Eye of Sin

Chapter 523 Indoctrination

Chapter 523 Indoctrination
Uncle Yu’s wife quickly waved her hands: “That would be an injustice to Xiao Lu’s mother!
When she filed for divorce, she expressed her desire for children.

The troubles going on in their family at that time were not unknown to the neighbors. Any old neighbor you could find would know all about it.

We were actually quite emotional at that time. After all, we are all women, have children, and are all mothers. With a family tradition like that of the Lu family, who would be willing to keep their children!

But the old lady of the Lu family was also really fierce. Her attitude at that time was as if she would pull anyone to die with him if he dared to take away her grandson.

At the end of the quarrel, Xiaolu's mother left the house and could not take any of her savings, house, or children with her. "

Uncle Yu’s wife sighed sympathetically: “You two are still young, so you may not necessarily understand how I feel.

Anyway, as a woman, I understand Xiaolu’s mother.

At that time, if she didn't leave, Bao Buqi would be forced to death by that family. "

"Oh, indeed, that old couple is really ignorant!" Uncle Yu agreed with his wife's view, "The old couple messed up their son's marriage, and their daughter-in-law was also forced to leave.

As for the child, they refused to let their mother take it away, and they did not allow the mother to come back to see the child. As a result, when the son got divorced and the daughter-in-law left, all the food, rice, oil, and salt at home, which had been shared by others, became their old man's responsibility. I made two of them by myself, but I felt tired and burdened again!

At first, they hoped that their son would find another wife with better conditions and more obedience than the previous wife, who would come back to take over and help them run the house.

As a result, the eldest son of the Lu family didn't know if he was frightened by his parents. After the divorce, I heard that he never found another partner, let alone remarried.

If he himself doesn't come back, it's even less possible for him to help his parents share the child's upbringing and education.

This old couple is just reaping the consequences, and they don't reflect at all. They slap their thighs and scold each other downstairs every day, blaming their ex-daughter-in-law. If she hadn't left the child and ran away without care, they wouldn't have. I will suffer so much, suffer so much sin, and suffer so much fatigue. "

"No! People around them make their family a joke. Every time they scold their ex-daughter-in-law outside, who wouldn't laugh at them when they get home?" Uncle Yu's wife could tell that she really didn't like Lu. The two deceased elderly people in the family couldn't help but get a little angry just recalling these old events.

Uncle Yu shook his head: "It doesn't matter how we look at it. After all, they are all a group of outsiders and have nothing to do with us.

The point is, Xiao Lu, a child who grew up with his grandparents, hears the old couple complaining like this every day, so doesn’t he take it all to heart?
When they first got divorced, we saw their eldest daughter-in-law come back to see their children and buy things for them. As a result, the old couple just threw the things out the window and downstairs.

Not only did they throw things, but they also scolded them very loudly, saying things like, 'Women like you don't want to come to our house, and our house doesn't want the smelly things you bring.'

Xiao Lu was four or five years old at the time. As a child, his grandparents allowed him to play however he wanted without any rules. His mother always criticized him and restrained him, so he was of the same mind as his grandparents.

When his mother came back to see him, he was not nice to her either. He wouldn't be allowed to look at or hold him. The old couple from the Lu family even talked about this as something worth showing off.

Later, Xiaolu's mother didn't come back for many years. It was said that she went back to her hometown.

It was the third year or so after moving into this new house. Xiao Lu was already an older kid in middle school and high school at that time. His mother came back to visit him again and bought him a lot of things, not only food, but also A learning machine or something like that is quite expensive anyway. The child pushed his mother out of the apartment door step by step from upstairs, and scolded his mother downstairs in front of many people.

He said that she was dirty, disgusting, abandoned her husband and son, and was a bad woman. She had been living with some wild man outside for the past few years, living alone.

He also said that she didn't care about the family, didn't run the house, and didn't guard the home. Taking the initiative to ask for a divorce was a betrayal of her husband, children, and the entire family.

He smashed all those things to pieces in front of his mother, saying that he didn't want his mother's stinky money or the dirty things his mother bought. He would never forgive his mother in his life, so his mother had better die as soon as possible. . "

Ning Shuyi was a little surprised: "Lu Zhibao resents his mother so deeply!"

"You can tell!" Uncle Yu spread his hands, "How can a child who is still in middle school say these things?

Isn’t that because people around him kept saying it, so he remembered it!
My child once said a description, how to say it... Oh! That brain was soaked in by his grandparents! "

Ning Shuyi nodded. She could probably imagine that situation and the effects of years of brainwashing.

At that moment, she was inexplicably reminded of Zhang Wuji in the martial arts world.

His mother also told him to be careful about women, especially beautiful women.

The only difference is that Zhang Wuji turned a deaf ear to his mother's words, but Lu Zhibao began to be instilled with this concept by his grandparents at a young age, and that kind of value has been deeply rooted in his bones.

According to Uncle Yu's description quoted by his children, it is so vivid that it is "pickled to taste".

Therefore, it is not surprising that even when he tried his best to conceal and distance himself, he would unconsciously reveal some views and tendencies towards women.

"You two elders live here, have you ever seen Lu Zhibao bring his girlfriend home?" Ning Shuyi thought for a while and asked.

"Yes," Uncle Yu's wife nodded, "right after the Spring Festival, he brought his little girlfriend back. Recently, I saw that the two of them have been together, so they should have lived here."

"What about before this? Did he bring anyone else home for a long stay?"

"That doesn't seem to be the case!" Uncle Yu's wife shook her head, "Although this child was raised crookedly by his grandparents, he has been influenced by his grandparents' old stereotypes since he was a child. Apart from other aspects, at least in terms of gender, This aspect of dating is quite traditional.

I have never seen him bring anyone home before, and this is the first time.

We always thought that he had never had a girlfriend before. From what you say, did he have another girlfriend before this?
That’s really something I’ve never seen before! "

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