Eye of Sin

Chapter 504 "Invisibility"

Chapter 504 "Invisibility"

It was almost noon when I returned from this trip to the police station.

Huo Yan took the initiative to take on the task of going to the cafeteria to buy food back to the office. Ning Shuyi was not polite to him. At this moment, her mind was filled with Tong Chujun's diary.

Back in the office, Ning Shuyi dug out the diary and the bank statements that he had compared before, comparing the contents inside and confirming the date of each diary entry.

After a while, the aroma of food wafted into her nose.

Although her cooking skills are not comparable to those of Ning's father, Ning Shuyi is not a picky eater. At noon when she is hungry, any meal above the passing mark is enough to stimulate her appetite.

When he raised his head, he saw that Huo Yan was back, carrying two boxes of lunch.

Just as Ning Shuyi was about to reach out to take it, he opened a box and placed it directly in front of her.

"Thank you!" Ning Shuyi looked at the food in front of him and saw that they were all his favorites, so he nodded to Huo Yan, thanked him, and reached out for his chopsticks.

Huo Yan immediately took the chopsticks out of the bag, tore off the outer paper packaging, and helped her place them on the lunch box.

Ning Shuyi looked at the chopsticks, then looked up at Huo Yan. Without saying a word, he stood up and prepared to pour a glass of water.


A thermos filled with water also appeared on the table.

"I know you like to drink water when eating, so I took it when I came back." Huo Yan said while opening the lid of the thermos cup for her.

Ning Shuyi sat back on the chair, nodded to him, and smiled slightly: "You should eat too."

"Have you calmed down?" Huo Yan sat down next to her and asked in a low voice while observing Ning Shuyi's expression.

Ning Shuyi gave him a strange look: "I'm not angry."

Sure enough, this kind of low-temperature anger is harder to get rid of than a full-blown rage.

Huo Yan sighed resignedly and nodded to Ning Shuyi: "Okay, I'll keep up the good work."

Ning Shuyi tried his best to stay calm and picked up his chopsticks to eat with an indifferent expression.

In fact, she wasn't really angry, she just adjusted her attitude.

I used to think that, considering Huo Yan’s past experiences, the more I pushed him, the more counterproductive it would be, making him more resistant to getting out of his shell, so I didn’t put any pressure on him, just go step by step, and let him naturally be influenced by the surrounding environment. Under the influence, slowly open your heart.

Generally speaking, this approach was effective in the early stages, and Huo Yan's changes could be felt by everyone around him.

He got along with the Ning family more and more harmoniously, and was even able to face his adoptive parents calmly.

This change is surprising enough for those who knew him in the past.

But in the later stages, this gentle approach also exposed its shortcomings - perhaps Huo Yan had more courage to get along with others and get close to others than before, but deep down, he was still troubled by the two abandonments he remembered and the ones he didn't remember. Subconsciously feel that you are “not good enough”. This knot is understandable.

But it cannot be condoned.

That's why she decided to give him a taste of his own medicine, provoking him at the last moment.

Now it seems that the effect is not bad. This guy finally knows how his previous stubborn attitude of not eating soft and hard, not eating oil and salt feels like to others.

Huo Yan eats very quickly, and Ning Shu's art is mediocre at first, but after getting along with him for a long time, his eating speed has improved significantly.

After lunch, Huo Yan went to throw away the garbage. Ning Shuyi continued to read the diary, waiting for Huo Yan to come back and waved to him.

"I just made a comparison and found something interesting." Ning Shuyi said to him, "The dates in this diary are relatively scattered, but after comparison, we can find that the expenses in the bank statements are During that period of change, the diary was also blank.

During that time, Tong Chujun's expenses decreased. This can be inferred that a suitor was courting her, and she obviously accepted the courtship of the other party to a certain extent and asked the other party to help her share some of the expenses.

This should be considered proof that she did have a boyfriend during that time, right?
Although I have no experience in this area, as a girl in her twenties, Tong Chujun can't help but write down any unhappy trivial things in her diary. It makes no sense that after falling in love, there will be nothing to do with it. Stirred up her passion and made her want to record it.

This in itself is abnormal. "

She closed the diary, pushed it aside, and gently touched the transparent waterproof cover with her finger: "I think this diary is most likely a forgery."

Huo Yan frowned: "Then this person should be very good at imitating other people's handwriting.

The professional literary inspection report has not yet been released. From the perspective of ordinary people, it is very similar to Tong Chujun's usual handwriting, and there are almost no flaws. "

"The content of this diary is also very interesting." Ning Shuyi continued with another opinion of his own, "When people keep diaries, they will definitely pick things that can make them full of emotions, whether it is positive or negative.

But in Tong Chujun's book, every article is complaining that the world is unfair, everyone seems to be targeting her, she feels isolated and helpless, and she feels breathless.

You may not think there is anything wrong if you look at it alone. When anyone is in a bad mood, he will feel that he will never be happy again and the sky is falling. But as time goes by, things should be done as they should.

But if there are so many diaries with similar negative emotions piled up together, and you read them in one go, what kind of understanding will you have of Tong Chujun’s mental state? "

"Negative and world-weary," Huo Yan paused, then added, "There may be a tendency to depression or even suicide."

"Yes," Ning Shuyi sighed, "Suppose that even one of Tong Chujun's parents had given her a little care, discovered that their daughter was missing early, went to where she lived, and found this diary. , maybe they will also suspect that Tong Chujun fell into depression because of his unsatisfactory life, and chose to commit suicide quietly alone.

In this way, when the body is discovered, the entire direction of judgment may be misled from the beginning.

If the family members believe that the child committed suicide and refuse to undergo an autopsy, the child may be treated as a suicide in the end. "

Huo Yan looked a little solemn and nodded. The possibility mentioned by Ning Shuyi does exist.

"What about the other thing you just mentioned?" He thought for a moment and then asked, "In this suspected forged diary, there may be no records of the time when the two people were in a relationship, right? Does the other party intentionally want to completely 'invisible' himself from Tong Chujun's life?"

 Thanks to Xianghan x2 for your monthly pass!
  Happy Women's Day!
(End of this chapter)

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