Eye of Sin

Chapter 505 Traitor

Chapter 505 Traitor
"I personally think that you have hit on one of the purposes, and it can also reflect another psychological activity." Ning Shuyi agreed with Huo Yan, but she thought more, "I think that part of the purpose was deliberately included The avoidance of dates is more of the inner projection of the person who fabricated the diary.

The contents written in that diary were, without exception, gloomy, world-weary, negative, and unhappy.

The person who forged these contents hopes that people who see the diary will think what mood Tong Chujun is in and what kind of mental state he is in. This purpose is obvious.

But the period that was omitted in the middle is when we speculate that Tong Chujun is in love.

Obviously, in the understanding of the person who forged the diary, Tong Chujun should be happy and joyful during the love period, and those days must be beautiful.

He couldn't accept that during those days when he was involved, Tong Chujun had a boring and painful feeling. Even if he knew it was fiction, he still couldn't accept it. "

Huo Yan looked solemn: "He is also a paranoid person, so the end of this relationship must be caused by Lord Tong Chu."

Ning Shuyi nodded: "I'm afraid that's the case.

It has to be said that the descriptions in those diaries of how much malice he had towards the people around him were particularly full. If Tong Chujun's character traits were more obvious, the contents would still be very convincing.

Many times, when each of us expresses some opinions, whether intentionally or unintentionally, we will project our own inner feelings into it.

So those twenty-odd entries in the diary are all filled with negative and dark thoughts. Indeed, as you said, they can reflect the dark and paranoid mentality of the person himself.

Just like our previous speculation, the shroud is most likely the handiwork of this person, because it is a grievance for everyone to be complained about after performing his job duties normally.

But with Tong Chujun's character, this matter may be irritating, but it will be over if you tolerate it.

For the person who wrote the diary for her, she just couldn't get over it no matter what.

If someone complains about his girlfriend who is not at fault in the first place, he will find it so unbearable that he will retaliate by sending a shroud to the other person, which can be said to be disgusting and somewhat threatening.

So when he thinks that the relationship is very happy and there is nothing wrong with him, and his girlfriend proposes to break up, this person may also be unable to calmly choose to accept the reality. "

"He thought of erasing his traces in the diary, and he probably knew that Tong Chujun was a person who usually kept his emotions to himself and had few friends around him, so there were very few people who knew about the emotional relationship between the two.

It's a pity that my cleverness was mistaken for me. I just wanted to hide my traces, but ended up wiping the fingerprints on the diary too clean.

There are no fingerprints of Tong Chujun on Tong Chujun’s diary. Huo Yan sneered mockingly.

"Maybe this person didn't expect that Tong Chujun's parents haven't looked for her for so long. Her things were only touched when the landlord helped store them." Ning Shuyi felt a faint feeling in her temples when she thought of Tong Chujun's parents. "I guess Tong Chujun doesn't have the habit of writing a diary at all.

Therefore, this person's diary must not be known to Tong Chujun under any circumstances. If she discovers it, all previous efforts will be lost and her plan will be exposed in advance.

I'm not sure whether this person loves Tong Chujun or not, but he must love himself very much, so he adopts the method with the least risk to himself and the most certainty. "

As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone and looked for the phone number she had exchanged with Sun Man's parents the day before: "Go and ask Bi Runlin. I'll call Sun Man's mother and see if they have anything." The impression that Tong Chujun brought people back to his residence." "Okay." Huo Yan nodded, got up and went to Kang Ge's Internet Supervisor to find Bi Runlin. He would probably stay there with Kang Ge in the past two days.

Ning Shuyi dialed Sun Man's mother's mobile phone number, and it took a while for the other party to pick up the phone. It was estimated that the other party had saved Ning Shuyi's phone number in advance, so her identity was already clear when they picked up.

"Hey, Officer Ning, what's the matter?" Sun Man's mother asked directly on the other end of the phone. Her tone no longer had the panic and worry of the previous day. She seemed to have calmed down, but at the same time there was still a hint of calmness in her voice. Stocks are cold.

"Hello, aunt, how is Sun Man's situation?" Ning Shuyi first asked about Sun Man's situation.

"It's okay. She received psychological counseling yesterday, the doctor had a chat with us, and then we took her home.

After returning home, the child's mood is quite stable, after all, there is no external stimulation.

We have also discussed finding a professional psychologist at our house to provide her with psychological counseling.

You called me, what else is there? " Sun Man's mother asked.

"That's right, I would like to confirm with her about the situation of her previous roommates.

I wonder if you can help her recall whether her roommate brought anyone back to the house they shared before? "

Sun Man's mother sighed: "Okay, then you wait for a while."

After saying that, she put the phone aside without hanging up, and the footsteps gradually faded away.

There were some slightly noisy sounds on the other side of the receiver. It was someone talking, but Ning Shuyi couldn't hear it clearly. It seemed like someone was shouting something. After a while, Sun Man's mother came back.

"Manman said that she doesn't want to help you remember and will not provide you with any more information. She said that you are a traitor and betrayed her trust in you." Sun Man's mother recited her daughter's words to Ning Shuyi intact. With words full of resentment, "Is everything okay now?"

"Auntie, can you help me with Sun Man's ideological work?" Ning Shuyi asked quickly.

"No way." Sun Man's mother answered simply, although not forcefully. "Our child has been greatly stimulated. This requires sedation, taking him to the hospital, and some kind of psychological diagnosis. , I was already emotionally unstable at the moment.

There was a lot of commotion last night, and she just calmed down a bit today, and you called me again, and she was already unhappy just now!

The two of us are too young to withstand such a torment.

Aren’t you the police? Being a police officer has many magical powers!
So don’t hang yourself on this tree in my house! You can think of a solution on your own! "

After saying that, he hung up the phone without giving Ning Shuyi a chance to talk.

 Thank you to Guyunyanyan122 for your monthly ticket!
  Thanks to book friend 20190515235523543 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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