Eye of Sin

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Regarding Manager Sun's evaluation, Ning Shuyi did not make any comments, but expressed an understanding in his attitude, and then routinely asked about Wang Yuluo's account status, as if the previous small talk was just to open up the situation and warm up the scene. .

After getting an answer that was nothing unusual, they thanked Manager Sun and left the branch.

"Where are you going next?" After getting in the car, Huo Yan asked Ning Shuyi.

"Back to the game, I have to go to Team Dong to open a formality." Ning Shuyi had already made plans.

Huo Yan didn't ask her what procedures to go through and what to do afterwards, but just drove to the bureau as said.

Ning Shuyi frowned slightly, thinking about what Manager Sun of the bank said just now, and then asked Huo Yan: "Do you still remember when Wang Yuluo's aunt followed her father to the bureau to identify the corpse, including going to Wang Yuluo's house?" When checking the situation, did she have any outstanding performance?"

Huo Yan didn't need to spend time thinking about this question at all, and replied immediately: "She has been doing two things. One thing is to clear up, and the other thing is to point the finger at outsiders."

Ning Shuyi turned his head and looked at him. It seemed that even though this person was silent, he still had a good idea in his heart. He had observed this detail himself, but when he was asked by himself, he immediately said nothing. He said it without hesitation, which shows that these two things are also thinking about in his head.

"Yeah, I made it sound like I was completely cut off from my niece, just like a hired nanny. Now it seems that, no matter what people in the bank say or from the bank's transaction records, Aunt Wang Yuluo Her sense of boundary is not as good as she advertises." Ning Shuyi murmured, "We have never met Wang Yuluo before, so we can't say what kind of person he is.

It's just that her ex-boyfriend, aunt, and classmates in the postgraduate entrance examination class still have different evaluations of her from these three different characters. Cai Xin thinks that Wang Yuluo is good because Wang Yuluo is good to her, especially in terms of economics. Complain with her, and often take care of her, to let her take advantage.

Li Qiao was angry with Wang Yuluo because he longed to improve his quality of life through Wang Yuluo's channel, but he was dumped by Wang Yuluo once, and then he looked back and asked for reunion with his tail between his legs, and was hung up by Wang Yuluo and refused to let go. So he has resentment in his heart.

As for the version that my aunt said that she endured the humiliation and shouldered all the burdens, but the niece didn't appreciate it, and treated herself like an old mother, only letting herself do the work, but completely shutting herself out and not getting close at all, how true is it? How fake it is, and what is the purpose, then we have to continue to research! "

"It's too late for nothing." After hearing Ning Shuyi's words, Huo Yan said five words.

"It seems that you are a pessimist in terms of feelings. You don't believe in the dedication of love and selfless family affection in this world." Ning Shuyi joked.

She just answered that sentence casually, and didn't expect any response from Huo Yan, but he hummed. Ning Shuyi subconsciously turned to look at him, and saw that his face was serious, as if he was really serious about his teasing. respond.

Ning Shuyi didn't speak anymore. Everyone's different life experiences will have various impacts on their outlook on life. She doesn't know much about Huo Yan, so she has no right to judge whether his views are right or wrong.

"Do you believe it?" Just when Ning Shuyi thought that her silence had ended the topic, Huo Yan suddenly asked her back.

Ning Shuyi shook his head: "I don't believe it either. How can there be selfless feelings! Any kind of emotional giving is like a slap, it has to be two-way, a slap can't make a sound, and a relationship that can't get a response can't last. Going on, even between parents and children, if one of them is a white-eyed wolf who is not familiar with it, over time the warm one will become chilled.

So I agree with you, it’s not too early to pay for nothing, if Aunt Wang Yuluo didn’t have any sweetness in the process of helping her brother and niece with these trivial matters these years, I don’t believe that she would look at her niece’s cold face and rely on her full heart Selfless family affection paid so much unilaterally. "

When the two returned to the bureau, they immediately reported to Team Dong and explained everything about Wang Yuluo's bank account and Aunt Wang Yuluo to him.

Of course, Ning Shuyi was mainly responsible for saying that Huo Yan listened silently most of the time, and only added a sentence or two when Ning Shuyi had finished speaking, or only opened his mouth when asked by the Dong team.

"Wang Yuluo's aunt has always established herself as a hard-working and good aunt to the outside world. The staff in that branch are not familiar with Wang Yuluo and have not dealt with him much. Everyone has a negative view of Wang Yuluo, thinking that he is a prodigal son who doesn't know how to be grateful, a white-eyed wolf.

So even if we could, we couldn't conduct further investigation in that branch.

I don't deny that bank staff are professional, but the law is nothing more than human feelings, and there is no way to be impartial when enforcing the law, let alone other industries.

That Manager Sun has made it clear that she already has her own position emotionally. In this case, I'm afraid that she hasn't found anything that makes us feel valuable. Tell Aunt Wang Yuluo. "Ning Shuyi said to Team Dong.

After listening to it, Team Dong also agreed with their considerations, and readily agreed to their plan to go to the next-level branch to investigate and confirm Aunt Wang Yuluo's bank information. He simply signed and handed over to Huo Yan, let him go through the formalities, while Ning Shuyi was left in the office by him.

"How is it? Is the running-in at work going well these two days?" After Huo Yan left, he asked Ning Shuyi. This girl has always done things safely, and he has nothing to worry about. It's just that Huo Yan is said to be tempered outside. Strange, even the leaders in his army made such evaluations, which made Dong Weifeng have to ask a few more questions.

"Break-in?" Ning Shuyi was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "Dong Dui, we don't need any run-in! He cooperates very well with his work, doesn't talk too much, and doesn't care about irritation. Why, it can be said that it refers to where to hit, the subjective initiative is very strong, and there is no problem of running-in."

(End of this chapter)

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