fail to hear it.

"Ahem..." Xu Wenbiao forced out a few dry coughs to cover up his embarrassment, "What can I say about Cao Youyu? His work ability is remarkable, but the bad things happen because of his bad mouth. He usually likes to verbally take advantage of his female colleagues, but if he does it in real terms, it doesn't necessarily mean anything, he just annoys people.

The same goes for Hong Xinli. He may have heard the rumors in private that Hong Xinli had a rich private life, and thought that she should be more casual in this regard, so he could take advantage of her.

Unexpectedly, Hong Xinli ignored him and even scolded him. He became angry and had a quarrel with Hong Xinli.

This is what I know about it. I can’t remember exactly what it was about after such a long time. Anyway, I definitely didn’t have anything nice to say. After all, it didn’t look good. "

"Cao Youyu heard about you and Hong Xinli in private?"

"No, no, no! It's not about the two of us! I don't dare to vouch for you whether they will discuss the matter between the two of us in private, but no one will be caught!

Cao Youyu has always had a bad mouth. If he really knew about Hong Xinli and I, he wouldn't be able to hold it in.

He should be talking about the time when Hong Xinli joined the company. "

"What happened to Hong Xinli when she joined the company?" Huo Yan asked.

"I don't know about this either," Xu Wenbiao explained quickly because of his previous bad record, "It's not that I'm hiding it from you, it's that I really don't know.

Although our company is not particularly large in scale, we have been cooperating with our local radio and television company all year round. As a private company, we are able to ensure income during droughts and floods, and we have good welfare benefits. We are still very popular in the industry, and the threshold for entry is not low.

When Hong Xinli came to our company, she was basically airborne. The boss of our company personally greeted her and hired her. At that time, she was only 27 or 28 years old and had just graduated from school.

When she came to the company, the big boss greeted her personally, who dared to neglect him, and quickly arranged everything for her. At that time, many people thought she was someone's child, but later they discovered that her parents were just ordinary people, not What an amazing character.

In addition, she is indeed beautiful. Putting aside our relationship, from a man's perspective, Hong Xinli is also the kind of very charming woman who looks at people as if they have hooks in their eyes.

So later on, everyone secretly guessed whether there was some story behind her with some boss.

I thought so at first, so I didn't dare to provoke her. Later, she took the initiative to show her courtesy to me. I tried to test who she might have a relationship with, but she avoided them all.

I guess it was because I didn’t hug my thighs and was dumped, so I wanted to lean on mine..."

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