Eye of Sin

Chapter 41 Real Estate

Chapter 41 Real Estate
After hearing this, Dong Weifeng breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good! But in normal work, you and Zhao Dabao should pay more attention to him."

"I know the captain, is it a cutting-edge talent that was acquired with great difficulty, and we must take care of it?" Ning Shuyi joked with Dong Daduan.

"It's right to cherish talents. Which one of you in the team has not cherished me?" Dong Weifeng smiled and nodded to Ning Shuyi, and then said seriously, "You know why Huo Yan changed his job and returned to his hometown. Do you accept placement?"

"I don't know." Ning Shuyi shook her head. She was curious about this question before. After all, with the qualifications of Huoyan Military Academy, she is in her prime, and her skills are very high. It stands to reason that there is no special reason for such a person. It is impossible to choose to change jobs at such a time.

"He was asked to change jobs." Dong Dadu told Ning Shuyi.

Ning Shuyi was a little taken aback. Although she had no experience in this area, she had heard it from others. Generally speaking, those who were asked to change their careers either committed something that was not enough to be held accountable, but it was not suitable for them to stay in the army. The mistakes made, either caused some physical or psychological trauma, because there is no way to heal, so I have to leave.

I heard that when Huo Yan came back from a new job, the original leader was very reluctant to give up on him, and the local police bureaus were even more aggressive. It doesn't look like there are people in those situations!
"Dong Dui, can you tell me the reason here?" Ning Shuyi asked cautiously, "If you can't tell me, then just pretend I didn't ask!"

Dong Weifeng laughed when he heard this: "I knew you were safe, and I definitely don't have to worry about the tasks entrusted to you.

There is nothing that cannot be said, and if it cannot be said, I will not mention it in front of you.

The reason he was asked to change jobs was that he had no desire to survive. "

"Uh..." Ning Shuyi was stunned, with a puzzled expression on his face, "I know that coveting life and fearing death must be a big taboo, why... Is it okay if I don't covet life and fear death too much?"

"It's not that it can't be done, the main thing is that if a person doesn't even care about his own life, it's a terrible thing.

No matter how brave and fearless a person is, he will not make fun of his own life without any scruples.The so-called sacrifice is a choice that has to be made at a critical juncture, on the premise that only one of righteousness and ego can be preserved, instead of whether it is worth it or not, just die! "Dong Weifeng shook his head.

Ning Shuyi faintly understood the meaning of what he just said.

Dong Weifeng sighed: "After he decided to join our team, his former leader contacted me privately and had a heart-to-heart chat with me. It can be heard that he really cherishes such a talent. , so I hope that his follow-up life can go well.

People said that when they performed a mission before, Huo Yan directly made up his own mind and switched positions with his comrades, because the other party's mission was more dangerous. He said that he has a family and a business, and there can be no mistakes. Whether he lives or dies It doesn't matter. "

"Captain, I understand." Ning Shuyi sighed, "After the initial contact these two days, I don't feel that he is world-weary. I will pay attention to his thoughts in the follow-up work. If he has I will try my best to dissuade you from any risky move that doesn't take your own life safety seriously, and then report to you!"

Dong Weifeng nodded, he was still at ease with Ning Shuyi, thinking that Huo Yan would be back almost soon, so this topic was turned over and not mentioned again.

After a while, Huo Yan came back with the completed procedures, Ning Shuyi greeted Dong Daduan, and the two set off again to the superior branch of the bank just now to investigate Aunt Wang Yuluo's personal property status.

The investigation went very smoothly, and soon they had a general grasp of Aunt Wang Yuluo's situation.

Aunt Wang Yuluo's salary is not high, not bad in W City, but it is definitely not in the category of high income, and it is not a big problem to meet the daily living expenses.

The savings under Aunt Wang Yuluo's name are not much, which is basically in line with her income level.

But what is interesting is that Aunt Wang Yuluo had just fully paid off a mortgage less than three years ago. Although the lender of this mortgage was the bank, the branch that specifically accepted the business was not Ning Ning. Shuyi and the others went to the room.

The bank where Aunt Wang Yuluo applied for a loan was geographically far away from where they lived.This house purchase loan was applied for almost eight years ago. At that time, the loan was for ten years. The monthly repayment amount was not particularly large, which was in line with Aunt Wang Yuluo's income. There were no problems in the bank's approval and loan process.

But what's interesting is that it took Aunt Wang Yuluo five years to repay the ten-year house purchase loan. During these five years, except for the first year, which was bound by the contract and was not allowed to repay the loan in advance, There is an application for early repayment almost every year until the fifth year.

That is to say, according to the time calculation, she originally prepared to pay off the loan according to ten years, but then it was extremely efficient. When Wang Yuluo was about to graduate in her senior year, she succeeded in half the cycle in advance, and all the loans were paid off. All paid off.

Although Ning Shuyi had no experience in this field, after consulting with the staff of the branch, she also realized what was unreasonable.

Aunt Wang Yuluo followed the process of commercial loans, and the loans were made in equal installments with principal and interest. In this way, if she applied for a ten-year term, the monthly interest would naturally be higher than that for a five-year term.

If it is an ordinary person, at first they thought that the repayment period they could afford was ten years, but they did not expect to make a windfall in the middle, so they chose to pay it off in one go, or pay off part of the loan within their ability. Such a move is reasonable .

However, a person who chooses a ten-year period will apply for early repayment every year for four consecutive years. When the total loan amount is not particularly huge, he has not paid it off once. It is a bit strange that the remaining loans are evened out.

It's as if this person didn't have an estimate of his own economic benefits when he took out a loan. He felt like crossing a river by feeling the stones.

Since the bank had paid off the loan for three years, they were unable to help Ning Shuyi and the others find out the relevant mortgage properties, so they had to print out the bank statements of Wang Yuluo's aunt and uncle and take them away, and then went to the real estate company. The transaction center checked the apartment where Aunt Wang Yuluo paid back the money.

(End of this chapter)

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