Eye of Sin

Chapter 503: Retaliation is inevitable

Chapter 503: Retaliation is inevitable
"So according to what you just said, the matter of sending the shroud has already changed for you?" Huo Yan asked.

"Then what else can we do if we don't read the article? Do we still remember it for the rest of our lives?" Yao Guangwei asked, "I was angry at the time and felt that this person really knew how to disgust people.

Later, the money was compensated to me, and I couldn't keep the shroud. If I burned it on fire, that would be the end of it!
It's been a year and I'm still alive and kicking, with no arms or legs missing. Is there anything I can't overcome?

I am a wicked person, very materialistic! What I'm angry about is the fact that the shroud was sent to disgust me, not the shroud itself. "

After saying that, he might have felt that he had burned the shroud just now, but later he said that he had no taboo at all, which seemed a bit contradictory, so he quickly said: "If I had to deal with that thing myself, I might just throw it away!

But my mother doesn’t agree! The old lady said that if I threw that thing out, I might scare the garbage collectors, and she felt very awkward in her heart, so she had to make a fuss and let me burn it. "

"Can I ask you, what is your purpose of coming to W City?" Ning Shuyi waited for Yao Guangwei to finish speaking before asking.

Yao Guangwei gritted his teeth and said happily: "For freedom! When I was at home, my mother stared at me and nagged me every day!
Other people's children have graduated from junior high school, and those who are faster are going to college. I don't even have a wife here.

She nags me no matter what I do!

Then I also want to have a wife! The problem is that this woman is not stupid! Either find someone with appearance, or find someone with conditions, that is a normal person.

I don't have any of these two things, I'm ugly, I don't have any money, I can't do anything serious, I can't bear the hardship, I can't stand the fatigue, and I don't have much ambition. I just want to make a little money, enough for myself to eat and drink.

Let’s put it this way, if I were a woman, I wouldn’t want to marry someone like me!
So I can't get any peace and quiet at home, so I might as well come to W City and just be by myself. If there is work, I will work, and when there is no work, I will have a drink. "

Speaking of "wine", he suddenly realized his current situation, and his expression became more self-deprecating: "Oh, my drink was worth it! Go in and keep it for several days!"

"Why did you choose W city?" Ning Shuyi asked again.

Yao Guangwei said with a matter-of-fact expression: "You don't understand this! There are so many odd jobs in W City!

I haven't studied much, so I can't do the kind of jobs where people require me to be educated.

I haven't learned any serious trades or techniques, and I don't want to be tied to working endlessly. It's too tiring!

It's like a grass-roots team, temporarily building a small construction team, which suits me best!
My fellow countryman said that W City has the most jobs like this, so I came here! "

After he finished speaking, he remembered that he hadn't asked clearly yet: "Why are you looking for me? Didn't the little customer service call me to warn me?"

"That little customer service guy is dead." Ning Shuyi said.

Yao Guangwei was stunned for a moment, seeming a little surprised, but he quickly changed to an indifferent expression, and even curled his lips and muttered: "Hey! It seems that this person is really hateful!"

Huo Yan glared at him, but he wisely closed his mouth immediately.

After chatting with Yao Guangwei, the two people left the police station. Yao Guangwei was about to be sent to the detention center to pay the price for his previous impulse after drinking.

"What do you think?" Ning Shuyi asked Huo Yan after getting in the car.

"If Tong Chujun was beaten to death with a wine bottle, I would be more suspicious of Yao Guangwei." Huo Yan's opinion is very clear. "Yes, the behavior styles are indeed very different." Ning Shuyi also thought the same way, "He and Tong Chujun are basically strangers in offline real life. Even if they are interested in getting close, just by his words, behavior and appearance , with a character like Tong Chujun’s, it’s probably hard to trust him.

If a foundation of trust cannot be established, let alone the setup to deceive people and imprison them calmly.

But after talking to him, the matter about the shroud became a little more solid.

The season when Yao Guangwei mentioned receiving the shroud coincided with Tong Chujun's dismissal. Not only that, it also coincided with the return of Tong Chujun's bank card expenses to normal levels.

So we can make a guess based on this.

Although Yao Guangwei is vulgar in his words and unreliable in his actions, especially after drinking, he has a conclusion that is quite reasonable.

The act of sending someone a shroud cannot actually cause physical harm to the person, but it can cause long-term mental discomfort to the person.

Yao Guangwei wanted to get a refund for a dirty suit before. This behavior was very tasteless. Returning the suit was not a way to complain to customer service, which was also very bad.

But in comparison, using a shroud to retaliate against complaints can be said to be very vicious. "

Huo Yan nodded: "A person who can do such a thing should have the kind of character that will retaliate."

"Yes, the key point is what kind of temperament Tong Chujun is." Ning Shuyi pointed out the key point, "Based on our current understanding of Tong Chujun's personal situation, she should be the kind of person who gets sulky alone when something happens, and has a rather stubborn character.

Even if she felt that her parents had hurt her a lot and made her very heartbroken, she would still choose to be angry, ignore each other, alienate each other, and even be ambitious and refuse to accept financial help from the other party, but she never took any revenge. Parents, or the act of venting resentment toward parents.

Therefore, just because of a complaint, she was so angry that she could come up with such a disgusting method of sending a shroud to the other party. It was really not like her style, but more like someone knew about her unfair experience, so He complained about her injustice and wanted to stand up for her and take revenge on the other party.

Judging from the fact that Tong Chujun's bank balance returned to normal not long after the 'shroud incident', it can be inferred that the person who stood up for Tong Chujun was probably her legendary boyfriend.

And Tong Chujun obviously disagrees with this approach.

There may have been other problems in the relationship between the two people before, but based on the signs that the bank records can give us, the 'shroud incident' was obviously the trigger for the breakdown of the relationship between the two people. "

"So it's possible that the other person may hate him out of love?" Huo Yan understood.

"This is a more logical conjecture, and if the breakup was not too ugly, Tong Chujun would probably still treat his ex-boyfriend more lightly and lower his guard more easily than the average member of the opposite sex.

This is also consistent with the state of her leaving home so peacefully. "

"The other party also has the opportunity to leave the diary at Tong Chujun's residence." Huo Yan added.

"Diary!" Ning Shuyi suddenly thought of something and waved to Huo Yan, "Let's go back to the team! I have a date that needs to be confirmed!"

 Thanks oshima for your monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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