Eye of Sin

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

"I really don't know her, but I know about her family." Manager Sun sighed, "Her aunt has been an old depositor of our business for many years. Back then, Wang Yuluo was young, and her father Busy, there are a lot of things at home, including the redemption of financial management when it is due, and the need to exchange currency when going abroad. These are her aunt, who runs from time to time to help the two of them.

When this girl was in college, every month, sometimes several times a month, her aunt came to the bank to transfer her living expenses. Her aunt was a little older than me, and she couldn’t use self-service transfers. It has to be done manually, or we can help her operate it, no, we will get to know each other once we come and go!
We were also quite puzzled at the beginning, why is the aunt doing everything for her, and it’s fine if her father is not free, why I have never seen my mother, and we only found out after talking a few words sometimes after we got acquainted. After a long time, the mother of the child passed away long ago, so it was not easy for the aunt to take care of the elder brother and the niece by herself!

Later, as soon as her aunt came, we greeted her and said that she was paying Wang Yuluo's living expenses again?Just like that, I have learned a little bit about this child. "

"Just now we did see that Aunt Wang Yuluo's account was used to transfer living expenses to my niece, so that's what happened." Ning Shuyi suddenly realized, "Is Wang Yuluo's father so busy? I think he will transfer money to Wang Yuluo himself in the later stage. Why did I have to go through so much trouble with my aunt before?"

Manager Sun sighed, and said helplessly: "It's a long story, not only do you find it strange, we have never seen such a troublesome thing at that time, and we also find it very strange. Sister Wang is Wang Yuluo's aunt. , she also explained the situation to us, for fear that we would think there was a problem with this business.

Sister Wang said that when her sister-in-law died, her niece was still young, and her brother lost his wife in middle age, so he had to work hard outside to make ends meet, so he felt indebted to the children and had no energy to discipline them.

When she became an aunt, she also felt that it was pitiful for her niece to lose her mother at such a young age. She was not willing to be too strict, and she was coaxed and pampered.

When her niece grew up, she didn't know what to do in other aspects. She was extravagant in spending money, and the adults in the family spent as much as she wanted.

Three thousand at the beginning of the month, maybe one week, and after spending [-], she also asks her father for money after a week, saying that there is no penny in her pocket.

Sister Wang said that her brother was already busy, so how could he have the energy to negotiate with his daughter about expenses, so he simply discussed with Sister Wang, and he regularly transferred a large amount of money to Sister Wang's account. The sister then distributes them to the children in batches.

In this way, he can save a lot of energy. Sister Wang also thinks that by doing this, on the one hand, she can help her brother share a little more, and on the other hand, she can also control the expenses of her niece a little. It wasn't caused by the strong wind. When the child grows up, he should be more sympathetic to his father's hard work. "

After finishing speaking, Manager Sun glanced at Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan, and added: "Furthermore, when a child is half a year old, he is not so sensible when he says he is sensible. It would be bad if a bad boy were to be targeted, if he did something stupid or got into trouble!"

Obviously, two policemen came to the bank to investigate matters related to Wang Yuluo in a targeted manner, which made Manager Sun instinctively have such a guess.

"That's right, if you don't have self-control, the more money you have, the more trouble you may have." Ning Shuyi agreed with Manager Sun's words, and she looked down at the running water in her hand, "But Wang Yuluo's aunt manages well." It's really troublesome, I think the transfers in the early days were transferred once a month, and I didn't even dare to send her the money for a semester directly."

"It's more than that!" Manager Sun smiled wryly, "No matter how early the flow can't be adjusted, otherwise you would have opened your eyes! Earlier, Sister Wang came to the bank to transfer money to her niece once a week! Otherwise, it would be a waste in a blink of an eye, and I would have to ask for it again.

Later, when I got older, I guess I finally became a little more sensible, knowing that money can’t be so badly spent, so it became once every two weeks, and then it became once a month. Occasionally, when there are flowers, then Transfer twice a month.

Anyway, Sister Wang went to our bank a lot in those years, seldom for her own affairs, but more for running errands purely for the affairs of her brother and niece.

After her niece graduated from university, she came less often. Once I asked for it, I asked her why she came less recently. She said that her brother finally dared to call her niece directly for living expenses after her niece graduated from university. Only then can I breathe a sigh of relief and save myself a few trips. "

"Does Manager Sun know Wang Yuluo himself? Have you dealt with her much?" Ning Shuyi asked.

Manager Sun shook his head: "I don't know her well, once she came with her aunt, and I thought she was Sister Wang's daughter, but after I asked, I found out that she was Sister Wang's niece.

That little girl seldom comes to our bank to do business. She comes directly through the door of the 24-hour self-service cash withdrawal. She doesn't come to our main hall at all. "

"Then, as a bystander, what is your impression of her?"

"Actually, I don't have any special impressions. I feel that the little girl is a bit arrogant and unreasonable. She is completely different from her aunt." Manager Sun said, she seemed a little hesitant, but couldn't help but want to share her feelings. In the end, he still opened his mouth and said to Ning Shuyi, "Actually, several old employees in our business who knew Sister Wang privately felt that this child is so pitiful, but he is really ignorant.

If it weren't for such a good aunt who helped her in every detail and worked hard without complaint, wouldn't the father and father of their family be in a mess!This spoiled child does not know how to be grateful. "

"Did Aunt Wang Yuluo tell you this?" Ning Shuyi asked her.

Manager Sun immediately denied it and said, "That's impossible! Sister Wang is very kind and honest. She never speaks ill of her brother or her niece, but we can listen and read. We are fair and at ease!
Over the years, we have seen her aunt running back and forth about her affairs and her family's affairs, busy inside and out, when she came with her aunt that time, she ignored her aunt...

People of our age also have children at home. As elders, it really makes me feel uncomfortable. "

 Thanks for the monthly pass of Peanut 2012!
(End of this chapter)

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