Eye of Sin

Chapter 385 Weakness

"You don't know?!" Ning Shuyi heard this answer and said that he was not angry at all, which must be false.

After running around all day the day before, I was sleeping soundly at four in the morning when I was woken up by a phone call asking for clues. It turned out that it involved the most critical information, but the other party said "I don't know"!

If it weren't for the fact that he and Zhai Yujiang had never interacted, let alone had any relationship, Ning Shuyi couldn't help but wonder if this guy was deliberately teasing her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's not that I'm hiding it or not being honest with you, but I really only know one thing. What is the other person's last name? Lili never told me about it during her lifetime."

Zhai Yujiang also understood that what he said was somewhat unreasonable, and apologized quickly: "She was in a bad mood and complained at home. As a man and a husband, I also felt angry and wanted to stand up for her.

As a result, when I asked, she scolded me and asked me how I could help her. Is she tall and powerful enough to beat that man up? After beating him, even Lili walked around. , still have the ability to squeeze that man out of the company, or transfer Lili to a better work unit and a higher platform.

I'm ashamed to say that I can't do either of the two solutions she mentioned.

I said that I could go to her work unit, talk to the male colleague, and report the situation to the leader and ask for an explanation.

Lili scolded me for being a coward, saying that she didn't have a mouth. He could do these things by himself. Why should I go to her workplace to embarrass myself? A man is as incompetent as me and can't do anything well. In the end, It would be good to at least not embarrass your wife further.

I was really upset after hearing this. I must have been a little angry at the time, so I ignored it, and she didn't mention it again after that.

It's been a while since this happened. If I hadn't thought of everything in my mind this time, I might have completely forgotten about it. "

Ning Shuyi sighed: "Okay, thank you for reporting this matter to us, we will verify it carefully.

The deceased is gone. As a family member, whether for the sake of the children or for yourself, you still have to cheer up. You can't beat yourself up before you can do anything. "

After hanging up the phone, Ning Shuyi closed the book and put it away. He lay down again but couldn't find the slightest bit of sleep.

She sat up, took out her notebook, looked at the records she had made on it, and sighed.

Although Zhai Yujiang's experience in this marriage is not exactly the same, it is somewhat similar to that of his sister Ning Shuyue to a certain extent.

Both of them are in a weak position in a relationship. Under the blows of the other party over the years, their self-confidence has been completely destroyed. When faced with all problems, they will subconsciously choose to give in because they are "not good enough". Obsessed with marriage, I have always regarded myself as an ostrich, covering my eyes and plugging my ears, turning a blind eye to all the signs right in front of me.

While he was thinking wildly, Ning Shuyi heard some rustling noises outside, and thought it was Ning's father getting up to make breakfast. He thought that he couldn't sleep anyway, so he might as well get up and help, so he quickly got up, opened the door and walked out.

The person standing in the living room was not Ning's father, but her sister Ning Shuyue. She didn't look like she had just slept all night, but she seemed to have worked a night shift. The dark circles under her eyes were particularly obvious.

Ning Shuyue was a little embarrassed when she saw her sister coming out. She tried hard to show her usual natural smile, but obviously she couldn't.

"I've heard all about it." Ning Shuyi saw through her intention to pretend that nothing happened, walked over directly, and spoke to her softly, so as not to disturb her parents who were still resting in the master bedroom.

When Ning Shuyue heard this, her eyes immediately turned red: "Xiaoyi... I'm sorry for annoying you..."

"You don't have to apologize." Ning Shuyue sighed. After talking to Zhai Yujiang on the phone, her anger at her sister disappeared. "You are your parents' daughter. As long as your parents are willing to tolerate you, you I didn't feel sorry for them.

There's no point in apologizing to me. The only person who has been wronged from beginning to end is yourself. The only person you are sorry for is yourself. "

Ning Shuyue's tears slipped down after hearing Ning Shuyi's words. Her sister's tolerance and those words pierced her heart.

"You have to make your own decision about whether to stay or go. My parents and I definitely understand and respect your choice." Ning Shuyi sighed and took her sister's hand, "I only have one thing to say to you.

If you want to leave, with us here, no one can stop you! "

Ning Shuyue nodded repeatedly and wiped the tears on her face with the back of her hand.

"Stop torturing yourself, take a good rest before you can face the decisions you make in the future!" Ning Shuyi looked at her sister's face that was obviously losing weight, feeling somewhat uncomfortable, "We can only give you support, you Your strongest ally is always yourself!

Do you have to go to work soon? "

Ning Shuyue shook his head: "I'm asking for leave. In my current mental state, I can't concentrate on my work.

And I’m also afraid that Nie Guang will come to my workplace to make trouble with me and make people laugh..."

"Don't think like that. You are you and he is him. His every move will only make others think that you were clumsy. The only joke is Nie Guang himself." Ning Shuyi comforted her sister, "You didn't sleep much last night, did you? I'll fry the eggs and you heat the milk. After I'm full, I'll go back and cover my head and fall asleep.

No matter what happens, when you wake up, your mind is clear and calm, and you will have time to make a decision when the time comes! "

Ning Shuyue nodded quickly. Unknowingly, just like Ning's mother said, her elder sister acted more like a younger sister in front of her younger sister.

The two sisters prepared a simple breakfast together. Although it was not as rich as the one prepared by Ning's father, it was still delicious.

When Huo Yan came over, Ning Shuyue had already eaten and went back to the room to rest.

"I'm sorry. I made breakfast this morning. I'm definitely not as good at it as my dad." Ning Shuyi said to Huo Yan, "I guess we didn't have a good rest last night. We're still not awake at this time. I I didn’t bother them.”

Huo Yan picked up a piece of egg and stuffed it into his mouth, nodded: "It's very delicious."

Ning Shuyi told Huo Yan what happened when Zhai Yujiang called him at four in the morning.

Huo Yan frowned subconsciously after hearing this: "He is really...

Then let's go to the media company again today to confirm the other party's identity?

But the behavior of the male host and the conflict between the two people. Hong Xinli, one of the parties involved, is dead. Zhai Yujiang only listened to Hong Xinli's words without seeing it with his own eyes or direct evidence. At this time, people over there would be willing to Is this person's information available to us? "

Thanks I don’t care if you noticed my monthly pass!

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